The modern person often thinks in a consequentialistic manner, rather than a deontological manner. Indeed, such is the case of the pro-women, pro-life community. For the sake of clarification, to be āpro-womenā as defined in this article means to only support women involved in abortion, disregarding all other parties, such as men whose wives choose to abort their child, family members who wanted to keep the child, or the baby himself or herself. Many have the impression that the pro-life community is a homogenous one, but this is not true.
There are two camps: one that is pro-women and more often
than not ignores men whose wives (not girlfriends) choose to abort their child.
The other is the one that stands up against the act of abortion for what it is:
murder, and attacks abortion in terms of the act alone, rather than focus on
the consequences that follow abortion such as grief, sorrows and lack of
stability in relationships.
Indeed, many in the pro-women pro-life movement seem to
focus only on the consequences suffered by women such as guilt, depression and
higher risk of suicide. While such consequences are not to be ignored, they are
treated as the reasons in and of themselves as to why abortion should be fought
against. As such, it detracts from the real core issue as to why abortion
should be resisted ā because it is murder. Full stop.
If an act, whatever it may be, were to be fought against
because its consequences makes it wrong, one would be logical to argue that where
such consequences can be mitigated or resolved, the act would not be wrong, and
perhaps even good. This appears to be the logic of what I call the pro-women,
pro-life movement, as opposed to the movement that stands against abortion for
what it is as an act. This is not to claim that this movement is superior or
more righteous than the pro-women, pro-life movement, but rather that it is one
that has greater moral grounding because it seeks to attack the roots of
abortion, not the fruits which grow from those roots.
Some may argue that the root of abortion is that of
sexualised liberalism. Indeed, abortion is a sad product of sexualised
liberalism. However, even sexualised liberalism is not the root. It is the
spirit of mammon. The spirit of mammon seduces people to seek first their own
material needs, comfort and ease of life. It is the spirit behind money. The
love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:9). Abortion is only a mere
fruit of the love of money which is the root of all evil. Women seek abortions
typically out of convenience and others may encourage them, including, of
course, the abortion clinics who are after the money.
The pro-women, pro-life movement does not address the root
of the evils of abortion ā the love of money by people who knowingly contribute
to the abortion of a human being. It must also be noted that merely because a
person was involved in the conception of the child does not mean that they
support abortion or encourage abortion as many in the pro-women, pro-life
movement seem to assume. Instead, it looks only at the effects of abortion on
women, without addressing the heart of the matter which is really the matter of
the heart. Some may argue and say that they help post-abortive women and fight
the act of abortion per se by praying outside abortion clinics. However, they
fail to acknowledge that it is the heart of those who seek to murder their
child that is the real issue. The heart is what determines how one acts.
Only where the wicked heart of a person is changed will one
will turn from evil. The human heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above
all things (Jeremiah 17:9).
What is the only way to stop abortion and help those who are
seeking an abortion? Preach that abortion is murder, which will lead one to
Hell, and then share the Gospel. That is the only way. Only the Gospel of Jesus
Christ preached offensively for what it is, is a cure for the human heart that
is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things. This may not only save
physical lives, but souls from Eternity in Hell, the place where the fire never
quenches and worm never dies (Mark 9:48).
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