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The Ensnaring Power of Envy and Jealousy

We live in a world full of people who love to make others envious or jealous of them. Such people cannot rest until they makes others envious or jealous of them. Whenever they fall to make others envious or jealous of them, they are full of anger, and hate the person who they seek to stir up envy or jealousy in, all the more. Such is the perversion of envy and jealousy.

Advertising is the most obvious example. It feeds on the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life (1 John 2:16), seeking to promise fulfillment of such things, but yet being only too delighted to show that one cannot. That is exactly how envy and jealousy work. They not only thrive on, but love to only show people seeking to fulfill their lusts and pride, how they cannot find such fulfillment, whereas another can.

Jealous and envy make a person spiritually weak because just as death and destruction are never satisfied, the same is with the lust of the eyes: Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied (Proverbs 27:20). The lust of the eyes is not simply the desire to not only have what others have. Such desire is only a mere manifestation of the lust of the eyes. 

The lust of the eyes is the desire to seek what one sees is good for oneself, and seek it in accordance to one's own way. Such lust of the eyes then grows into the lusts of the flesh the object of that lust. Lust of the flesh is the desire to seek what one wants, and seek it in accordance to one's own way. This lust of the flesh then gives birth to the pride of life, which is never satisfied until one obtains what one wants. Until that want is fulfilled, it despises anyone who has that want fulfilled, and not only does not, but cannot love a person who is fulfilled in that respect. Such inability to love is a serious sin, as the lack of love is hatred (1 John 4:8). 

The lust of the eyes is extremely subtle and deceptive, as constitutes entire mindset of the person, in thinking himself justified to seek what he thinks good for himself, in his own way. As Matthew 6:23 says: "But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!". Such is how lust of the eye blind a person with such lust. He will not see it in himself. When confronted about how he has such lust, he can only but seek to justify himself, to the point of attempting to justify lust, or twist the meaning of lust so that his lust falls short of being lust.

Satan loves to stir up envy and jealousy in people, including, if not especially in true followers of Christ. Why? He wants to steal his or her joy in Christ, because by doing so, he weakens his faith in Christ, and therefore his strength. For the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Envy and jealousy hold a person to spiritual bondage of the most destructive kind. Such a person has no joy, but only anger, hatred and bitterness, resulting from the lust of the eyes, which becomes lust of the flesh, and then becoming the pride of life, which can never be fulfilled. Therefore, a person in bondage to such sins can only hate people, which is murder in the eyes of God, which leads to eternal damnation: Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him (1 John 3:15).

A person with envy and jealous can have no peace, as he finds not his peace in God, but in satisfying his lusts. Therefore, envy and jealousy are utter foolishness, as they deny God's peace. It is the manifestation of the heart saying that there is no God in whom he can find peace. Who does the Bible say is a fool? The one who says in his heart that there is no God (Psalm 14:1). It is not simply the one who says with his mouth there is no God, but the one who says with his heart there is no God. 

Attempting to satisfy one' lusts, which is a self-centred, self-glorifying desire, as opposed to one which seeks to glorify God, and love God, will always bring anxiety. Anxiety is itself the manifestation of pride, as it trusts not in God, but oneself. It has the gall to deny that God who created the entire universe cannot sustain oneself. It has the gall to say that God who sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world to save people from His just wrath, does not love oneself. 

It will always bring anxiety, not because of  God's "failure" to give what one wants when and how one wants, but because it indulges in the flesh. When one has no peace because of one's envy or jealousy, it is one's own fault. The flesh can never be satisfied once indulged because once it is entertained, it craves for more, owing to its pride.  

Such is the ensnaring power of envy and jealousy. It does the person full of envy and jealousy nothing but feed his pride, give no peace, steal his joy, and lead him to eternal destruction, for such a person is filled with nothing but hatred. 


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