"Christian femininsts" have infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ and causing all kinds of Problems in the Family and Society
Contrary to what people in modern society, and the modern western Church thinks, most family problems, and therefore social problems are caused by the failure of women to take on their responsibilities as wives and mothers, rather than men. Why? Wives are the ones who have more influence in the marriage and over the children. There are many true Christian women who are unfortunately not only influenced by feminism, but have some feminism in them. While they are not secularists like the secular feminists, and are what conservative orthodox Christians would regard as conservative Christians, they nevertheless are under the spirit of feminism. What do I mean? To have some feminism in oneself means to have the rebellion of feminism in oneself, manifested in stubbornly rejecting anything, or some things relating to man's authority over women (Ephesians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 11:3). Some of the Christian women have so much feminism in them that they are the unstable and ignoran...