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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Problem With Islam Is Islamic Theology And Nothing Else, And Yet Many Christians Still Do Not Understand This

What is the problem is islam from the true Biblical perspective? Theology, its false view of God, and NOTHING ELSE. It is not its disdain of America, or the West or westerners that is the problem, but its theology.

The Curse of Envy and Covetousnss on Those who Love Mammon

He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch (Proverbs 11:28). Many in the modern Church in the west think that money is a sign of "blessing". They like to say, "God has blessed me with a new car",  "I am so blessed with a new house, or even "we [local church] are so blessed to have a new building", despite being in millions of dollars of debt for a "newer", "bigger", "better" building. Such is the case of many in the western Church who are totally under the spirit of mammon, and do not even realise it. People from "protest"-ant denominations love to quote how countries with a former "protest"-ant influence are richer and more educated, as if it was sign that shows how good the Christian faith is for the world, and why the unsaved should believe in Christ. We might not think that that is the spirit which which such a statement is normally made, but that i...

Boasting in One's Temporal Earthly "Blessings" is Pride and Foolishness

Many in the modern western Church have a consumerist mindset. That includes a consumerist mindset in relation to God and the blessings His gives to people. This mindset is not only wrong, but it is absolutely despicable, disgusting, evil, and just vile. Many Christians love to boast on social media about their blessings. They love to broadcast it to everyone in their circles, and perhaps, wider circles, to show how "blessed" they are. They post pictures of themselves at a family dinner, child's graduation where the child has received top academic honours, or a photo of an expensive dish, with the caption "#blessed". Most Christians in the west do not understand what it means to suffer, especially the ones who are raised with a golden spoon, and those who live such easy lives, and become smug behind their wealth. Such people seem, at least on the surface, to have everything and are the envied by all, including many of their own church friends: they own their ...

Christian, Trust NOT in politics, including CON-servative politics. Many conservatives are NOT TRUE Christians

Many true Christians think that conservative politics is "righteous" and "legitimate" for a Christian to support. Conservative activists may on the surface seem much more 'righteous' and 'clean' than their liberal counterparts. Their campaign against islam may seem righteous, in fighting against its evils, and even (supposedly) speaking up against the persecution of Christians. Their campaign against even homosexual 'marriage' may seem righteous. But, some supposedly "conservatives" are for others evils like feminism, and other humanistic "rights" ideologies and ideas, such as "freedom of speech" and "freedom of religion". Now, there are true Christians who are conservative politically, and take that stance from a righteous heart. However, the difference between such Christians and these evil conservatives who are not Christians is that they are 'conservative' on the basis that oppose sins...

Top 5 Same Sex Marriage Arguments DESTROYED

Bill Shorten has another tantrum on the Marriage Postal Vote in Australia

Bill Shorten has tantrum - Once Wanted a Marriage Plebiscite - Why the c...

So what if your child tells you they're gay?

An Arminian Response To The Matt Slick vs Jesse Morrell Debate

The Prosperous Vain Life

A man is born Growing up and maturing With dreams and aspirations; Seeking to pursue his dreams Single-minded in his own dreams, Full of ambition For prosperity and security. He toils all day and night In all his pursuits; Day by day he toils Improving himself for his own glory Until he succeeds. A successful man became, Gaining much wealth, a loving family, and many friends. "Why" he asks, "do I feel so empty inside?" Having everything yet nothing; Having so much, yet so little; Having all things, but yet nothing; Having wealth, but yet poverty For he seeks not God But his own dreams and visions His own prosperity and security; Hating the Lord God who gave him his life, And every single breath. Old age comes, His wealth becoming scarce, Family members and friends Decease one by one. He asks, "what is the point of life?" All is but an illusion Man is nothing but an actor on a stage And like grass That grows up tall, and...

Earthly Wealth is an Illusion. Money has Wings. Do Not be Seduced by the False 'Security' of Earthly Wealth

Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven (Proverbs 23:5). If there is one thing that everyone is concerned about, it is financial security. Not a fulfilling career, luxury cars, houses, relationships, or leisure, but financial security. It is simply so natural to the flesh to be concerned about earthly financial security, and set one's mind on such. Christian commentator Ted Shoebat of wrote on his facebook page: The conventional perception on wealth is an illusion. Just because you have a lot does not make you wealthy. True wealth is a life without debt, a simple life, and a life living within one's means. Indeed, Mr Shoebat is correct. The conventional perception of wealth is that of possession and money amassed to some 'sufficient level', such that one can be financially 'secure'. Well my friends, let me tell you this: there is nothing secure ...

Love Never Seeks to Ultimately Appease People, but Ultimately Seeks to Appease God

Many in the modern Church in the west think that love means to give people what they want to 'make them happy'. They think it means to appease people.  They think that to saying homosexuality is a sin in a bold way is unloving. They think that saying that abortion is murder directly and clearly is unloving. They think that saying that homosexuals disproportionately abuse children is unloving. Whenever anyone says that, they are quick to rebuke people about 'loving' such sinners, as if they were so much for loving themselves.  In John 14:21, Jesus says: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him . One such commandment is to preach the Gospel to every nation, baptize them, and teach them to observe Jesus' commandments : Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of t...

Zeal will reinvigorate the Catholic Church and awaken Christendom.

Christian collectivism

True Biblical Love is Not a Sentimental Feeling, but Strives to Do the Will of God, No Matter What the Cost

Everyone in the modern Church loves to talk about God's love, grace and mercy, but hates to talk about His wrath, justice and anger. They snarl at anyone who dares point out that God is angry at the wicked everyday (Psalm 7:11) and that God hates (Psalm 5:5; Psalm 11:5; Leviticus 20:23; Proverbs 6:16-19; Hosea 9:15). These Bible verses tell us this: The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity (Psalm 5:5). The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth (Psalm 11:5). And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them (Leviticus 20:23). These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh l...

Christian Militancy

Exposing self-centred opposition of Islam among professing American conservative evangelical Christians

Below is my response to an slanderous attack made against me by ā€œStephanieā€ at girlwithadragonflytattoo blog in her response to my comment at . Her comments are in square brackets. Mine are interspersed in between.  Please note, I am by no means a supporter of Islam. Islam is anti-Christ, and is rightly exposed as such. However, to single it out as the most evil religion on the basis that militant islamists hate Americans, white people and women, just mere human beings, as opposed to hating it because it opposes the God is the Bible, is just self-centred. So, that is my aim: to show how self-centred the article is. [I think there are other religions are that at least as evil, such as wicca, and satanism. They may not call for jihad, but are their hearts not at least as evil as that of islamists? I kind of wonder if youā€™re being sincere hereā€¦. ] It is so easy to question the sincerity o...