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Those who do Evil are Worthy of Nothing, Nothing but Death and Death alone

We live in an age which hates those who do good and those who do evil, a sign of the Last Days (2 Timothy 3:3). We live in an evil, wicked, despicable, vile, Hell-deserving, death-deserving, world which thinks murdering child in the womb is a "woman's right", that a woman has a "right" to beat her husband (or her co-fornicating boyfriend), evolution is truth, homosexuality is acceptable, euthanasia is compassion, and that profanity is fashionable. Yet, these multitude of evils represent only a minuscule number of evils of the modern world. And, of course, it thinks itself good and righteous in doing and approving such evil. 

The Bible makes it very clear that not only those who do, but also who approve such things are worthy of death: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them (Romans 1:32). Yes, they are worthy of nothing but death. 

However, not only is the modern world just evil, vile and demonic. The modern Church is fearful of fighting and exposing such evils, which the Bible commands in Ephesians 5:11:And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them

You may say that it is "offensive to people". Exactly. Offence is exactly what the follower of Christ must do in obeying God. Do you think of man so highly that you should fear what he says, rather than God? Do you think that this world will respect you, follower of Christ, if you 'respect' them? 

Whatever you, or your pastor, youth leader or counsellor may say, the nowhere in the Bible does it ever say that one should not upset or offend people, or to cause upset or offence. You may then defiantly argue that the Bible "commands us to be 'gentle', abusing that term as so many in the modern Church do. They abuse the term 'gentleness' all without realising it, thinking that it includes to not offend people on personal matters, rather than matters of sin. 

Those of you who think that 'gentleness' means to not offend people on personal matters are tragically mistaken. You are are cause of all the unnecessary conflicts about all non-essential matters. You are a stumbling block for those who seek to preach the Truth. Yes, that's right, a stumbling block. What is even worse that failing to support such people is that you even cause such people to not longer what to preach the Truth. You are truly evil, vile and despicable, responsible not only to causing others to stumble, but setting a snare for them. Indeed, the fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe (Proverbs 29:25). 

Fear of man is not only a snare for the man-fearing person. It is contagious, and spread of those who are bold. Those of you who fear man are truly despicable stumbling blocks, and rightly the object of wrath. 

The spirit of jezebel seeks to use such man-fearing followers of Christ to paralyse them into not doing God's will, and effectively do her will, and being complicit with it.


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