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Showing posts from December, 2019

The Oppressed Daughter Syndrome and its Demonic Binding Powers

There is a phenomenon called the 'oppressed daughter syndrome'. It is a real syndrome and is not only that which has a spiritual dimension, but is demonic in nature. It is therefore an important issue to address from a Christian perspective, as is the case with all kinds of oppression. The  'oppressed daughter syndrome' manifests in all kinds of symptoms, such as shyness, a lack of healthy self-respect, lack of confidence, forced career choices, rushed marriages, marital distress, especially loveless marriage, and hyper-conservativism and hyper-traditionalism, and lack of an ability to reach one's full God-given potential, and hence destiny in accordance to the Will of God, which is to know God and glory Him in all one does. One salient characteristic of such a woman is that she is shy to the extreme. By shy, I am not saying quiet and gentle as a woman should be, but rather, severely lacking courage and confidence. Everything she does is marked by a lack of cour...

The Error of "Sola Scriptura": the Mother of All Heresies

When speaking of dangerous doctrines, the average Christian today will point to the obviously erroneous doctrines of cults, such as that Jesus was a spirit brother of satan, that there are two 'gods' in the Bible, a cruel God in the Old Testament, and a kind God in the New Testament, or that Jesus had only a divine, but no human nature, and therefore did not die for the sins of the world.  However, little do these Christians think about why these heresies are able to arise in the first place. They simply dismiss them as the doctrines of crazy, psycho heretics - all without realising that they themselves are just as susceptible to heresy as those who are blatant heretics. One should never assume that because one attends a 'normal' church that one cannot fall into the trap of heresy. All most Christians to do is target such heretics for criticism, and lift no finger in helping them understanding why it is heresy, and why have they turned to such heresy as Jude 1:22-23 i...