Many in the modern Church in the west are full of the fear of people. They are terrified of criticising anyone, except of course, those who point out that they are full of the fear of people, and expose this sinful fear of theirs to them. In particular, the modern Church in the west is absolutely terrified of exposing sins specific o women. And there are many such sins committed by women. I mince no words on this. The sins of women in the Church against her husband in the west today include: Nagging her husband Criticising him Gossiping about him to his friends Slandering him in front of her children, or friends, either at work, clubs, or at women's Bible study groups Slapping him Committing adultery, and being proud of it Taking abortifacient birth control pills to murder his children in the womb Abusing his children to manipulate him Spending money in a spendthrift way, causing him to be in debt, enslaving him to debt Making unfair accusation against him, ...
We do not fight people, we are fighting with a spirit. That spirit is Mammon which dominates and controls the whole world through the Anglo-American Democratic Capitalist System. It manifests in Humanism and Liberalism, through Democracy, and Capitalism, the Four Evils who enslave the whole of mankind. Many Christians who should understand the spirit of Mammon, do not. We expose and fight the spirit of Mammon, and the four evils of Humanism, Liberalism, Democracy and Capitalism.