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Showing posts from September, 2014

The Concept of 'Rights' is Anti-Christian

Many people, both Christians and the unsaved think that they have rights, whether they be God-given, human or civil rights. Any statement that even questions the existence of rights is shot down as nonsensical, immoral or absurd. However, the question that faces all individuals is whether humans have rights.  Psalm 24:1 tells us that " The earth  is  the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." This means that God owns everything including our own lives. God being the Creator of all things is the owner of all things. He is in control of all things no matter what happens.  The LORD hath made all [things] for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil (Proverbs 16:4). Thus, God is the ultimate authority of anything. Therefore, humans do not ultimately determine what occurs in the world; it is God who controls all the world's events. On the other hand, human beings having a free will. However, God is the one who determin...

Up to Know Good. God Digs On Slavery?

Does the Bible really support slavery as some people claim? Watch this clip...

Why Capitalism Prevails Even When it Fails

Capitalism have enslaved countless to debt, but yet it still prevails. Thus, the question to be asked is why? It has enslaved many, increased inequality and justifies irresponsible lending of banks which always win over the bank customers, forcing them to pay for the banks. Why? It is of the spirit of mammon that the world can only serve, or for Christians, are only too tempted to serve. It assures people that paying debt for the sake of purchasing things is normal and legitimate, because after all, they are obtaining their basic 'needs'. Humans fall in lust for the eyes and flesh, thinking only how their material needs will provide security. It also assures people that paying debt is good because it shows how rich one, appealing to the pride of life. As such, people borrow more money, manifested in anxiety and ultimately a lack of trust in God. The root of this is pride which mammon works through. Capitalism's evil twin sister is the humanistic doctrine of democracy....

The Heart of Capitalism: Unmasking its Real Face

Many people, both the unsaved and Christians, think that capitalism is the best way to generate wealth, and treat generating wealth as a 'right' or as a 'given'. However, what many people do not see, or fail to bother to care, is the morality and ethics of capitalism. Capitalism is challenged by the unsaved for political and economic reasons, but rarely, if ever, for its morality and ethics. Capitalism seems to be kind, because of the wealth it generates and its ability to lift millions out of poverty. Indeed, this is most starkly demonstrated China's conversion from an economically communist state, to a capitalist one. The real question though, is not what are the consequences of capitalism, but what underlies the ideology of capitalism, that determines whether it is moral.  The question as to what values underlie the idea of capitalism itself has been challenged, twisted and repackaged into one that seeks to determine its morality in terms of its consequences...

Usury is Ultimate Form of Capitalism

Usury. It is a much forgotten theme, dismissed as a product of the 16th century. Many people believe that there is a difference between usury and interest on a loan. However, nothing is further from the truth. Usury is interest on a loan. It is interest itself. The term 'usury' has been changed to 'interest' to distinguish between what was deemed legal, versus, illegal interest. The meaning of usury was then changed to mean to lend money at excessively high rates, rather than the lending of money at a rate per se . Many theologians have been responsible for this false distinction, through twisting the Bible is permit usury on certain conditions and circumstances. John Calvin, in particular, is the main culprit for generally accepted permissiveness towards usury.  Proverbs 28:8 makes it clear that usury is unjust gain:  He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. Usury originated from the Latin term...

Lutheran Legalism and the Spirit of Individualism

Luther's theology was one of legalism, placing an emphasis on faith and doing good works, rather than love. Legalism is of the carnal flesh which cannot please God in any way. Therefore, because it is of the flesh, it can only serve the flesh and is hostile towards God. Jesus made it clear that no one can serve both God and mammon. A person will serve one and hate the other. Since to serve the flesh is to serve mammon, legalism is that which serves mammon through serving the flesh. Legalism is that which sets up a set of values or standards that one should live by according to what one sees fit for oneself. The root of legalism is self-righteousness and pride, believing in one's own "goodness". Setting up one's own standards need not be "religious" to amount to legalism. Indeed, legalism can manifest in the "secular" context. It do so through the spirit of individualism that is rampant in secular societies.  Before general acceptance of...

Legalism is of the Spirit of Rebellion

Those who are under the spirit of legalism often think that rebellion is off-limits for them. However, they do not realise that legalism itself is rebellion against God. This is because their pride blinds them from seeking God for a heart of love.  The Bible makes it clear that no one is good, no not one (Romans 3:10). This means that no one can do good works in the eyes of God in one's own strength. Romans 3:10-12 is perhaps the Biblical teaching that is the hardest to accept, but yet easy to use as an excuse for one's own sins, or to use against the unsaved on the grounds that the Bible does refer to some specific individuals as 'righteous'. Therefore, this verse, as is the case with all others, must be understood in the correct context. What this verse means is that no one is good in one's own human flesh. Nor can even seek to be righteous or good in one's own flesh. This is because the flesh has been corrupted with a sinful nature.  Wherefore, as by one ...

The Corruption of Charity

"Now abideth faith, hope, charity (agape), these three; but the greatest of these is charity." -1 Corinthians 13:13  "Beloved, let us love one another: for love (agape) is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." -1 John 4:7-8  I n our ongoing attempt to walk the straight and narrow path we encounter the snares of Satan laid for us in every direction. As soon as we escape from one sin we are tempted to commit another. Once a Christian leaves behind the sins of the flesh, Satan tries to draw him into the sin of pride; once the spread of the Gospel ended the practice of pagan idolatry in much of the world, Satan introduced Islam, a religion that forbids the use of idols but is just as carnal minded as the old paganism.  Read the rest here

Luther's Doctrine and The Spirit of Legalism

There is much confusion within modern Christendom as to what is legalism and what does it means to not be legalistic. Whenever one sheds light on the sin of another, such rebuke is immediately treated to be "abuse" or "hatred". Anyone who dares rebuke another, or use the Law of God in evangelism is labelled a "legalist" or a "pharisee". I have experienced this myself whether I wrote articles to expose mammon, abortion or the homosexual agenda, I have been deemed to be a "legalistic" pharisee.  So, what is legalism? Legalism is the doctrine that one is good or justified by one's works in obeying a set of rules . How well one observes a set of rules is what determines one's moral worth. The Bible makes it very clear that no one is justified in any way by works of the Law of God: " Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law , but by the faith of Jesus Christ , even we have believed in Jesus Christ , that we ...

Martin Luther's Loveless Legalism

The leader of the Protestant Reform is none other than Martin Luther, who is most famous for his 95 Theses. As true as some of his criticisms may be, he has been criticised for his emphasis on faith rather than love.  His 44th theses is that ''b ecause love grows by works of love', man thereby 'becomes better'. This is to claim that it is love that is the fruit of good works, rather than good works being the fruit of love. Such a statement assumes that a person is capable of loving other in their own human strength, and therefore capable of truly loving others and God in their own flesh. This is far from the truth.  1 John 4:8 says that:  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love . This means that because God is love, a person can only truly love others when the love of God is in him. It does not mean that those who have no love do not know God in spite of God being love.A person who does not know God cannot love others because it is impossible for ...

Response to ABC's 'The Street Church case and free speech in Australia'

The paragraphs in square brackets are the report from the ABC which can be found at . My response is interspersed in between. [The Corneloup brothers thought it was their right to invade an Adelaide mall and start preaching their philosophy of Islamophobia and misogyny.] The Corneloups only stand in a very small area of the mall. The Gospel is against Islam indeed. It is funny how ‘Islamophobia’ is used as a card against Christianity by progressives who claim to hate all religions in their own assumption of tolerance use this term.  What hypocrisy!  What progressives mean by “misogyny” is really to doubt or challenge the secular, individualistic and humanistic doctrine of feminism. Of course, in their own twisted sense of “justice” and “equity”, the progressives would see Christianity as “misogynist” because it is communalistic, not individualistic, and respects...

“A God of Genocide”

How to address people who say that God is a God of 'genocide'.

Only Two types of Wealth

Many Christians think that attacking capitalism is to be anti-wealth. In a sense, this is true, but it is not entirely true. They argue that wealth can be God-given. Wealth can indeed be God-given wealth. Such wealth is that which is given by God according to His timing, His conditions and His willing alone . It is not deserved because everything that humans have is from God, whether they acknowledge it or not.  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made (John 1:3). Each breath we take is only by the grace of God. None of us humans deserve life, let alone anything else including our basic meals, or riches. God's providence, whether in wealth or poverty is by grace alone - it is undeserved and given entirely on His terms alone. There is a time  for everything,   and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1). However, this does not in any way mean that we humans have any "right" to choose what we want. Rath...

Warning: Fornicators, Liars, Heretics, Homosexuals, Extortioners, Abortionists, Idolators, God-haters and all other guilty sinners

WARNING: Abortionists, pornographers, harlots, fornicators, adulterers, idolaters, disobedient children, church gossips, liars, thieves, God-haters, extortionists, usurers, heretics, abusers, drug addicts, drug dealers, sirens, and witches. You are HEADED FOR HELL. Such a message on a street preaching sign is one that people seem to always remember. A journalist on the Australian Broadcasting Channel asked two street preaching brothers from Street Church, whether displaying the sign with the list of sins was not judging . As a secular person, he could not be expected to understand what the Bible really means by ‘judging’ and ‘warning’ because such people are spiritually blind. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know   them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14).  The sign with the list of sins is unpleasant, offensive and abominable to the unsaved indeed. It is the...