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Showing posts from November, 2014

If Evolution Was Outlawed, There Would Have Been No Holocaust, No Abortion

The importance of confronting evil demonic spirits.

Sex In Church

The false doctrine of "equality". Feminism has crept into the church, expecting men to be responsible, while taking away his ability to do so. It is absolutely hypocritical. I hate feminism. Women are usually who initiating divorces and get custody - a "choice" and "right" to marry to gain property. That is what many women do.

Homosexual Agenda Unfolding

Homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God. Homosexuals will end up in Hell.


Make sure you watch this, Christian!!

The Deception of Humanism

The world has changed dramatically each century, and the changes of the 21 st century are no less dramatic.  One of the most significant changes is the dominance of humanism and its selfish sympathy for groups deemed to be marginalised or oppressed. Such is the starkest manifestation of humanism. Humanism is the ideology that people are good, moral and even righteous by nature. It assumes that whatever evils humans may commit, it is not because of an inherently evil nature, but rather because of environmental factors such as poverty, inequality or a lack of education. Environmental factors, thus, must be taken into account to determine the moral culpability of an act.  The good deeds of a person must also be taken into account to determine the moral culpability of an immoral act of a person since moral culpability is not determined by the act per se , but determined according to the person’s overall character. Therefore, if a person has stolen from others and murdered ot...

How Mammon Causes Conflict and War (4): Hate and pride

Mammon causes people to be self-satisfied, not they they are satisfied for what they have, but that they have satisfied with having more than others. As such, mammon uses this pride to arouse envy, and covetousness in others. Envy and covetousness leads to all kinds of sin.    For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work (James 3:16). Such is demonic, earthly, sensual wisdom. This is contrast to godly, heavenly and spiritual wisdom from God. T he wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy (James 3:17).  Such wisdom produces the fruit of righteousness,  which comes from a heart of peace for " t he fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace " (James  3:18).  Double-mindedness is the opposite of integrity. Double-mindedness seeks to do the right thing only when it advantages oneself, not...

How Mammon stirs up Conflict and War (3): Deceptions of Injustice

After causing dissatisfaction, mammon stirs up conflict and war by seducing people to not only seek after, but to strive after the lusts of their flesh and lust of the eyes. As a result, people are deceived into thinking that if they do not have as much as others, or do not go through as much suffering as others, they are treated unjustly or without dignity.  Envy, covetousness and jealousy cause people to perceive those who are the object of their jealousy, envy and covetousness to be their oppressors .They are seen as oppressors because  they have more. This indeed is the spirit behind the hatred of the so-labelled 'white man' who is deemed to be the oppressors, and that anyone who supports him is a support of capitalism. Capitalism indeed is evil, but not the sense that these people mean. The people who are under this spirit, usually western feminists, are in darkness and have darkness working through them. They spirit working in them is envy and covetousness. A person ...

Response to critic of ‘Capitalism’s False Ethic of Giving’ (8)

[God was so concerned that people not give money to the government system, that He even forbid the Temple tithe from being money. If a person could not get their grain and animals to the temple, they were to be sold for money, and spent by the individual.] Where does it say that God forbid the Temple tithe from being money? [Because if you read the Old Testament carefully, you will find that it distinguishes the two.] Are you trying to suggest that the secular is to be separated from the sacred? If you are, that distinction is a false distinction. It seems like you are trying to read into the Bible what you want, with a spirit of humanism, causing you to interpret the Bible using a carnal mind. Critic's comment in brackets, my response interspersed. [Religious laws which are a person's individual responsibility and carry no punishment, and laws which the government is responsible for enforcing. You wouldn't pass a law that people should have to pray, wo...

Response to ‘Capitalism’s False Ethic of Giving’ (7)

The critic's comments are in square brackets. My reply is interspersed in between. [Either I own my machinery of I don't. Either I should be able to produce with my machinary or I shouldn't. Either I own what I produce or I don't. There is either private property or there isn't. Either what I just described is moral or it isn't.] From your perspective, you “own” your property, forgetting that what you think you own comes from God. The term ‘private property’ reflects the humanistic thinking of those who justified private property and their influence on you. So, whether there is private property or not is about morality, but about whether it is Biblical or not. Private property is the doctrine that people are entitled to do as they choose with what they want for themselves, instead of doing so for the glory of God. Doing what you want with your “own” property is to deny the Sovereignty of God over everything you have. Similarly, the body God has gi...

Beyond Thoughts

I would like to begin by telling a story about an event that took place some years ago when I was beginning my studies, an event that has had a major impact on my approach to the ministry to this day. I had a neighbor who was deeply committed to a version of the New Age movement. He and I had many conversations about God in the course of several months. Read more

How Mammon stirs up Conflict and War (2): Dissatisfaction

After mammon blinds people and has people under his control, his then seeks to make them feel dissatisfied. People under the spirit of mammon cannot feel satisfied with anything. The more they have, the more they desire. This is because mammon feeds on the flesh, to increase its desires for the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. The person controlled by mammon is in bondage to him. To be in bondage to mammon is to serve mammon. To be in bondage to mammon is to idolise him ultimately through a failure to put God first. Thus, even the slightest failure to put God first is to idolise mammon. Such is to serve mammon. Serving mammon is done as long as one does not serve God wholeheartedly. As long as one's heart is divided in serving God, one is serving mammon.  No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).  As long as ...

How Mammon stirs up Conflict and War (1): Blinding people

Mammon first step in stirring up conflict and war is to make people feel self-satisfied so that they think they will not be involved in conflict with others. It is this self-satisfaction that he works through to cause people to be puffed up with pride about themselves.  Mammon has blinded the whole western world and the church in the west, which are content with being smug behind their wealth, while claiming to stand up for justice and the needy. Such is the case of campaigns by secular organisations and people such as  Melinda Tankard Reist ,  Get Up! , and  Collective Shout . How can one tell?  Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (Matthew 7:16). Melinda Tankard Reist, a self-professing "Christian" is associated with some anti-Christians such as Nina Funnell who accused a Christian ministry Access Ministries, "sexist" and "homophobic" because it stated that a girl showing her breasts can cause te...

Few People Make it to Heaven - Tim Conway

You have sinned against God - you have broken God's Law. Accordingly, you are justly headed for Hell because you have sinned. Jesus Christ, son of God died for your sins so to pay your penalty. So, turn from your sins, and put your faith in Jesus today. See

True Peace comes from God Alone

It is natural for humans for seek happiness and pleasure, in the search for joy and peace. When such happiness and pleasure are not obtained, humans have a natural sinful tendency to feel resentful and even hateful of others, who one perceives to be joyful and experiencing peace. This only reflects the wickedness of human nature.  The world searches for peace in all places, whether through government, religion, social movements, psychologists, counsellors, education,family, relationships, health and of course, wealth.  Many people marry only for material benefits, especially as is the case in the West, only to become divorced. Many people blame laws and governments whenever there is a shocking crime. Many people blame the economic system of their country for poverty, and search for a better system. Many people think that having good health will give them peace, only to find that they are still constantly anxious about themselves. Many people think that social movements tha...