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Exposing self-centred opposition of Islam among professing American conservative evangelical Christians

Below is my response to an slanderous attack made against me by “Stephanie” at girlwithadragonflytattoo blog in her response to my comment at Her comments are in square brackets. Mine are interspersed in between. 
Please note, I am by no means a supporter of Islam. Islam is anti-Christ, and is rightly exposed as such. However, to single it out as the most evil religion on the basis that militant islamists hate Americans, white people and women, just mere human beings, as opposed to hating it because it opposes the God is the Bible, is just self-centred. So, that is my aim: to show how self-centred the article is.
[I think there are other religions are that at least as evil, such as wicca, and satanism. They may not call for jihad, but are their hearts not at least as evil as that of islamists?
I kind of wonder if you’re being sincere here…. ]
It is so easy to question the sincerity of a person who disagrees with you, isn’t? To disagree issue as to whether Islam is the most evil religion. What about hinduism, Buddhism, and also judaism where they are many militants in parts of the world who murder people, including Christians for not believing in their religion?
I don’t know whether you are just having an emotional reaction to my question, or has reasoning skills which are just so poor which can’t even understand why your statement may be contended. In case you think I am pro-islam, you are dead wrong. I am a militant Christian uninfluenced by Americanism, the idea that anyone who selfishly hates America and its people is just evil, on that basis.
[Wiccans are not saved (if they die, I’m pretty sure they’d go to hell), but they’re not out in mass trying to convert non-Wiccan believers, and they aren’t out in mass trying to slaughter people in the name of their religion. I’ve known a couple of Wiccan women, and although it’s only a couple, they weren’t raised with Christian values and yet were peaceful, even kind people. I think they’re playing with fire (doing the VERY wrong thing and dabbling in evil) and I did try to convert them through discussion and dialogue, but to equate their hearts and sins with those of truly evil people makes me wonder if you’ve thought this through. ]
And, it makes me wonder if you thought through how there are many muslims who are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ too.  And, the problem of many American conservative Christians in that they have the humanistic mindset that murder is the most evil thing one can do, rather than to reject God and blaspheme God which is far more evil than murder of sinful people. Such is the mindset you have as demonstrated by your words “but they’re not out in mass trying to convert non-Wiccan believers, and they aren’t out in mass trying to slaughter people in the name of their religion”, as if it is to their credit.
[Same with atheists. There are some really generally run-of-the-mill atheists that think rationally and aren’t ascribing to a religion that **DESIRES** to subjugate, enslave, murder, and destroy other people. Can you really not tell the difference between different levels of sin or people’s hearts?]
The Bible does not talk about different “levels of sin”. Show me a verse in the Bible which does. You can’t because there is none. Such concept of the invention of the human heart itself which is such ‘respecter of man’ (Romans 2:11), who thinks he or she deem which sin is more justifiable than not. Sin is sin, irrespective of “harm” caused to people. People like you have a mindset that level of sin is determined by harm caused to people. Who are you to say which sin is more justifiable than not? Sin, by the way, is against God, not man (Psalm 51:4).
[ In fact, because of how evil Islam is, I’ve actually watched a few atheists start to rethink their previous thoughts on Christianity – just because of how much evil they see in Islam in contrast to Christianity! Some have started to see for the first time just how pure Christianity is, and how favorable it is for society, all because of them realizing how evil Islam is when watching the effects play out on their people and cultures or the cultures they seek to overthrow and dominate. It’s amazing and wonderful – but again, it makes me wonder if you’re really being sincere coming here asking me these questions. I mean, can you really not understand the difference between a normal atheist who is lost but open to seeing God’s truth when God convicts him, and a satanist who delights in harming children and animals and making smut tapes for fun? i mean, come on!! C.S. Lewis was an atheist, and yet you’re placing him on the same level of evil as that of a person ascribing to Islam. Even *he* understand how evil Islam was as an atheist and wrote allegorically about it in his books. Can you really not understand the different levels of sins or degrees of evil? ]
No need to reply to you on this as it is simply the same old repetitive garbage.
[I can’t think of it now (way too sleep deprived and I’m in the middle of making my kids breakfast) but I believe the Bible talks about different degrees of evil and sins and how some are punished harsher.]
So you feel so compelled to reply to my comment when you are making kid’s breakfast? No one would have thought. Or perhaps, it simply shows how deep down inside your targeted hatred of Islam is a selfish one, because of how it opposed America, white people, and women, your pet groups, rather than because it is against God.
[ But that’s way too deep for 8am thinking for me when I’ve been up several times with an infant. Sorry… Maybe you can take your own advice and start a blog speaking out against

Below is my response to an slanderous attack made against me by “Stephanie” at girlwithadragonflytattoo blog. Her comments are in square brackets. Mine are interspersed in between.
[I think there are other religions are that at least as evil, such as wicca, and satanism. They may not call for jihad, but are their hearts not at least as evil as that of islamists?
I kind of wonder if you’re being sincere here…. ]
It is so easy to question the sincerity of a person who disagrees with you, isn’t? To disagree issue as to whether Islam is the most evil religion. What about hinduism, Buddhism, and also judaism where they are many militants in parts of the world who murder people, including Christians for not believing in their religion?
I don’t know whether you are just having an emotional reaction to my question, or has reasoning skills which are just so poor which can’t even understand why your statement may be contended. In case you think I am pro-islam, you are dead wrong. I am a militant Christian uninfluenced by Americanism, the idea that anyone who selfishly hates America and its people is just evil, on that basis.
[Wiccans are not saved (if they die, I’m pretty sure they’d go to hell), but they’re not out in mass trying to convert non-Wiccan believers, and they aren’t out in mass trying to slaughter people in the name of their religion. I’ve known a couple of Wiccan women, and although it’s only a couple, they weren’t raised with Christian values and yet were peaceful, even kind people. I think they’re playing with fire (doing the VERY wrong thing and dabbling in evil) and I did try to convert them through discussion and dialogue, but to equate their hearts and sins with those of truly evil people makes me wonder if you’ve thought this through. ]
And, it makes me wonder if you thought through how there are many muslims who are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ too.  And, the problem of many American conservative Christians in that they have the humanistic mindset that murder is the most evil thing one can do, rather than to reject God and blaspheme God which is far more evil than murder of sinful people. Such is the mindset you have as demonstrated by your words “but they’re not out in mass trying to convert non-Wiccan believers, and they aren’t out in mass trying to slaughter people in the name of their religion”, as if it is to their credit.
[Same with atheists. There are some really generally run-of-the-mill atheists that think rationally and aren’t ascribing to a religion that **DESIRES** to subjugate, enslave, murder, and destroy other people. Can you really not tell the difference between different levels of sin or people’s hearts?]
The Bible does not talk about different “levels of sin”. Show me a verse in the Bible which does. You can’t because there is none. Such concept of the invention of the human heart itself which is such ‘respecter of man’ (Romans 2:11), who thinks he or she deem which sin is more justifiable than not. Sin is sin, irrespective of “harm” caused to people. People like you have a mindset that level of sin is determined by harm caused to people. Who are you to say which sin is more justifiable than not? Sin, by the way, is against God, not man (Psalm 51:4).
[ In fact, because of how evil Islam is, I’ve actually watched a few atheists start to rethink their previous thoughts on Christianity – just because of how much evil they see in Islam in contrast to Christianity! Some have started to see for the first time just how pure Christianity is, and how favorable it is for society, all because of them realizing how evil Islam is when watching the effects play out on their people and cultures or the cultures they seek to overthrow and dominate. It’s amazing and wonderful – but again, it makes me wonder if you’re really being sincere coming here asking me these questions. I mean, can you really not understand the difference between a normal atheist who is lost but open to seeing God’s truth when God convicts him, and a satanist who delights in harming children and animals and making smut tapes for fun? i mean, come on!! C.S. Lewis was an atheist, and yet you’re placing him on the same level of evil as that of a person ascribing to Islam. Even *he* understand how evil Islam was as an atheist and wrote allegorically about it in his books. Can you really not understand the different levels of sins or degrees of evil? ]
No need to reply to you on this as it is simply the same old repetitive garbage.
[I can’t think of it now (way too sleep deprived and I’m in the middle of making my kids breakfast) but I believe the Bible talks about different degrees of evil and sins and how some are punished harsher.]
So you feel so compelled to reply to my comment when you are making kid’s breakfast? No one would have thought. Or perhaps, it simply shows how deep down inside your targeted hatred of Islam is a selfish one, because of how it opposed America, white people, and women, your pet groups, rather than because it is against God.
[ But that’s way too deep for 8am thinking for me when I’ve been up several times with an infant. Sorry… Maybe you can take your own advice and start a blog speaking out against every evil under the sun to make up for my lack there].
By the way, I already do” take my own advice”. I do before I say. I have long ago started a blog speaking against all evils, not to make up for your lack, but rather, as a stand-alone blog in its own right. Why would I care about your blog, written by a joker who is simply so upset about my objection to the singling out of Islam as the most evil religion.
[Coming here, trying to get me to qualify to you that I’m in fact, fighting on all fronts in order to meet your strange measure of whether or not I’m perfect does seem insincere. Kind of ridiculous to challenge a mom of young children, sleep deprived and exhausted, to take on writing about every single evil under the sun just to please *you* – seems so prideful and outlandish lol.]
No one is telling you to write article after article on all evils. You are the one who is deliberately misunderstanding, if not deliberately twisting my words, so that you can slander me as “ridiculous”, “prideful” and “outlandish”, and then laugh at me. I will not let anyone slander me, in case you have not picked that up already. If you haven’t, you probably show that you are not capable of deep thinking as you have said earlier that “But that’s way too deep for 8am thinking for me”. So, because of that, why would challenge you to write all articles of ideologies. You don’t even seem like you are capable of doing so, given what you write on your blog.
Why do you think it seems ‘insincere’ for me to make the challenge? Because you think that everyone who reads your blog must agree with you. Anyone who disagrees with you to an extent you can’t tolerate is just insincere to you. Yet you have the audacity to call me selfish?  You either reply happily to comments that agree with you, and attack comments which question even slightly what you say.
[I’m a mom of 3 kids under 10 that keep me extremely busy – one is an infant for goodness sakes LOL! I’m a wife to a husband who has a career that demands that I be all-involved in my own family and holding down the “fort” making sure everything is running well and smoothly in my own home. I’m living out (or trying to) what Paul said young women should be concerning themselves with being “keepers of the home,” “marrying and having children” etc… it never calls young wives and mothers to do what you’re challenging me to do – probably because it’d take away way too much time from them doing what God DID call them to do and from what their husbands’ need them to do (taking care of the home, children and family overall). ]
As you should. But you can’t expect every person who comes across you blog to know you are a “mom of 3 kids”. Even if someone is not new to it, you can’t expect everyone to understand what that is like. Not everyone is in your position. I’m not in your position.  And you are taking away time to me, by having to even tell you this, in response to some accusation against for not ‘understanding you’. Do you understand everyone?
Being a ‘mom of 3 kids’ is not an excuse to make a slander against someone, just because of your own misunderstanding of what someone has said.
[I’m not called to be some conservative social justice warrior cranking out article after article on every kind of evil in this world and spending too much time away from my kids and family to make strangers like you happy (hint: you’d never be happy anyways). I’m making a difference in my own community and in my own children, husband’s life, and family where I am… for you to basically insinuate that I should be doing more in order to be “allowed” to criticize Islam is just yuck. My husband’s job literally requires that I be his “calm” and stable person in life – he goes out and fights evil in our own city as *his* calling and makes a living while I maintain our home and children and am a soft, stable place for him to come back to. My calling isn’t to constantly speak out against every single kind of evil that exists by endless blog posts about them, or to get into qualifying arguments with strangers like you on the internet (even though you’re “not trying to be mean” to me, but still selfishly trying to take my time away from my husband and family and infant). The message of your comment is that you’re basically trying to tell me I shouldn’t take a small stand, on my personal blog, against Islam just because I’m not also taking stands against everything else *you* think I should be as well.]
No one is saying you are called to be a “some conservative social justice warrior cranking out article after article on every kind of evil in this world and spending too much time away from my kids and family to make strangers like you [me]  happy”.  You said: “hint: you’d never be happy anyways”. Let me give you a hint: you can’t truly understand the character of a person just from reading a comment he or she makes, which is what you imply in saying I would never be ‘happy ‘ anyways. I don’t even believe in being “happy” when it comes to reading articles. Rather, I analyse articles and seek truth. Any article which has a hint of the typical humanistic thinking of that which I will attack. Hope you realise that.
You’re making a “difference” where you are. So I am. To put you with discontented, easily offended people who take a comment about ideology so personally is really part of how I seek to make a different in Christendom today. Yes, I am a militant Christian, and fear no evil or slander.
I have never told you to respond to my comment. It is simply a comment. You are the one who takes is so personally, and hating me because I challenge you. Who do you think you are? And you even dare accuse of me “even though you’re “not trying to be mean” to me, but still selfishly trying to take my time away from my husband and family and infant”. It seems like you’re the one who will never be satisfied at others making you happy, seeking only praise and compliments from others who praise you for your posts. Not only that, you think that people should never make you upset, failing to even acknowledge that simply because a person challenges you does not mean that he or she is intending to be mean or unkind to you. It’s all your problem really in thinking I am “selfishly trying to take time” away from you. I could equally say you are trying to selfishly trying to take time away from me by having to even put up with your slanderous accusations. You think I have no duties to anyone? You must be kidding. I have relatives and family members to care for, on top of other non-familial obligations.
If you feel like you are being told to write more articles on your blog is to take time away from you, that is you’re problem and yours alone.  How dare you blame it on others!
Nice try on trying to psychologically and emotionally manipulate me, by the way. You have failed.
[Sorry to disappoint you, but this is just what it was. A definitive stand against Islam on a busy wife and mother’s blog, something I’ve wanted to do for awhile. There most likely won’t be posts just on blasting homosexuality, satanism, atheism or the like – mostly because I don’t have time to deal with the drama that those kinds of posts bring or to answer the questions that *are* sincere. I am against those things and do speak out against them in appropriate times and places, but for many reasons, I just decided to do Islam this time. You can read more into it than was intended (white supremacy you’re accusing me of – really tasteless accusations… bleh!) but that’s some flaw you have ascribed yourself, and has nothing to do with why Islam is evil in it’s ideology or why one Christian wife is calling it out.]
You don’t ‘disappoint’ me as you claim. Why would I expect any better from a person who writes blog posts about personal things, rather than that which exposes evil? Someone who thinks that thinking a bit more deeply is just too much.
Yes, I would challenge you again not to write posts on “homosexuality, satanism, atheism or the like”, but to speak up against it to people in your “own community and in your own children, husband’s life, and family where you are”. It is so easy to speak up against Islam isn’t it, and yet not speak up against homosexuality, wicca, feminism, atheism, Buddhism, and hinduism. Yet, that is exactly what so many of you professing American Christian conservatives are like. Full of foul hypocrisy. And yet you all complain about how the liberals think you all are just so hypocritical?
It seems like you’re the one stirring up drama in the first place by espousing self-centred views against Islam. If you are only concerned about how Islamists hate white people and the west and its ways, then you would be a western superiorist, which seems to be the case, it is justified that you be regarded as such. But of course, people don’t seem the superiorist or supremist thinking in themselves, because it is just “true” to them that anyone who opposed them is wrong, and therefore, worthy of contempt.
 Do you even think about how so many Middle Eastern people themselves are murdered by Islamists? Do you even care about how many Muslims themselves are murdered by other Muslims, or by atheist groups in the Middle East? Do you not care? If you don’t, you would show yourself to be a western superiorist, who thinks only western victims of Islamist terror are worthy of remembering, whereas non-western victims are not. Shame on you, if that is the case.
[For the sincere people reading: Mostly this was just a post to take a stand I thought was really needed and to let people stop following me if it bothers them.]
Do you think I am following you? Think again. Some people read posts just to learn about the discourse in the blogosphere to fulfil the duty of correcting error and speaking truth. So, I have confirmed my comments regarding your accusation as to my “insincerity”. I am “insincere” because I challenge and debate you. Nice try.
Follow up comment from the slander:
Since I really don’t want to spend much energy on political or negative posts like this… Comments are now closed!!!!
Nice try to shut me down. You have not succeeded, have you?

every evil under the sun to make up for my lack there].
By the way, I already do” take my own advice”. I do before I say. I have long ago started a blog speaking against all evils, not to make up for your lack, but rather, as a stand-alone blog in its own right. Why would I care about your blog, written by a joker who is simply so upset about my objection to the singling out of Islam as the most evil religion.
[Coming here, trying to get me to qualify to you that I’m in fact, fighting on all fronts in order to meet your strange measure of whether or not I’m perfect does seem insincere. Kind of ridiculous to challenge a mom of young children, sleep deprived and exhausted, to take on writing about every single evil under the sun just to please *you* – seems so prideful and outlandish lol.]
No one is telling you to write article after article on all evils. You are the one who is deliberately misunderstanding, if not deliberately twisting my words, so that you can slander me as “ridiculous”, “prideful” and “outlandish”, and then laugh at me. I will not let anyone slander me, in case you have not picked that up already. If you haven’t, you probably show that you are not capable of deep thinking as you have said earlier that “But that’s way too deep for 8am thinking for me”. So, because of that, why would challenge you to write all articles of ideologies. You don’t even seem like you are capable of doing so, given what you write on your blog.
Why do you think it seems ‘insincere’ for me to make the challenge? Because you think that everyone who reads your blog must agree with you. Anyone who disagrees with you to an extent you can’t tolerate is just insincere to you. Yet you have the audacity to call me selfish?  You either reply happily to comments that agree with you, and attack comments which question even slightly what you say.
[I’m a mom of 3 kids under 10 that keep me extremely busy – one is an infant for goodness sakes LOL! I’m a wife to a husband who has a career that demands that I be all-involved in my own family and holding down the “fort” making sure everything is running well and smoothly in my own home. I’m living out (or trying to) what Paul said young women should be concerning themselves with being “keepers of the home,” “marrying and having children” etc… it never calls young wives and mothers to do what you’re challenging me to do – probably because it’d take away way too much time from them doing what God DID call them to do and from what their husbands’ need them to do (taking care of the home, children and family overall). ]
As you should. But you can’t expect every person who comes across you blog to know you are a “mom of 3 kids”. Even if someone is not new to it, you can’t expect everyone to understand what that is like. Not everyone is in your position. I’m not in your position.  And you are taking away time to me, by having to even tell you this, in response to some accusation against for not ‘understanding you’. Do you understand everyone?
Being a ‘mom of 3 kids’ is not an excuse to make a slander against someone, just because of your own misunderstanding of what someone has said.
[I’m not called to be some conservative social justice warrior cranking out article after article on every kind of evil in this world and spending too much time away from my kids and family to make strangers like you happy (hint: you’d never be happy anyways). I’m making a difference in my own community and in my own children, husband’s life, and family where I am… for you to basically insinuate that I should be doing more in order to be “allowed” to criticize Islam is just yuck. My husband’s job literally requires that I be his “calm” and stable person in life – he goes out and fights evil in our own city as *his* calling and makes a living while I maintain our home and children and am a soft, stable place for him to come back to. My calling isn’t to constantly speak out against every single kind of evil that exists by endless blog posts about them, or to get into qualifying arguments with strangers like you on the internet (even though you’re “not trying to be mean” to me, but still selfishly trying to take my time away from my husband and family and infant). The message of your comment is that you’re basically trying to tell me I shouldn’t take a small stand, on my personal blog, against Islam just because I’m not also taking stands against everything else *you* think I should be as well.]
No one is saying you are called to be a “some conservative social justice warrior cranking out article after article on every kind of evil in this world and spending too much time away from my kids and family to make strangers like you [me]  happy”.  You said: “hint: you’d never be happy anyways”. Let me give you a hint: you can’t truly understand the character of a person just from reading a comment he or she makes, which is what you imply in saying I would never be ‘happy ‘ anyways. I don’t even believe in being “happy” when it comes to reading articles. Rather, I analyse articles and seek truth. Any article which has a hint of the typical humanistic thinking of that which I will attack. Hope you realise that.
You’re making a “difference” where you are. So I am. To put you with discontented, easily offended people who take a comment about ideology so personally is really part of how I seek to make a different in Christendom today. Yes, I am a militant Christian, and fear no evil or slander.
I have never told you to respond to my comment. It is simply a comment. You are the one who takes is so personally, and hating me because I challenge you. Who do you think you are? And you even dare accuse of me “even though you’re “not trying to be mean” to me, but still selfishly trying to take my time away from my husband and family and infant”. It seems like you’re the one who will never be satisfied at others making you happy, seeking only praise and compliments from others who praise you for your posts. Not only that, you think that people should never make you upset, failing to even acknowledge that simply because a person challenges you does not mean that he or she is intending to be mean or unkind to you. It’s all your problem really in thinking I am “selfishly trying to take time” away from you. I could equally say you are trying to selfishly trying to take time away from me by having to even put up with your slanderous accusations. You think I have no duties to anyone? You must be kidding. I have relatives and family members to care for, on top of other non-familial obligations.
If you feel like you are being told to write more articles on your blog is to take time away from you, that is you’re problem and yours alone.  How dare you blame it on others!
Nice try on trying to psychologically and emotionally manipulate me, by the way. You have failed.
[Sorry to disappoint you, but this is just what it was. A definitive stand against Islam on a busy wife and mother’s blog, something I’ve wanted to do for awhile. There most likely won’t be posts just on blasting homosexuality, satanism, atheism or the like – mostly because I don’t have time to deal with the drama that those kinds of posts bring or to answer the questions that *are* sincere. I am against those things and do speak out against them in appropriate times and places, but for many reasons, I just decided to do Islam this time. You can read more into it than was intended (white supremacy you’re accusing me of – really tasteless accusations… bleh!) but that’s some flaw you have ascribed yourself, and has nothing to do with why Islam is evil in it’s ideology or why one Christian wife is calling it out.]
You don’t ‘disappoint’ me as you claim. Why would I expect any better from a person who writes blog posts about personal things, rather than that which exposes evil? Someone who thinks that thinking a bit more deeply is just too much.
Yes, I would challenge you again not to write posts on “homosexuality, satanism, atheism or the like”, but to speak up against it to people in your “own community and in your own children, husband’s life, and family where you are”. It is so easy to speak up against Islam isn’t it, and yet not speak up against homosexuality, wicca, feminism, atheism, Buddhism, and hinduism. Yet, that is exactly what so many of you professing American Christian conservatives are like. Full of foul hypocrisy. And yet you all complain about how the liberals think you all are just so hypocritical?
It seems like you’re the one stirring up drama in the first place by espousing self-centred views against Islam. If you are only concerned about how Islamists hate white people and the west and its ways, then you would be a western superiorist, which seems to be the case, it is justified that you be regarded as such. But of course, people don’t seem the superiorist or supremist thinking in themselves, because it is just “true” to them that anyone who opposed them is wrong, and therefore, worthy of contempt.
 Do you even think about how so many Middle Eastern people themselves are murdered by Islamists? Do you even care about how many Muslims themselves are murdered by other Muslims, or by atheist groups in the Middle East? Do you not care? If you don’t, you would show yourself to be a western superiorist, who thinks only western victims of Islamist terror are worthy of remembering, whereas non-western victims are not. Shame on you, if that is the case.
[For the sincere people reading: Mostly this was just a post to take a stand I thought was really needed and to let people stop following me if it bothers them.]
Do you think I am following you? Think again. Some people read posts just to learn about the discourse in the blogosphere to fulfil the duty of correcting error and speaking truth. So, I have confirmed my comments regarding your accusation as to my “insincerity”. I am “insincere” because I challenge and debate you. Nice try.
Follow up comment from the slanderer quickly after writing her response to ensure I "can't rebut her":
[Since I really don’t want to spend much energy on political or negative posts like this… Comments are now closed!!!!

Nice try to shut me down. You have not succeeded, have you?


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