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Showing posts from August, 2014

Discerning the Difference between Judaism and Zionism

Many Christians have failed to discern the difference between Judaism and Zionism. As a result, it has lead to many Christians naively siding Israel in war. God hates war. Although Israel is God's chosen people, God will judge and punish all sin whether it is committed by Jews or Gentiles. Check out: st/    Please note that in linking articles from Daily Stormer, we are not endorsing all of their views. 

Elevating Earthly Security above the Eternal

Many Christians, when confronted with the truth that capitalism is materialistic and demonic, are quick to point out that communism is materialistic. Indeed, communism is materialistic, but so is capitalism, if not more so.  In the capitalistic framework, gain in the material is an end in and of itself. Such gain in to be enjoyed as one sees fit for oneself. This is in contrast to the Christian framework that gain in the material are not ends in themselves, but means to an ends.  These ends is are that which is to ultimately serve God and others to obey the Two Greatest Commandments from Jesus: " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself " (Luke 10:27).  The capitalistic framework, consistent with its goal of achieving all the things of this world sees work or labour as a means to an ends, rather than as ends in themselves. Work is drudge, and a means of ...

The Goal of Capitalism is the Meaninglessness of Accumulating Wealth

There is a real world of difference between the way the Christians and the unsaved view capitalism. The unsaved, whether they are secular, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish or any other non-Christian sees capitalism as a problem. The gather together as economists, academics, authors, journalists and academics and say the same thing about capitalism: it promotes inequality and enslaves people to their money and possessions. They want and fight for a better system because they see themselves an enslaved to the system of capitalism. They see the pursuit of wealth as meaningless - because it is. That is exactly what it says in Ecclesiastes. Everything that will rot away is meaningless. Indeed, capitalism promotes inequality and enslaves people to their money and possession. However, the unsaved cannot see this: that it is not people who promote or support capitalism that they are fighting that enslaves people to their money an possession - it is the spirit of mammon that seduces people into serv...

The Ultimate Battle for each individual is between God and mammon, not God and the devil

Many think that the ultimate battle between each individual is between God and the devil, not God and mammon. Jesus made it clear that"  No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24). Satan does not make people sin, he leads people to choose sin. People ultimately choose sin.The Bible uses the word 'tempt' to refer to satan leading people into sin. THe word 'tempt' is derived from the Greek word ' peirĆ”zō' which means to try or test. Satan tries people to see if they will sin at his leading. He does not make people sin. He only tempts - very deceitfully. When satan tempted Eve, he appealed to lust of the eyes:  ā€œDid God really say, ā€˜You must not eat from any tree in the gardenā€™? ā€( Genesis 3:1). This challenged her of seeing God's command, using the lure of the fruit as a bait. Once he had appealed to the lu...

Division & Unity (Schemes of the Devil Pt6) - Kevin Williams

Pride & The Problem Of Self (Scheme's of the Devil Pt5) by Kevin Williams

The Devil's Attacks On Assurance (Schemes of the Devil Pt 4) by Kevin Wi...

Self-Pity & Feeling Sorry For Yourself (Schemes Of The Devil Pt3) -- Kev...

The Peril Of Introspection (Schemes Of The Devil Pt2) -by Kevin Williams

The Sin of Worry & Anxiety (Schemes of the Devil Pt1) by Kevin Williams

Exposing capitalism is to expose evil, not to claim that fighting capitalism is the ultimate thing that matters

The following is a response to a critic of my exposure of mammon. The criticism is in square brackets. My response is interspersed in between the paragraphs in square brackets. She misunderstood my article, and thought I was trying to claim that fighting capitalism is the ultimate thing that matters. No! I was exposing the evils of capitalism and the spirit behind it - the spirit of mammon. [This is an interesting article and I appreciate your desire to do something for Christianity.] Thanks. It is for God, not the ā€œreligionā€ of Christianity, but God. [The problem, though, is not capitalism with its excesses.  The problem is the human heart, in bondage to sin and greed and self. ] What do you mean by ā€˜problemā€™? Why reject what I am saying? Yes, the problem is the human heart, and that is why capitalism thrives. That capitalism has its excesses is something that need not even be mentioned because it is obvious that capitalism is about gaining more wealth for on...

The Fallacy of Pro-Women, Pro-life Movement: Consequentialism Does Not Hold

The modern person often thinks in a consequentialistic manner, rather than a deontological manner. Indeed, such is the case of the pro-women, pro-life community. For the sake of clarification, to be ā€œpro-womenā€ as defined in this article means to only support women involved in abortion, disregarding all other parties, such as men whose wives choose to abort their child, family members who wanted to keep the child, or the baby himself or herself. Many have the impression that the pro-life community is a homogenous one, but this is not true. There are two camps: one that is pro-women and more often than not ignores men whose wives (not girlfriends) choose to abort their child. The other is the one that stands up against the act of abortion for what it is: murder, and attacks abortion in terms of the act alone, rather than focus on the consequences that follow abortion such as grief, sorrows and lack of stability in relationships. Indeed, many in the pro-women pro-life movement see...

Giving Up of all One's Self: The Ultimate Test of Faith

Many Christians living in the West are smug in their possessions and wealth. Many pray for prosperity, children's education, health, financial stability and a good family. While these things may not be evil in themselves, it is the motivation behind praying for these things that is wrong. Often, the motive is the attempt to serve mammon, the spirit behind all earthly things, not just money.  Jesus made it absolutely clear that no one can serve both God and mammon. A person will love one and hate the other. However, many in the modern church fail to take this literally and even perhaps twist the verse to mean that one can love mammon as long as one uses mammon to glorify God, using 'mammon' to mean money. Indeed, money can be used to buy things that are used to serve God, such as a church building, Bibles and setting up an evangelical radio network. However, this is a very dangerous half-truth. It is not the money that glorifies God, neither is it the things that one does ...

May Your Money Perish With Thee!

Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.   Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee  (Acts 8:20-23). Such is the the rebuke of Simon by Peter in Acts 8 who thought he could purchase the power of the Holy Spirit, and desired it through money. The rebuke was made on the grounds of thinking that the  gift of God may be purchased with money. That thought alone is damnable. It is a damnable heresy to think that the gift of God may be purchased with money, or that it can be bought in any way other than the gift God gives to sinful, wicked people when they come to Him in repentance, and cry out to Him for mercy.  Many in the modern church think that as long as a church does not teach such damnable heresies regarding salvation, no more needs to...

The Prosperity "Gospel": Bribing God with the Mammon

The prosperity "gospel" is  a demonic, wicked, perverse doctrine from the Pits of Hell that has crept into the modern church. It comes it its obvious form, and a more subtle form into many local churches in the 21st century. Whether in its obvious form, or subtle form, it is the same spirit behind it. That spirit is the spirit of mammon. One may think, "My church does not take tithes, nor does it teach people that the more money one earns, the more God will bless that person, so my church is not influenced by the spirit of mammon" as it seems to be the attitude of many Christians today. Nothing can be further from the truth. A church which does not teach such things, does not mean that the spirit of mammon has his handprints on the church. Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25) was a person who followed the exact same thing of what is now called the prosperity "gospel". His heresy was itself the prosperity "gospel" which only differs from the modern ...

The Sorrows of those Who Serve Mammon and the Power of Love

The Bible makes it very clear that those who serve mammon will "pierce themselves with many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:10). It is not that sorrow is a wicked ungodly thing. It is ungodly sorrow that is wicked. Such is the case of an Australian model Charlotte Dawson who was found to have suicided. Her autobiography reveals that she became depressed after having an abortion. It seemed that she tried to justify her decision for her abortion, by implying that if she did not have the abortion, she would not be able to enjoy her life, but yet felt the guilt. She then turned to alcohol to literally attempt to drink away her sorrows.  This is not written to ridicule, mock or scorn her in anyway. Rather, it is written to demonstrate how serving mammon will pierce people with many sorrows. Her story is just one of many sad stories of people who experience sorrow because of their choice to serve mammon.  Mammon is the spirit behind all evil. Humanity sins ultimately by failing to love G...

The Character Assasination of Christianity

Satan is the deceiver. He tries to help people justify their sin and hatred of God by defaming Christianity. He creates a counterfeit version of "Christianity" enable people to justify their hatred it, and ultimately to lead them to Hell.

As Long as One Does not fully Love God, One can only Love and Serve Mammon

They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare , and into many foolish and hurtful lusts , which drown men in destruction and perdition.  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows  (1 Timothy 6:9-10). The Bible contains many warnings about who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and more importantly, who will end up in Hell:  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind (1 Corinthians 6:9).  The first of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament is:  Thou shalt  have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3). The Greatest Commandment Jesus gave was to "l ove the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" (Luke 10:27...