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Debt Slavery and the Global Financial System

Many in the west are totally brainwashed and indoctrinated by the idea that borrowing money as one chooses is one's "liberty" and "right", as they are with anything else that is seen as that which enhances their comfort or ease in life, or anything that gives pleasure. They think that their economic system of capitalism is so superior to all other systems, especially those in the developing countries, because of their quick and easy wealth that has been the result of debt. Such wealth is all false wealth. Debt is not real wealth at all, but a mere appearance of wealth. It is based on the lie of acquiring what one wants quickly without working for it first. 

Many of those from Baby Boomer generation in the west smugly sit behind all their wealth, wanting not only the value of houses to continue to increase, but also rent to increase so that they can just sit and earn wealth as they retire comfortably, all while the younger generation cannot afford a house or rent without getting into debt, and work multiple jobs, while barely surviving. 

Many of these Baby Boomers who are no longer working have to rely on interest payments (usury) to survive, all at the expense of the younger generation who have to have two incomes to maintain the survival of their household. 

It is not that the younger generation is 'workholic' or 'career-oriented' in the sense of loving their jobs, in having both persons work. Most of them, including professionals, hate their jobs. It is also not simply because of 'student debt' that they are in this situation. While it is a contributing factor, even those without such debt will have to borrow money to buy a house. Many of those who did not intend to work but run the household matters end up having to work, often in low-paying, mind-numbing, and unstable jobs. Most working people of the younger generation work purely and solely because they have to survive, most of them who are only barely surviving, despite cutting down all kinds of expenses, like restaurant food.

Some Baby Boomers love to point out how the younger generation does not want to have children as evidence of their selfishness and want of an easy, comfortable life. However, this reluctance to have children is largely owing to the fear of a very real financial burden that is imposed on the younger generation, being that of debt slavery. This debt slavery is the result of the system itself, where one must borrow money to even buy a house to live in, a fundamental and basic need. The housing market, particularly in Australia and America has turned into a speculative market where people invest in houses, causing the house prices to continually increase.

Most of these investors are of the older generations, the Baby Boomers and Generation X. This makes it very tempting for the younger generation to blame these generations for making the house prices increase, yet while having the audacity to accuse them to being irresponsible for getting into debt when they buy a house.

Yet, neither the older generation can be blamed for relying on receiving usury on their bank deposits for their survival, nor the younger generation be blamed for getting into debt for education to be able to find a job, so that they can buy a house, for which they will accumulate even more debt. It is all because of the system. 

The real culprits are those who manipulate the system for their own benefit. They are the world banks who create fiat money and charge usury on debt, and have created the entire global system of debt-based finance. Governments who do nothing but allow speculating housing markets and investments are also to be blamed. 

That is exactly how perverse and rotten the system is. 


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