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The spirit of Witchcraft seeks to Dominate as her Ultimate End to Legitimise Her Wickedness and Her Perversion of Righteousness

The spirit of witchcraft loves lawlessness, that is the perversion of righteousness and the legitimisation of wickedness. Authority that is rightly exercised maintains such righteousness and contends with wickedness, suppressing all evil, and allowing only righteousness. To legitimise wickedness and the perversion of righteousness, the spirit of witchcraft must attack legitimate authority that is rightly exercised to achieve its goal of satisfying its own perversion of righteousness and the legitimisation of wickedness.

Many in the Church love to point the finger at the liberals and feminists in particular, of being guilty of witchcraft. While such ideologies and their proponents are certainly full of witchcraft, not only does witchcraft not only manifest in such ideologies which Christians love to criticise. Witchcraft need not manifest in liberal ideologies which purport that the sum of the matter are "rights", "liberty" and "equality". The spirit of witchcraft can manifest in all kinds of ideologies, for satan and his demons are flexible. 

What makes you think they will only target and deceive certain groups of people? What makes you think that cannot target you to deceive you and manipulate you, all without knowing? What makes you think you are exempt from deception? What makes you think you are more holy and righteous, just because you call yourself a 'Christian'?

The truth is that the manifestation of the spirit of witchcraft is the most evident in much of the professing Church in the west today. The form of witchcraft that much of the Church in the west is under, is legalism, where rules which God never imposed are made out of certain Scriptures verses or passages, by twisting, wrangling and manipulating the Scriptures itself. People manipulate people, situations, circumstances, and systems, but the manipulation of the Scriptures itself is far more vile than people manipulating other people.It is to manipulate the Word of God itself in one's attempt to satisfy one's own desires. Jude 1:16-19 speaks of such people:

These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

There are many false teachers in the Church in the west today, who are carnal, fleshly and worldly. Many of these false teachers appear very godly and holy and the surface, but they are inwardly full of carnal lusts, pride, arrogance, the love of self, the love of money and the love of pleasure (2 Timothy 3:4-5).

The spirit of witchcraft can manifest in carnality that uses the very Moral Law of God itself as not only a cover, but as that which it seeks to follow. It follows the Law of God, not out of love for God or a fear of God, but to justify its own carnality. 

This is particularly evident of those in the Church who are constantly lecturing people, especially young single people to not lust, but yet telling people that there is nothing wrong with seeking sex for pleasure, as long as it is within marriage, and more tellingly, only giving lipservice to the truth that adultery is sin.

Such people oppose fornication for carnal reasons, not for spiritual God-fearing reasons, because they are carnal, and cannot understand or walk in the ways of the spirit (Romans 8:5-8). That is why many of such people marry, for the carnal reason of satisfying their own sexual desires, being devoid of self-control, instead of doing the Will of God in focusing on serving Him through one's vocation or career, and allowing Him to determine whether one should marry, and if so, whom and when.

It is not that the spirit of witchcraft necessarily rejects the Law of God. It can and does accept the Law of God. What makes the spirit of witchcraft full of rebellion is not that it seeks to commit gross sins like murder, sexual immorality and drunkeness. Its rebellion stems from its desires to be independent from God, first and foremost. When Satan tempted Eve, he tempted her with the desire to be independent of God, not with the desire to murder, drunkeness or sexual immorality (Genesis 3:5). 

By saying that that her 'eyes shall be opened', he meant that he will be able to seek knowledge on her own accord, and live her life in accordance to her own ways, as opposed to being subject to God. It is this very desire to be independent from God itself that is vile, wicked and evil to the core. Such independence from God does not necessarily hate the Law of God. It can and most definitely does love using the Law of God  where there is a perceived benefit to the flesh, be it to use it to repress, suppress or oppress others as it is the agenda in many conservative 'churches', for one's own self-preservation, or for justifying oneself, all while twisting it to suit one's own desires. 

The idea that the spirit of witchcraft only manifests in liberals and feminists is utterly naive. It manifests in anyone who is seeking to be independent of God. Indeed, it manifests all cultures and societies whose values are not truly rooted in the Word of God. The spirit of witchcraft has totally infiltrated the Church in the west with its deception, as evident in its legalism, carnality and mindset that is focused on what God can do for one, rather than how one can do the Will of God.


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