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Showing posts from June, 2020

Heresies Originate from False Revelations of the spirit of the Antichrist who seeks to Attack Christ

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,   speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,  forbidding to marry,  and commanding  to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.  For every creature of God  is  good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving;   for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4:1-5 People often look at cults and heretical sects and regard them as laughable fanatics and lunatics who they could not possibly end up following. They look at them pitifully and condescendingly at the same time, thinking they are so wise. Yet, most people are themselves under their own heresies, be it oneness pentacostalism, atheism, Islam or Judaism. Most, if not all her...

Heresy is Any Error that Deviates from the Truth who is Jesus Christ, and Comes in Many Guises and Forms, which ultimate Purpose is to Destroy the Church

Many think that heresies refers to only those professing Christian groups who call themselves Christians but who deviate from fundamental truths about Jesus, such as, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. However, the definition of heresy in the true sense is much broader and all-encompassing than that. It refers to any error whatsoever. The question then is, what is error? Error has tragically and infuriatingly being defined by different people in different ways, its definition complicated by people for their own purposes. But with the Word, Jesus Christ, who is the Truth :    Jesus said to him,  ā€œI am   the way,   the truth, and   the life.   No one comes to the Father   except through Me (John 14:6) . All error is to be measured by whether it deviates from the Word ( logos ) who is Jesus Christ. The Word of God is Jesus Christ, not the Scripture, for as Scriptures testify: In the beginning  was the Word, and the  Word was  wi...

The Heart of all Heresy is Rebellion

Heresy is often defined as simply 'error' and classified more or less as 'theological heresy' and 'moral heresy'. However, heresy is more than that. It is rebellion. That is the heart of all heresy. All rebellion leads to illegitimate authority and a lust for power. For heretics not only seek to justify themselves, but also want to have the power to do so. They seek to use the Law of God which has a spiritual power, and manipulate and twist it, to justify their evil. Show me a heresiarch, and I will show you a person full of rebellion, and all kinds of lust, not least, the lust of power.   Rebellion is not simply about going against God, though that is certainly what it is. It is driven by lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, combined together with the desire to justify one's theology.  This attempt to justify one's own theology is precisely the problem - one seeks to define the truth, and not only that, manipulate God when o...

The Evils of Fallen Marriages and Families

Many conservatives love to talk about marriage and family, assuming all manner of righteousness because they supposedly "value marriage and family" while those "evil liberals" do not. While it is true that western liberals despise these institutions of marriage and family, this does not automatically mean that conservatives "value marriage and family". These 'conservatives' who claim to "value marriage and family" do not truly value marriage and family, for those love such institutions for the wrong reasons. Instead, they idolise them, elevating them above God. While marriage and family must be respected, idolising them is evil. For idolatry is always evil (Exodus 20:3-5; Matthew 22:37; Luke 10:27).  'Marriage and family' heretics claim that marriage and family are mandatory for Salvation. They love to talk about how a person must first, be saved, second, get married as soon as possible (to prevent fornication, as if marri...