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Showing posts from August, 2018

The spirit of Absalom in False Teachers is of Self-centredness, Deception and Manipulation

False teachers are often simply regarded by many as those who teach false doctrines, and are dangerous because of that. False teachers, are far more dangerous than that. They are extremely dangerous people. They are wicked Absaloms, that is, self-centred, manipulative, and proud people whose words are all full of venom and nothing but curses. False teachers are what are called 'narcissists' in modern terms. They are absolutely demonic, diabolical people.Anyone who has even been in contact with such a wicked Absalom can testify of the self-centred prideful spirit of such people.  They are full of wickedness, and do not even know it. They are constantly trying to justify their wickedness by all cunning kinds of ways. In particular, those under the spirit of Absalom twist clear unambiguous teaching on the Bible, to render them ambiguous so that he can impute his own meaning to it, and push his own teachings onto people. His extremely subtle twisting of Scripture is his way of ...

False Teaching is Itself Spritual Abuse because it Hinders a Person from Fully Flourishing Before God

Abuse comes it all kinds of forms, and the most pernicious type of abuse is spiritual abuse. People who are being spiritually abused often do not realise it, precisely because it is spiritual abuse.  False teaching is itself spiritual abuse. It is spiritual abuse not only because it causes people to be led astray from the truth, leading to their destruction. Spiritual abuse is far more than that. Spiritual abuse, in being for the ultimate destruction of the person, destroys the humanity of a person. Abuse is not the mere lack of respect for a person, although a person who is abused will certainly be shown no respect towards. Destroying, diminishing, damaging, or distorting the humanity of a person is the essence of what abuse is. By abusing a person, one is treating him or her as one who is not created in the Image of God, or failing to treat him or her as being fully created in the Image of God. False teaching is of an extremely insidious and pernicious type of abuse. Part o...