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The spirit of Religion Loves Power and Authority and Desires to Manipulate, Intimidate and Dominate those who Oppose it

The spirit of religion is a spirit that loves power and authority. It loves to manipulate, intimidate and dominate people. It is the spirit of religion working through the pharisees that they constantly sought to trap him (manipulation) (Matthew 16:1; 19:3; 22:17-18, 35-36; Mark 12:13-15; Luke 10:25; 11:53-54; John 8:3-6), threatened to kill him multiple times (intimidation) (John 8:56-59; 10:30-33) and finally, accused Him of wickedness to murder him (domination) (Matthew 26:65-66). 

The spirit of religion is truly a vile spirit that hardly anyone talks about because people can hardly perceive him. They cannot perceive him because many professing Christians sadly are under the spirit of religion and do not realise it. The spirit of religion is a spirit from one which one must be delivered from immediately because it is vile, wicked and absolutely diabolical. 

The spirit of religion is full of corruption, because it follows the flesh, and the flesh reaps nothing but corruption (Romans 8:5-8). The spirit of religion loves power and authority as it seeks it own way, evidencing its lack of love (1 Corinthians 13:5). It is this lack of love combined with a lust for power and authority that makes the spirit of religion so dangerous, apart from other reasons.  Such people who are under the spirit of religion seek to exercise power and authority without love. 

The exercise of power and authority without love leads to the desires to manipulate, intimidate and dominate, to the point of murdering people who they seek to manipulate, intimidate and dominate, but are unable to. It was because Jesus could not be manipulated, intimidated or dominated by the pharisees that they despised him with a murderous, consuming rage. That is precisely the type of rage which the spirit of religion manifests.  This explains why religious people are often angry people, who are full of spite, hatred and anger, and who are happy when those who they despise are cruelly murdered.

Show me a religious person, and I will show you are person full of anger, rage and hostility towards others just because of their disagreement with him or her. His or her anger is not righteous or godly. It is self-centred, not being concerned  about Truth, but about people going against his or her own self-seeking agenda. 

Religious people may appear decent on the surface, but when one expresses disagreement with, and especially when one challenges him, he flies into a rage, and viciously attacks the person who has simply expressed an opposing view or has challenged him. He will scold the person aggressively, threaten to destroy him, and murder him if he could, as the pharisees did to Jesus. 

Religious people absolutely hate being challenged on their views, not because of immaturity or childishness, but because of their love of power and authority. They love to spread their doctrines and impose their own man-made doctrines, out of their own power and authority, especially those who are articulate and intellectual. Religious people view the Scripture as a means to impose their own will on others, that is, to dominate others. Such domination is never the Will of God.

With the rise of the internet where anyone can publish their own articles, many religious people nowadays run their own websites and blogs to spread their own twisted doctrines on others, argue with others with disagree with them, and build a cult following. They make themselves a Teacher of the Word when they have not been ordained by God to do so, making themselves a false teacher by the very act of teaching while not been ordained by God. Such people are the new self-ordained cult leaders of our times. Such people are often the most popular 'christian' authors and bloggers, as they forcefully promote doctrines that appeal to their fan-base to justify their pursuit of satisfying their desires, whether it be a desire for money, status, power, authority or sex.

Religious people are often very cunning and manipulative. The more intellectual and theological they are, they more cunning and manipulative they tend to be. Such intellectual are very adept at twisting Scripture to justify what is really their own agenda, not the Word of God. These people are extremely wicked, vile, evil and dangerous people. They are blasphemous people who are not to be trusted. They do not fear God. They arrogantly think that they are God and make themselves God so that can be manipulate, intimidate and dominate.

The professing Church today is inundated with doctrines that are false, twisted and perverted. That includes the less controversial doctrines about non-controversial topics. Apart from the spirit of error, the common thread that runs through these false doctrines, is the spirit of religion, which is of the spirit of self-righteousness and the spirit of legalism. 

Religious people, for example, think that Matthew 7:13-14 which says ā€œEnter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" means that few will enter Heaven. However, that is not what it actually means, despite that this interpretation has become is almost universally accepted in the Church all over the world. 

Revelation 7:9-10 tells us that there will be multitudes of people who shall be saved and be in Heaven:

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, ā€œSalvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!ā€ 

It is not that Matthew 7:13-14 simply means that 'relatively few' people will be saved, but that the number of individual people saved will be large. Revival is now breaking out in Africa and Asia where large numbers of people are being saved. Some countries have large Christian populations, such as Zimbabwe, Brazil and Mexico. A very prophetic man told me in a vision that many from China and Vietnam will also be in Heaven. That it is not the case that only a select few shall be saved, but that many shall be saved, is extremely liberating and makes one overwhelmingly joyful. Praise be to God! 

Matthew 7:13-14 was not about Heaven or Hell, but about finding rest in a world full of chaos, restlessness and evil. The spirit of religion wants people to think that only few shall be saved, so that they can feel privileged and self-righteous, to use as an excuse to exercise illegitimate power and authority over others. It not only loves to exercise illegitimate power and authority, but

The spirit of religion loves power and authority, not because it is righteous, but because it is unrighteous, that it lusts after such things. Lust drives a person to love a perversion of what one desires and hate a pure form of the object of one's desires. Just as sexual lust drives a person to love illicit sex and hate sex that is pure, likewise, the lust for power and authority drives a person to love illegitimate power and authority and hate power and authority that is legitimate and exercised righteously.

The unrighteousness of the spirit of religion leads to the lust for illegitimate power and authority. All rebellion leads to illegitimate power and authority. Rebellion that is the manifestation of the spirit of religion is no exception. In seeking to exercise its illegitimate power and authority to not only pursue its own fleshly and carnal ways, but to also justify it by twisting the truth of Scripture, it seeks to murder the Truth and anyone who loves the Truth.

Religion is not of Christ. It was the spirit of religion that murdered Christ and it will seek to murder His True Servants in the End Times as the world becomes darker and darker, while the Church becomes brighter and brighter.


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