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Showing posts from October, 2013

Humanism: Man need not submit to God

Humanism is essentially that ideology which purports that Man is above everything else. Therefore, all the problems in the world are up to humans to solve, not God. It has infiltrated foreign policy for example, where stronger country sees that it should ā€œhelpā€ one of the parties involved in the conflict, each which has its own evil self-interest. This humanism essentially seeks independence from God, not dependence on God. 

What Liberalism Really Is

Liberalism is the ideology that people can choose to do whatever they like as long as others do not feel hurt. This is often expressed as ā€œpeople can do whatever they like as long as it doesnā€™t hurt anybodyā€. However, whether or not people get hurt or feel hurt, an act that is immoral is objectively and universally immoral. Morality is not dependent on culture, race, country or ideology. Liberalism knows no objective and universal moral standards. Liberal indoctrination has lead to cultural and moral relativism that is now the only acceptable ideology in the West. Any ideology or proposition which promotes moral absolutism is deemed to be bigoted. Modern universities are a propaganda tool for liberalism. Students are punished for speaking against liberal ideologies like feminism, homosexual radicalism and socialism. Anyone with alternatives views is attacked for being a conservative, backwards, authoritarian and regressive reactionary. 

The Heart of Capitalism

The Church is becoming increasingly commercialised in the modern world. This is because Mammon has swept through the Church, and it is increasing its grip on the Church. Many churchgoers are money slaves who treat their job and anything else first, anything about God. This should be of great concern to Christians who truly serve God.  The Bible commands us to serve God, not money (Mammon), and that one cannot serve both masters. However, many Christians ignore this teaching and serve Mammon instead. The whole global financial system runs on charging interest on loans , a manifestation of capitalism. Capitalism is ideology that whoever has capital can use it to make as much gain as one wants by using the demands of others for what one has. It is not the free market itself. Capitalism is based on human materialism and possessiveness ā€“ that humans not God, own what they have. This is against Biblical teaching that everything on Earth is owned by God. It has encouraged people to...