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Showing posts from June, 2019

The spirit of Religion makes Perverse Use of the Law to seek Blessings for oneself and to Curse others

People are talking about all kinds of evil spirits that are working in Church today. The two spirits which everyone loves to talk about are the spirits of jezebel and the spirit of witchcraft. Yet, they almost never talk about the spirit of mammon, which is the only spirit that Jesus actually mentioned, and the spirit of religion, which was the spirit that accused Jesus of blasphemy and murdered Him. This is itself a manifestation of the spirit of religion which does nothing but accuses not simply the innocent, but the righteous, of being wicked. And those who had laid hold of Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.  But Peter followed Him at a distance to the high priestā€™s courtyard. And he went in and sat with the servants to see the end.   Now the chief priests, the elders, and all the council sought false testimony against Jesus to put Him to death,  but found none. Even though many false witnesses came forw...

Worshipping Jesus with the Lips, but having a Heart that is Far Away from Him

There are many in the professing Church today who are always talking about Jesus. His Name rolls from their tongues like the waterfall, and they are always singing songs that exalt His Name. His Name is the first and last Word, the Alpha and Omega, of all their prayers. Yet, their hearts are far from Him. Many of them are not really true followers of Jesus Christ, who truly love Jesus, intimately and passionately, as a Bride loves Her Groom: Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouthā€” For your love is better than wine. (Song of Solomon 1:2). The love the Shulamite woman had for her groom is only but a shadow of the Love the Church should have for Christ, one that obeys Christ because she loves Christ, as Jesus said: "If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15)." True Christianity is about love for God, and love for others. That is how simply the fundamental tenet of what true Christianity is. Owing to the perversion and the waywardness of the human heart from...

The Ministry-Orientated Mindset is of the spirit of Religion, while the Christ-Oriented Mindset is of True Christianity

Many professing Christians, both those who attend church and those who do not, are under a false understanding of what true Christianity really is. They think it is about undertaking certain rituals or rites, such as getting baptised in church, attending church and following liturgy. However, that is not what true Christianity is about. True Christianity is about seeking a real intimacy with Jesus Christ who is God Himself.  Yet, on the other hand, there are many Christians who are very active in church, attending church every week, each Bible study, even leading Bible studies, attending every prayer meeting, leading praise and worship sessions, and even sacrificing their own to organise church activities, who are not truly saved. This is particularly the case at ministry-orientated churches where everything is about ministry, rather than Jesus. While such people may know that it is not works that save them, but Jesus alone, by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), their works s...