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The Prosperity "Gospel": Bribing God with the Mammon

The prosperity "gospel" is  a demonic, wicked, perverse doctrine from the Pits of Hell that has crept into the modern church. It comes it its obvious form, and a more subtle form into many local churches in the 21st century. Whether in its obvious form, or subtle form, it is the same spirit behind it. That spirit is the spirit of mammon. One may think, "My church does not take tithes, nor does it teach people that the more money one earns, the more God will bless that person, so my church is not influenced by the spirit of mammon" as it seems to be the attitude of many Christians today. Nothing can be further from the truth. A church which does not teach such things, does not mean that the spirit of mammon has his handprints on the church.

Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25) was a person who followed the exact same thing of what is now called the prosperity "gospel". His heresy was itself the prosperity "gospel" which only differs from the modern prosperity "gospel" in the century it was followed. Simon, seeing that the powers of the Holy Spirit working through the apostles that sought to buy it. He said: "Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit" (Acts 8:19). Simon believed that he could buy the Gift of God with money, rather than accept it God's Gift as a Gift. 

The carnal mind and flesh sees Simon's offer of money as humility, since Simon does not seek it freely, but rather that he is generous to offer money for God's free Gift. The carnal mind and flesh thinks that seeking and receiving something for free is greed, because it is envious of others who receive things freely from others. It would even esteem Simon the sorcerer to be a "good" person because he is paying someone else for a Gift that he does not deserve, but offers to repay the person. This is because the carnal mind does not know of that it is the person himself or herself who owes a debt to God because he or she has sinned against God (Romans 3:23) that he thinks it is good and even upright to pay for salvation. Such is not only a flawed understanding of salvation, but a damnable heresy that one must flee from! Ephesians 2:8 makes it clear that "for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God".

By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20).  'Deeds of the law' are that of human flesh and the carnal mind because such deeds are that which are based on one's own merit, rather that trust in God. To think that one can merit oneself with good works in the eyes of God is not only lack of faith in God, but a hostility against God because it is the deliberate ignorance of one's sins. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8)This pride is the the spirit behind the prosperity gospel which implies that it is not us humans who owe God anything, but that God owes humans something, or even everything. The spirit that feeds on that pride, flesh and carnality is the spirit of mammon. Therefore, those who are unsaved who have no knowledge of sin in that they do not know they have sinned against God, despite knowing that what they do  is wrong are under the spirit of mammon because they are of the flesh. 

To think that God's free Gift of salvation can be bought is to elevate oneself about God, thinking that one can pay for one's own sins using earthly means, whether it be money, "good works" or making sacrifices. It is to treat sin as though it is not that one is wicked that one should repent of one's sins, but rather that because one is good, one can repent of it by one's own carnal means. It is to redefine sin by one's own carnal mind and treat the blood of Jesus like a lottery ticket. Such is pride and God hates pride. He hates even a haughty look (Proverbs 6:16-17).

The spirit of mammon is crept into the modern church and manifested in its subtle forms. It has whispered in the ears of many that Jesus died for us to save us from sin, without telling them that it is their OWN sin that put Jesus there. Or where, he does tell people it is the sins of the world that put him there, he deliberately downplays that Jesus "was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5). Rather, it focuses on the salvation of the individual and that God wants His children to live the best life because He loves them - but the best life for themselves, not God. That is just how dangerous and deceitful he is. 


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