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Showing posts from November, 2016

"Christian femininsts" have infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ and causing all kinds of Problems in the Family and Society

Contrary to what people in modern society, and the modern western Church thinks, most family problems, and therefore social problems are caused by the failure of women to take on their responsibilities as wives and mothers, rather than men. Why? Wives are the ones who have more influence in the marriage and over the children.   There are many true Christian women who are unfortunately not only influenced by feminism, but have some feminism in them. While they are not secularists like the secular feminists, and are what conservative orthodox Christians would regard as conservative Christians, they nevertheless are under the spirit of feminism. What do I mean? To have some feminism in oneself means to have the rebellion of feminism in oneself, manifested in stubbornly rejecting anything, or some things relating to man's authority over women (Ephesians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 11:3). Some of the Christian women have so much feminism in them that they are the unstable and ignoran...

Liberalism is the Ultimate form of Humanism

Many in the modern western Church do not really understand what liberalism is. They may be able to identify the beliefs of people who ascribe to liberalism, and  undoubtedly be able to sense the spirit of liberalism. But what really is liberalism?  Liberalism is the ideology that all things are of man, by man, and for man. Man is at the centre of everything. This ideology would be properly called secular humanism.Liberalism is the most humanistic of all doctrines, and most demonic because it is the utter hatred of God by being self-centred, self-seeking and self-entitled.  Many worldviews, such as many religions, at least speak of not being self-centred and caring for others, although of course, they do not nor cannot provide the answers as to why one should love and care for others. This is because these religions reject Jesus Christ and do not live by the Spirit, but are of the flesh. The Bible makes it clear that anything of the flesh, even if it seeks to do good, ...

BLUE (Blue Beats Green) full movie HD

This is an excellent documentary which critiques the ideology of environmentalism from a Biblical perspective.

Liberalism is a Virus that Hijacks the Good of Christianity and then Claims it to be its Own

There is nothing more vile than the ideology of liberalism and its fruit. There are many evil doctrines in the world, but none is more evil than liberalism. Liberalism not merely foolish and the result of a darkened heart and mind (Ephesians 4:18). It is the height of pride and arrogance and the height of all perversion in miminising the standards of God and His ways to be usuable only when it provides some "benefit" to humankind.  Instead of totally rejecting Christian doctrine like fundamentalist religions which strive for their own righteousness, liberalism looks at the moral doctrines of Christianity as a dead prey and selects what it believes to be the "good parts" of it, and discards the rest once done, like a vulture feeding on dead carcasses. That is precisely what makes it so utterly perverse - that is still seeks the benefits it brings to society, and yet does not want to trust the God of the Bible and His Ways. It is the manifestation of double-mindedn...

Godly Dominion vs. Environmentalism - E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D.

Is Divorce and Remarriage Permitted In the Bible?

Exposing the anti-christian neo-nazi "alt-right"

Many Christians in the west support conservative political parties, thinking that they are more 'righteous' than the liberals. No, these conservative parties are just as godless as the liberal parties. There is no difference. They just have a different face.  Do not put false hope in any politician. Put your hope in Christ and Christ alone for only He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). We are only foreigners on the earth, and so we live by faith and overcome all things by faith in Christ alone. These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, [ c ] embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14  For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. 15  And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16  But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly countr...

The Danger of Spiritual Error to the Salvation of Men

The modern Church in the west is a weak Church. There is nothing further from the truth. It is because of the fear of man and the desire to be independent of Christ in thinking it knows the right way to worship God, that the modern Church in the west is full of error, errors which fall short of being heresies, but spiritual errors nonetheless which hurt spiritually . Such hurt hinder others in their walk with Christ, or from being able to carry out commands of Christ in the most fulsome way such as preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Zeal is needed to be able to be saved right unto the end. Salvation is a process, not a one-off transaction like so many of us make it out to be. It is a process. The Bible contains more references to 'being saved', rather than that a person 'has been saved': For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18). For we are the aroma of Christ to G...


The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD

10 Indictments Against the Modern Church in America - Paul Washer