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Showing posts from May, 2020

Our Ultimate Family is the Holy Universal Church, not our Earthly Family

Many churches nowadays are constantly pushing people to get married and have families, largely as a response to the degeneracy of the decadent immorality of the culture around them, which despises marriage and family and perverts these institutions. However, this "marriage and family" agenda is based on many fundamental misconceptualisations of Scripture.  One key misconceptualisation is the view that people must marry to not be lonely, because of Genesis 2:18 which says: " And the  Lord  God said, ā€œ It is  not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.ā€ These religious people in the professing Church are constantly quoting this to people who object to their view that all people must rush into marriage or else they are "cursed" for being unmarried. Such are absurd lies! What Genesis 2:18 really means is that God created woman to complement man so that humanity will be both male and female. God did not create humanity to ...

Celibacy: The Ideal Life

For fifteen centuries, the Church has taught that celibacy is the ideal life, based on a proper and clear understanding of Scripture. Yet, with the Protestant Reformation, this doctrine was reversed, and instead, marriage became the ideal. The idea that celibacy was ideal was scorned, and demonised, and marriage became elevated over celibacy. This idea has continued well into contemporary times where many Christians think that marriage is the ideal.  Marriage has now become the most serious concern of many if not most Christians, irrespective of 'denomination' precisely because of how the idea that celibacy is not ideal, even wrong or unnatural, while marriage is ideal has been propagated down the centuries. This minor issue has become a major issue, while major issues, such as the doctrines of the Trinity, theosis and Christian militancy have been shunned. Many professing Christians are not concerned with fighting evil, but only concerned about marriage and the earthly affai...