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Showing posts from April, 2016

The spirit of Jezebel works to Weaken Soldiers of Christ in Fighting Sin Through Fear

We are living in the midst of a spiritual war. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Evil demons are real and are seeking to lead people to Hell. In doing so, they seek to ensure that people are not vigilant of them. However, there is one particularly deceptive spirit, the spirit of Jezebel who is probably one of the most deceptive of all.  She is by no means the the only evil demon who seeks to destroy souls and take them to Hell. She is by no means isolated in her work. She works very intimately with the spirit of mammon, who just as equally pernicious and deceptive, through families, politics, education, and the whole global financial system. She also works very intimately with the spirit of witchcraft, and the spirit of witchcraft works together with the spirit of mammon. Whenever you see the spirit of witchcraf...

The Desire for Independence and Empowerment is of the spirit of Witchcraft

Western culture values independence and empowerment. It loves to talk about independence and empowerment. TV is full of shows, trash vile gossip shows hosted by vile, disgusting, abominable, evil women whose mouths spew with garbage about how the modern woman, who is nothing but a vile piece of abominable filthy trash  fit only for the garbage can be 'independent' and 'empowered'. Anything that even resembles a "threat" to such 'independence' and 'empowerment' is not only hated, it is scorned, and militantly fought against. Such is western culture. The desire for independence comes from the fleshly desires to not only seek what one wants, but to seek what one may genuinely need in one's own way. To seek one's genuine legitimate needs in one's own ways is itself to be independent of God. As long as one is even desires to do anything in any way by one's own strength, even to the slightest, one is acting to be independent: For t...

The spirit of Witchcraft works Through the Whole Financial System by appeasing the Flesh and Trapping the Masses in Bondage to mammon

The spirit of witchcraft is alive and roaring about, seeking to manipulate, intimidate and dominate. She does so in all kinds of ways in all contexts. One such way is through the global financial system.  The spirit of witchcraft does not just work through abortion, feminism and sexual immorality, although she certainly does. She works through all channels by which deception can be made, to control and manipulate those under her grip.  Where there is deception, there is sin. Where there is sin being pursued, there is spiritual bondage (Galatians 3:24). Such is the case with all sins including systemic sins that are practiced widely and institutionalised in the God-ordained institutions of government, family and marriage.  The role of the government is to punish evil and reward good: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execut...

Peace is Not the Absence of Conflict, But the Fighting Against Evil

They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace ( Jeremiah 6:14). The world loves to talk about peace. The secular world disdains those who oppose their false, vile, and abominable ideas about peace, which are that peace comes from tolerating deviancy, which it calls "lifestyle choice", 'equality', which is really just envy, and thus, a vain concept itself and "rights" which is a manifestation of pride and self-centred. All such ideas about peace are manifestation of selfish ambition, which the world thinks gives peace, because the world thinks out of its own folly and pride that only when one's selfish ambitions can one be satisfied.  Such is the wisdom of the world, especially the secular humanist world. The fruits of such evil, vile and worldly wisdom are disorder and every evil work as James 3:16 tells us:  For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work . Th...

The spirit of Mammon feeds on the Desire to Satisfy Selfish Ambition, Leading to Chaos and Conflict

For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work (James 3:16).   We live in a world full of conflicts, full of conflicts about absolutely everything. The mindset behind all such conflicts is the belief in one's so-called "rights", whether it be a "right" to find a satisfying relationship, a "right" to make money, or a "right" to have money one lends returned to oneself. Such indeed is the root of all conflicts. It is this very belief which is all too appealing to the flesh that even people of the true Church, that is, the true followers of Christ can fall into such a vile, abominable mindset - all without realising it. The belief in one's "rights" is a manifestation of being a respecter of persons, including being of course, a respecter of oneself. Being a respecter of person leads not to harmony and peace, as the world thinks, but yet does not experience despite all its active striving for peace. Such...

To Believe In Anyone's Rights is Itself to be a Respecter of Persons

For there is no respect of persons with God (Romans 2:11). The west is the bastion of liberalism. One such thinking is its belief in "rights", among other satanic doctrines, such as "equality", "egalitarianism" and the belief that usury is not a sin, but totally acceptable.  All such thinking is of the spirit of liberalism, the ultimate form of humanism. The core of liberalism is to exalt humans above all things, and care only for what humans think. It is the vilest, most disgusting, wicked, evil, despicable, abominable thinking in the whole world. The world is full of abominations. The west, however, is the Pit of the abominations, as it not only believes in its liberalism, but seeks to impose it on the non-western world, and thinks that anyone who does not embrace liberalism is evil, pitiful and immoral.  Many in the modern western Church have been very influenced by the world, that is the western pagan, so influenced by its thinking that it does no...

Believing in One's "rights" is Itself a Manifestation of Pride which the spirit of Mammon feeds On

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!     For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (Isaiah 14:12-14). We live in a world that loves to claim its "rights". Even many in the modern western Church, who are far more influenced by the western secular humanist thinking than they realise, love to claim their "rights". Such thinking is so pervasive and subtle that many in the modern western Church do not even know why they think the way they think, including the way they think about the Word of God, moral and ethical issues, and theology.  The whole doctrine of "rights" itself is a demonic, vile doctrine. It is because people fight for th...

The spirit of Witchcraft Seduces People into Sin to Trap Them in Their Own Evil, to Murder their Souls

The spirit of witchcraft loves nothing but one thing: she loves to manipulate. However, her manipulation, is only a means to an ends, which ends is to murder the souls of those who she seduces into doing evil. She uses all kinds of means that she can to ensure that she murders souls of people through their own evil, by deceiving them into thinking that such evil is worth doing. She is so strong, and her strength comes from her deceptiveness, cunning, and lies that lies are her weapon. She turns people those would otherwise be righteous away from their righteousness into evil. Such is the spirit of harlotry which feeds on the desire to gain something through means of flattery and lies. Do not underestimate her for she is capable of turning a strong man, one who is righteous, into an evil one: With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction...

The spirit of Witchcraft Works Through Trap Others Through their Own Sin so that she can Dominate, Manipulate and Murder their Souls

The spirit of witchcraft was made manifest in a vile, abominable open letter written by a "former" harlot, not a "prostituted" woman, but a harlot to her former "clients", vile abominable sexually immoral God-hating people, blaming them for all the "pain" and "suffering " they caused to her.  However, what was interesting about  itwas that she revealed her vile, abominable, despicable deceptiveness and double-minded in her former life as a paid harlot, as opposed to an unpaid harlot, that is a sexually immoral woman who does not receive money for her sexual immoralities. She writes that she was a "great actress" in making her "clients" think that she liked them. This is indeed the way of all harlots. She admitted that she worked a paid harlot, to earn easy fast money, revealing that she was not forced to do paid harlotry, but do so on her own volition - all while blaming her "clients" for her harlotry. ...

True Righteousness and Holiness Renders Peace and Wickedness Renders Only Torment

With evil and wickedness, there comes no peace. Isaiah 48:22 makes this clear: There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked . The wicked have no peace with God for they are under the just wrath of God. The cause of their absence of peace is not their lack of support from their other wicked companions, or the guilt or shame their actions are associated with in their culture. Rather, the cause of their absence of peace is their wickedness, which incurs the just of wrath of God.  To experience peace, that is, peace in the true sense is to be reconciled to God, so that no one can condemn one: Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us (Romans 8:33-34). Peace, in the true sense in not in any way to have earthly comfort, as so many in the modern western Church do, so that they bec...

True Generosity Gives Not Out Abundance, or Sacrifice But True Agape Love and Whole-hearted Faith in the Suficiency of God's Providence

Everyone in t he Church knows that true generosity is not out of giving out of one's wealth (Mark 12:44; Luke 21:4). Of course, many in the modern Church, would think, generosity is not giving out of one's wealth. For many of you would feel offended if someone gave you something out of their wealth, and thought themselves generous. Rather you would only be satisfied if someone gave to you sacrificially, of course, out of your selfishness and self-entitlement.  However, neither does given sacrificially amount to generosity. What it means to give generously means to give out of agape love, which manifests in giving freely and willingly, without any conditions to giving. It is to give without demanding that certain obligations be meet to satisfy one's fleshy desires to give only when one can gain something in return. It is give to one in need, so that those who have much do not have too much and those who have less do not have too little. The spirit behind generosity is a sp...

Partially Towards the Poor is Not only be Partial, but is the Ultimate Manifestation of Envy

Many people generally think that a poor person could not be materialistic, greedy and prepared to commit all kinds of evil in the quest to satisfy their desires for earthly comfort. Nothing could be further from the truth. A poor person can be as mammonised as a rich person. Both can be equally mammonised, let's get that fair and square.  It is all too easy to feel sympathy for the poor, just because they are poor. This is exactly why the Bible has to tell us to not show partiality the poor:  Do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit (Exodus 23:3). Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly (Leviticus 19:15)  Feeling sympathy for the poor because they are poor is not righteousness or kindness at all. It is partiality. Such sympathy is humanistic sympathy, sympathy of the flesh, because it sympathises with the poor because it is thinking of how one's own earthly security might b...

Earning Money to Seek One's Own Needs and that of One's Own Family is to be Under the spirit of Mammon

Many in the modern Church think that handling finances has nothing to do with morality, just as many in modern society think that marriage, divorce and sex has nothing to do with morality. While many in the Church of today are very strict about righteousness and holiness in many matters, they completing separate morality and righteousness from finances. They think that how one handles finances is purely an economic thing, an earthly thing which does not matter. They think that an individual can spend money in the way one wants, for one's own purposes, rather than spending it the way God wants.  Handling finances is a moral and spiritual issue. How one seeks to earn money, spend money and give money is the fruit of his heart. Earning money in the manner of spirit of seeking to satisfying one's own needs or that of one's loved ones including, is an ungodly thing. It is to earn money in the spirit of self-centredness and selfishness, to seek to satisfy one's earthly need...