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Showing posts from February, 2017

Socialism and Capitalism are Two Sides of the Same Coin. Both are Evil, Demonic and Vile. To Hell with them Both!

Satan is very cl eve r and flexible. He is adaptable. He is able to make two enemy group agree on the same thing, by appealing to their evil motives, both of which are the same. He is able to stir up conflict between wicked people who are enemies of each other, and then use something they agree on to promote a greater evil. This manifests in all kinds of ways. One of the way this manifests in conservatives of America. Satan uses Islam to bait the conservatives, including the conservative Christians of America into fighting evil, by means of promoting the counter-jihad movement. However, the American counter-jihad movement is full of secularists, who hate Christianity and are pro-homosexual. So, they are simply not your friends, Christian. They are not, whatever they may say in enticing you, or in ensuring you that they tolerate you. What do many of these conservative Christians do? They continue to support the counter-jihad movement, even though they are pro-homosexual. Yet, little...

On What Love is and What Love is NOT

The modern evangelical Church in the west thinks that love is to be "nice" and manifests itself in a timid, weak way, under a false guise gentleness and graciousness. They equate "cultural sensitivity"  with gentleness and graciousness. Anyone behaving in a way that is different to what they think is the "culture" they are trying to reach out to is to be "ungentle" and "ungracious" just because of being different. Just making me think about them makes me so infuriated. They think that boldly speaking against sin is not love. Love can be bold, and it is unfortunate that these evangelifish think that love cannot manifest in boldly confronting sin, head on. They really hinder others in their evangelism when they not only seek to spread their false doctrines of gentleness, but impose it on others. Ironically, whenever one challenges their false thinking on evangelism, they became aggressive and angry, as if the evangelical industrial comple...

How the idea that Usury was Wrong Simply because it could be used to "Take Advantage of People" opened the door to All Usury. The Law of Love makes it clear that Usury is Sin.

A particular moral position taken by a person may be right, but for the wrong, that is, unbiblical reasons. A person may even have the right reasons for being against a wrong, but have the wrong, that is, unbiblical approach in fighting it.  Opposition to usury, simply on the grounds that it could be used to "take advantage of someone", rather than because God hates usury, has lead to the total endorsement of usury in the west. This was indeed the argument made by John Calvin, who argued that whether usury was wrong was dependent on whether it was "equitable" or not. It is this very distinction itself between "equitable" and "unequitable" usury which opened the door for support for usury. This argument can be referred to as the 'slippery slope' argument. So, what is a slippery slope argument? It is an argument which in supporting something, for which one must logically conclude that one must support another thing of the same kind, but...

The Crusades: Defenders of Christianty, Protectors of Europe

The Crusades are often represented as brutal, vile murderers who sought to murder people. Nothing can be further from the truth. The whole of the Crusades war was to protect Europe from Muslim invaders. This is a must-read for all Christians about who the Crusades really were:

Why the Prohibition on Usury was Not because it could be "Used to take Advantage of Someone"

If there is nothing that sickens me more, the argument that the Bible prohibited usury on the grounds that it could be used to advantage of someone sickens me the most. It truly does. This belief is simply the manifestation of the spirit of mammon, for it is a self-centred, humanistic view of the Biblical view of usury. It is opposed to the true Biblical spirit.  One of the signs that a person is perverting true Biblical teaching is that the spirit in which the person explains a teaching is one which is apologetic for the Biblical teaching, and resistant towards simply expressing it unapologetically and boldly.  Another sign is that a person appears to be very theological in using all kinds of doctrinal theological arguments, but is using this as a guise to avoid the key issue which they want to avoid because it exposes sin in them. They think they are very doctrinally sound, but are full of error, and think that anyone else who explains a concept differently from them is ...

An eternal and heavenly mentality - Tim Conway

Rebuttal of Got Question's Response on Usury

Got Questions has it totally wrong on usury. So, if you from Got Questions, listen up, I have some news for you. You are wrong on usury, if not heretical on usury. You make usury out to be totally legitimate, as it appears, "as long as it does not harm anyone". Your thinking on usury is no different from the world's view on morality, that there is nothing wrong with it "as long as it does not harm anyone". I sent Got Questions the following feedback: Hi there  I am writing to enquire as to Got Questions' article called "What is usury in the Bible?" I note it says "While the Bible does not prohibit the charging of interest, it does warn against becoming too concerned with money, telling us that we cannot serve both God and money at the same time (Matthew 6:24)". I have been researching this topic of usury for a while, and have sought God for counsel and wisdom on it.  In Luke 6:34, Jesus Himself says " And if you lend...