Many in the modern western Church have a consumerist mindset. That includes a consumerist mindset in relation to God and the blessings His gives to people. This mindset is not only wrong, but it is absolutely despicable, disgusting, evil, and just vile. Many Christians love to boast on social media about their blessings. They love to broadcast it to everyone in their circles, and perhaps, wider circles, to show how "blessed" they are. They post pictures of themselves at a family dinner, child's graduation where the child has received top academic honours, or a photo of an expensive dish, with the caption "#blessed". Most Christians in the west do not understand what it means to suffer, especially the ones who are raised with a golden spoon, and those who live such easy lives, and become smug behind their wealth. Such people seem, at least on the surface, to have everything and are the envied by all, including many of their own church friends: they own their ...