Earthly Wealth is Not a Sign of God's Favour. It is to Truly be Satisfied in Christ and Christ Alone that One is Truly Blessed.
Many in the modern western Church think that they are more blessed than others by having more material wealth or possession is a sign that God's favours them more than others. They think that earthly wealth is a measure of God's blessings, that is, favour. A person who has less earthly wealth is therefore less blessed by God. Such is a despicable abominable doctrine of demons. What is so abominable about this doctrine you may ask? What makes it truly abomination is that it perverts the very meaning of what it means to be favoured by God. To be blessed by God is to be favoured by God. The Greek word for blessed is ' makarios ' meaning happy because God's grace has come upon a person and favour. It is the word used in the Beattitudes in Matthew 5. The Beattitudes tell us the God favours the poor in spirit, those that mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, those who are persecuted for righteousn...