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The Rise of so-called “christian” Erotica is the Beginning of the Great Apostasy and those who Embrace it are Tragically Deluded, Unstable and Ignorant

We live in treacherous times and dark days, and such times are made more obvious by the rise of so-called “christian” erotica. As shocking as this may sound, it is becoming increasingly normalised and justified, all by the use of Scripture among professing Christians. Those who oppose “christian” erotica, which is really just a euphemism for pornography, on Scriptural grounds, are not only accused by professing Christians who support “christian” erotica as legalistic, pharisaic, righteous, narrow-minded, or holier-than-thou, but perverted, exhibiting a false sense of godliness and oppressive.
The rise of “christian” erotica is far more dangerous and of far greater significance than the obvious reason that erotica is perverse and that Scriptures are being twisted to justify such perversion. It is a symptom of a greater problem which is not merely the idolatry of sex, or even the utter lack of the fear of God. It is the perversion of the Christian faith itself through the worship of one’s own self, manifesting in the idolatry of seeking one’s own pleasure, being a “lover of pleasure rather than a lover of God” which the Holy Scriptures condemns.[1] It is the Christian faith being perverted into self-worship, falsely justified by perverse interpretations of Scripture. Such perversion of faith, justified by the use of Scripture itself is apostasy. The Great Apostasy as prophesised in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 has begun.  

 ‘Christian’ erotica is not simply a means of providing so-called “entertainment” to people as mainstream erotica does, especially to nymphomaniac married Christian women who are bored with their daily lives. It is far more perverse than that. It is a subtle means of spreading their false and utterly depraved theology of sex and sexuality. Though many of these wicked heretics are silly nymphomaniac women and horndog men have an extremely low mentality, they know a great deal when it comes to the Scriptures on sex, even to the extent of being able to use sophistry to develop a false theology on sex and sexuality to justify their carnal desires. However, by their false knowledge of what the Scriptures teach on sex, they show themselves to be all the more asinine, as evident by their crass views on what the Scripture teaches on this topic.

The sea of “Christian” erotica being embraced and produced by professing Christians is being justified on the basis that erotica strengthens marriages, helps or motivates people to perform their spousal conjugal duties, and there is nothing in the Word of God which expressly says that erotica is sinful. While such reasons may seem asinine, “christian” erotica is far more subtle than that in how it deceives. It appears to be very clean and pure on the surface because of its constant disavowal of sexual relations outside of marriage, unlike mainstream erotica and pornography, which proponents of “christian” erotica love to criticise. But “christian” erotica is anything but clean and pure. It is precisely the false appearance of the purity of “christian” erotica that deceives even many genuine Christians, because it is so deceitful and seductive, owing to its seemingly liberating and mature approach to sexuality, which many professing Christians are all too keen to appear to secular society.
The key tactic of the deception of “Christian” erotica is that it uses marriage as basis to justify lasciviousness. This deception tactic has proven to be very effective which makes “christian” erotica appear so clean and pure, because it purports that marriage is the only forum for sexual relations. Many “unstable and ignorant people” as described in 2 Peter 3:16-17 and in particular “silly women” who the Scriptures describe as “laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” foolishly assume that this means that “christian” erotica must be clean. 

Therein lies the deception. That sexual relations are only permissible within marriage according to Scripture is only half of the truth. This truth does not automatically mean that all such relations in marriage are pure, as many professing Christians are sadly deceived into thinking. Marriage does not justify sexual perversion within marriage, such as masturbation, pornography, oral sex, and anal sex, which is nothing more than the homosexual act practiced by married men and women on each other, justified under their beloved idol of marriage by such so-called ‘Christians’. Neither does marriage justify sexual relations done for the main or sole purpose of pleasure, which not only has no Scriptural basis, but is against the spirit of the teaching of the Word of God which condemns the love of pleasure.[2] The idea that sex may be done for the main or sole purpose of pleasure, as long as it is within marriage, is of the spirit of lasciviousness, which the Scriptures condemn.[3]

Proponents of “christian” erotica are so perverse in their thinking, in believing that they can twist Scripture to justify their lusts. Yet, they are double-minded enough to even dare think that they are so holy and righteous, and love to criticise mainstream erotica and pornography for being primarily composed of adultery and fornication, showing their remarkably arrogant hypocrisy. It teaches that God made sex for pleasure, not for the unity of the spouses as indicated by the Holy Scriptures which says “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”.[4] It does not say that a man “shall cleave unto his wife to indulge themselves and enjoy each others’ bodies”, or that a man “shall cleave unto his wife to have great fun”. Rather it says man “shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”. 

It is clear from the Word of God that lasciviousness is sin and that erotica is lasciviousness. Yet so many professing Christians, in particular, professing married Christians embrace it, in thinking that they have the ‘right’ to embrace lasciviousness, just because they are married and have the ‘marital privilege’. Such is their perverted reasoning. The entire theology of ‘christian’ erotica is that as long as one is married, one can do whatever one wants with one’s spouse sexually, as long as no one is hurt. Such is the sexual liberalism of the evangelicals, which has an utterly hypocritical false guise of holiness. They love to criticise the liberals for their wickedness in relation to matters of sexuality. But owing to their own lasciviousness which they justify by their own heretical carnal theology on such matters, they have no right to rebuke such liberals. 

The demonic idea that one can do what one likes sexually with one’s spouse, as long as one is married is of the spirit of rebellion and lawlessness, as manifest in the idea of doing as one chooses, as long as no one is hurt. It is not only based on minimalist morality, that as long as one does not fornicate or commit adultery, one has not sinned. It is based on the demonic lies that pornography and masturbation are justified by marriage, as long as there is consent between from one’s spouse. This is all based on the twisted interpretation of Hebrews 13:4 which says “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”.

Hebrews 13:4 is interpreted by these evangelicals to mean that because “marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled”, married couples can engage in whatever sexual activities they like within marriage, and can indulge in sexual pleasure as they choose. As long as one is married, one can engage in sexual relations with one’s spouse for the main or sole purpose of pleasure, since there is nothing which says explicitly in the Scriptures that one cannot engage in sexual relations within marriage for pleasure. As long as one’s sexual relations do not amount to fornication or adultery, one has not sinned and cannot have sinned. Such an interpretation completely dismisses the multiple verses in the Scriptures which condemn the love of pleasure, and lasciviousness.[5] These are the verses that no one even cares to think, mention let alone discuss, in relation to the issue of sexuality, because of their vile, carnal, pleasure-seeking mindset. They do not even have the wisdom to understand such passages because of their evil and wicked mindset. 

What Hebrews 13:4 means is that marriage is an institution to be honoured, and because adultery and whoremongering violate the sanctity of the institution of marriage, God will judge such people. It specifies adultery and whoremongering, rather than other sexual sins such as homosexuality or bestiality, because these two sexual sins specifically violate the marriage covenant. It is not that such sins are no lesser sins that adultery and 

Homosexuality and bestiality do not have the capacity to unite a man and woman by rendering them “one flesh”, and cannot be said to violate the marriage covenant. They are unnatural altogether. These sins are sexual deviancies that are totally against nature itself, and not only do not, but cannot pertain to marriage which is why Hebrews 13:4 does not even mention such sins. This indicates that Hebrews 13:4 is a warning about defiling or dishonouring the institution of marriage by sexual immorality. The underlying assumption is that marriage can and does become defiled and dishonoured by sexual immorality, namely fornication and adultery. This shows that this verse is far from saying that any sexual acts within marriage is good, or as long as sexual relations are done within marriage, there can be no sinful motives for such relations, such as indulging sex for the main or sole purpose of pleasure.

The idea that sex for the main or sole purpose of pleasure, as long as it is within marriage leads to the idea that there is nothing wrong with masturbation. Therefore, it is no surprise that “christian” erotica not only condones masturbation, but fully promotes and endorses it. Masturbation is an obvious sin because it a total violation of the natural sexual act, and amounts to self-gratification. Masturbation is unequivocally a sin, and the very thought of it should disgust one from the core of one’s very being. “Christian” erotica, however, endorses it, by subtly teaching that whether it is right or wrong is a “matter of one’s heart”, or that it is justified as a form of sexual release so that a person will not fall into fornication or adultery. 

To say that whether masturbation is right or wrong is a “matter of one’s heart” is a cunning way of redefining masturbation, and avoiding the question as to whether it is sin altogether. Do not be deceived, the very act of masturbation is itself sin precisely because it is unnatural and a form of self-gratification. Whether self-gratification is right or wrong is beyond question. Masturbation is any event is self-gratification, which is the opposite of self-control, one of the fruits of the Spirit.[6]

Endorsement of masturbation is totally consistent with the central tenet of ‘christian’ erotica that indulgence in sex for the main or sole purpose of pleasure is permissible or even good, as long as it is within marriage. The problem is that engaging in sexual relations for the main or sole purpose of pleasure is glorified masturbation. It does not make a difference whether such an act was done within marriage or outside marriage, as doing so for the purpose of pleasure is itself the violation of the purpose of sex which is unity between the spouses.[7]
The only difference between sex done within marriage purely for pleasure, and that outside of marriage done purely for pleasure is that the former attempts to use the Moral Law of God and circumvent the loopholes to justify one’s actions, while the latter does not even bother about the Law of God. 

The former tries to use marriage as a canopy to justify one’s lust, while the latter does not even bother with the Law of God. Both are wicked because both are acts of self-gratification and self-indulgence. Both are acts of glorified masturbation done with another person. The only difference between the person who masturbates oneself, whether he or she is single or married, and the person who engages in sexual relations within marriage for the main or sole purpose of pleasure, is that the former practices self-masturbation, while the latter practices glorified mutual masturbation with another. 

Oral sex is another perverse act which proponents of “christian” erotica endorse. They love to use the Song of Solomon 2:3-5 to justify oral sex, where it says:

As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.

This is a tragic misinterpretation and misapplication of the Song of Solomon. The Song of Solomon is poetic and symbolic, not of sexual acts, but rather, expressions of love that are experienced in the heart, mind, soul and spirit that only manifest in passionate sexual relations. Despite what some churches have taught, it is not an erotic book. If it is an erotic book, it would amount to pornography, and there is no way that the Scriptures could ever contain written pornography. The idea that the Song of Solomon is erotica is utterly heretical, and an absolutely tragic misunderstanding of its true meaning. More importantly, the Song of Solomon is ultimately about the relationship between Jesus and His Bride, the true Church, not two earthly lovers. It merely uses the expressions of love between two earthly lovers to demonstrate how the relationship between Jesus and His Church should be. 

The purpose of the Song of Solomon is not to incite sexual desires in people to drive people who are not yet married to marriage, as some evangelical theologians say, with the motive of pushing their cultic and idolatrous agenda of ‘marriage and family’. This argument subtly seeks to encourage people who are not yet married to allow their sexual desires to be stirred up, to place them in a position where they lack self-control and will be placed in a position where they will have to marry because of their lack of self-control. It is a cunning way of attempting to deny the God-given liberty as to whether one should marry or not. 

It also implies that those with sexual desires must marry on that very basis. If they do not marry, even where they are unable to do so owing to circumstance, they sin by virtue of being single.  People who are unable to marry by reason of circumstance and have sexual desires face a dilemma which this false teaching does absolutely nothing to help. They are left in spiritual bondage as a result. In teaching that people must marry simply on the basis that they have sexual desires, one disavows self-control, which is not only the viable option, but extremely liberating for such people. It gives a person the liberty to marry or not marry, without being in bondage to sexual desires. 

Proponents of “christian” erotica can and is used to lead people into bondage to sexual desires, which is used to force them to marry, by telling them that they must marry if they have even the slightest sexual desires. This takes away the God-given liberty for people to marry or not marry, and is the result of the dangerous cocktail of “christian” erotica and the teaching that marriage is mandatory where a person has even the slightest of sexual desires. “Christian” erotica forces people to marry by stirring up their sexual desires to the point in which they lack self-control, placing them into a precarious position where they are at risk of fornication if they do not. For those who cannot marry owing to their circumstances, this brings nothing but sexual bondage, leading to sexual frustration, anxiety, discouragement and even causing some to lose faith when they lose hope of marrying and having a family.

The rise of so-called ‘christian’ erotica is not merely evidence of sexual immorality among professing Christians and their attempts justify their indulgence in sexual lusts, thereby perverting the entire purpose of marriage. Neither is it even ultimately evidence of idolatry and the utter lack of the fear of God in much of the professing Church today, although that certainly is true. It is evidence that much of the professing Church are trying to serve both God and the world, the temporal things of this life. They want both God and the world, and are pursuing both, which is the height of double-mindedness. 

Such people who think that ‘Christian’ erotica is justified, just because it overcomes the loopholes of the Scriptures in not explicitly stating that seeking sex for the main or sole purpose of pleasure, that unnatural sexual acts are wrong, or marrying just to satisfy one’s sexual desires, are deceived. They demonstrate that they are living for their own carnal desires and do not love God, all while claiming to obey God. 

However, their ‘obedience’ to God by supposedly avoiding fornication before marriage and adultery once married is nothing but minimal morality. Their avoidance of fornication and adultery are merely outward acts of obedience to the Law of God, but inwardly, their hearts are full of nothing but lust, fornication and adultery. They avoid fornication and adultery neither out of fear or love for God, but to merely do what is lawful in accordance to the letter of the Law, but not the spirit of the Law. Their hatred of the spirit of the Law is evidenced by their support of any sexual practice that is not explicitly prohibited by the letter of the Law. They walk by the flesh, not the spirit. They are carnally-minded, not spiritually-minded. As the Scriptures says:

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
(Romans 8:5-9)

Such professing Christians do not and cannot please God by their carnal mindset in relation to matters of sex and sexuality. They are those who live in accordance to their own desires, and are easily deceived by teaching that appeals to their own desires. They love to have their ears tickled by false teachers. Such people are those who have no fear of God, and seek to serve both God and the world, for the benefits that each gives. They will be those who apostatise during the Great Apostasy if they do not repent of their carnality. Such people are those who seek Jesus not because they truly love Jesus, but for what they can get from Him.

[1] 2 Timothy 3:4
[2] 2 Timothy 3:4
[3] Mark 7:21-22; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 4:19; 1 Peter 4:3; Jude 1:4.
[4] Genesis 2:24
[5] 2 Timothy 3:4; Mark 7:21-22; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 4:19; 1 Peter 4:3; Jude 1:4.
[6] Galatians 5:22-23
[7] Genesis 2:24


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