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Why the World is So Messed Up

We live in a very anxious age. The world has not always been so anxious. While the world has always been full of anxiety, worries and concerns about the things of the world, such as what should one eat, what should one wear, and where should one live, we live in times of unprecedented anxiety. 

The big question is why do we live in such an anxious age. The anxiety of the modern world, especially the developed world, is owing to the entire system in which we live in. People are constantly worried about their education, not because they want to learn new concepts, or because they are interested in the subject matter. They worry about education because they worry about getting a job. They worry about getting a job because they are worried about their survival.

Most people, if not almost everyone, including those in the more 'professional' or 'prestigious' jobs, hate their jobs with a passion. The only reason they work in those jobs is to feed themselves, and their family, and to pay off their mortgage. The spiritually crushing effect of debt cannot be underestimated. Do not even underestimate the spiritually crushing effects of debt. It is far better to live with little and be without debt, than to have much but be in debt. 

The system which has made debt slaves out of the masses is of the spirit of mammon. We are contending with a spirit, called the spirit of mammon, who is dangerous, deceptive, and cunning spirit who seeks to suck the life out of the masses, tie a noose around their necks and kill their souls. He is real, and he is not to be toyed with. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Once one is enticed into his system, it is impossible to get out of it, except by the grace and mercy of God. 

The entire system is not only based on debt and runs on debt. It requires people to get into debt for it to be maintained. If people reject debt en masse, the entire system will collapse. This system is created by fiat money, fictional money created out of thin air, and usury being imposed on it. As a result. debt must keep on accumulating. The failure to accumulate more debt will lead to the collapse of the entire global economic system. This is the global debt bomb, which requires universal debt slavery to sustain the entire system itself.

Many of those genuine Servants of God who were enticed into serving the system of mammon thought that they would never be enticed. They thought that they would be able to avoid falling into the trap of the entire system, but did not. They thought that they will never take on a mortgage once married, but end up doing so because they thought it would be the easiest way. Be warned, my friends. Be warned. 


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