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Showing posts from January, 2019

False Love is Self-centred Love that Worships Oneself and Hates God

The doctrine of love is the doctrine that people in today's Church love the most. People love to hear about the doctrine of love, not because they are full of love, but because they want to be loved. However, their want to be loved is derived from their self-centred love that is vile, evil and wicked. They want to be loved, but have no love themselves. That is the height of all self-love, which is nothing but idolatry. The ultimate manifestation of idolatry is the love of self. It is to love oneself for being oneself which is exactly what the problem of self-love. It regards oneself as worthy of love, when one is not worthy of love at all. It is a proud love of self, that the world regards as 'self-respect'. Self-love is Adamic, full of venom and the hatred of God. For it thinks highly of itself, in thinking itself to be worthy when it is not worthy at all, but worthy only for eternal Hellfire for seeking to be independent of God.  Independence from God is the beg...

True Love Gives to Give whereas False Love Gives Only to Receive

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) Of all Christian doctrines, the doctrine of love has been twisted the most. Many churches preach the love of God, saying that God's love is unconditional, in that one can simply come to God without being holy and righteous. One can sin as much as one wants, because God's love will cover the sins. One need not make any effort to be holy or righteous.   The doctrine of love has been twisted into meaning that God shows His love for one by rewarding one with the things one wants, or by fulfilling one's desires. That is what makes Him good and therefore worth serving. This implies that where God does not reward one with the desire...

The spirit of Witchcraft seeks to Dominate as her Ultimate End to Legitimise Her Wickedness and Her Perversion of Righteousness

The spirit of witchcraft loves lawlessness, that is the perversion of righteousness and the legitimisation of wickedness. Authority that is rightly exercised maintains such righteousness and contends with wickedness, suppressing all evil, and allowing only righteousness. To legitimise wickedness and the perversion of righteousness, the spirit of witchcraft must attack legitimate authority that is rightly exercised to achieve its goal of satisfying its own perversion of righteousness and the legitimisation of wickedness. Many in the Church love to point the finger at the liberals and feminists in particular, of being guilty of witchcraft. While such ideologies and their proponents are certainly full of witchcraft, not only does witchcraft not only manifest in such ideologies which Christians love to criticise. Witchcraft need not manifest in liberal ideologies which purport that the sum of the matter are "rights", "liberty" and "equality". The spirit of w...

The spirit of Witchcraft perverts Rightfully Exercised Legitimate Authority into Illegitimate Authority

The spirit of witchcraft is the spirit that seeks to dominate other people. To dominate other people means to exercise illegitimate authority over others. Exercising authority over another means to determine for another person whether what he does is right or wrong, and is acceptable. The determination by the former binds the latter.  Providing counsel, advice, guidance, rebuke, correction or feedback is not the exercise of authority. For example, a mentor who provides guidance and counsel to a mentee is not exercising authority over the mentee. A author who writes books to rebuke, correct and even confront people about an evil of our age is not exercising exercising authority of his readers. The exercise of authority over another requires the person over whom authority is exercised to be bound to that decisions or determinations of the person making the decision or determination. The essence of the exercise of authority is that the person subjected to the authority is not to h...

The True Pursuit of Jesus is to Stop Pursuing Anything of this World for Oneself and to Devote Oneself to Him Fully and Wholeheartedly

Many professing Christians claim that they are following Him, but the reality is that they are not truly following Jesus. While they may try as hard to obey Him, they cannot fully obey all of His Commands because they do not fully accept all of His Commands in full.  They are willing to follow Jesus, but only on their terms. They are willing to follow Him only where their desires, wants, dreams, visions and ambitions can be satisfied. Whenever following Him conflicts with their desires, wants, dreams, visions and ambitions, they do not want to follow Him, but instead want God to accommodate for these desires, wants, dreams or ambitions.  Such so-called 'christians' are those who appear godly but are ambitious about their own careers or vocations, including ministry careers, are driven, and are constantly talking about their dreams and 'waiting on God' to fulfill their desires. Such people are not true Servants of God. Instead, they want God to serve them. They serve...

A Servant of God is Not to Seek Money, Fame, Power, Influence or Success

A Servant of God should never seek money, fame, power, influence or success. Why? Because such things are earthly temporal things. Seeking such things is earthly and worldly, without exception or qualification.  Jesus made it very clear, " For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also " (Matthew 6:21). This means that if one is seeking money, fame, power, influence or success, one's heart is with the world, for such things are of the world. Seeking financial security on this earth shows that one's heart is with the world. Doing anything to seek such financial security, such as marrying and having a family for financial security as a reason is worldliness and earthliness. It is sin. Such people will not see the Kingdom of Heaven and will go to Hell if they do not repent and turn to Jesus Christ. Jesus said: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;   but lay up for yourselves treas...