The Heresy of Faith as Mere Belief: True Faith is Obedience to God that manifest in Action, not Belief
The "protest"-ant reformation not only bought about many heresies, but legitimised heresy, because of the idea that every person has authority to interpret the Scripture as he sees fit, and not as inspired by the Holy Spirit. For anyone can say that his interpretation is inspired by the Spirit. Even cults say that they are inspired by the Spirit! While some heresies are more obvious, such as the doctrines that God is not Triune, that Jesus did not become man, Jesus is not God, or that the God of the Old and New Testament are two different Gods, other heresies are far more subtle. Some of these far more subtle heresies are so generally accepted and have infiltrated into much of the Church that hardly anyone thinks of them as heresy. One such heresy is that false doctrine that faith by which Salvation comes mean that one only needs to "just believe". All one needs to do is to believe in and affirm the doctrines of Salvation to be saved. A person need not take an...