We live in an age which hates those who do good and those who do evil, a sign of the Last Days (2 Timothy 3:3). We live in an evil, wicked, despicable, vile, Hell-deserving, death-deserving, world which thinks murdering child in the womb is a "woman's right", that a woman has a "right" to beat her husband (or her co-fornicating boyfriend), evolution is truth, homosexuality is acceptable, euthanasia is compassion, and that profanity is fashionable. Yet, these multitude of evils represent only a minuscule number of evils of the modern world. And, of course, it thinks itself good and righteous in doing and approving such evil. The Bible makes it very clear that not only those who do, but also who approve such things are worthy of death: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them (Romans 1:32). Yes, the y are worthy of nothing but death. However, not on...