I saw a vision during the evening on Friday 26 April 2019: I saw a woman being tied up in metal chains. There were chains all over her. She was struggling and crying out. As she cried out, a man placed a duct tape, with two strips of heavy-duty tape cross over each other, over her mouth to stop her cries. As she continued to cry out, the man slapped her in the face twice to make her shut up. The woman symbolises those under the spirit of religion. The chains symbolises bondage, and the man symbolises those who use religion to oppress others, and hold them in bondage, more specifically spiritual bondage . The Lord later revealed to me that the chains are the rules that religion imposes on people based on false doctrines that people try to find, by twisting Scripture. These rules tie people up in bondage. The duct tape symbolises the attempt to stop people from calling out to God for truth, because they are being told that the false doctrines imposed by religious people are the ...
We do not fight people, we are fighting with a spirit. That spirit is Mammon which dominates and controls the whole world through the Anglo-American Democratic Capitalist System. It manifests in Humanism and Liberalism, through Democracy, and Capitalism, the Four Evils who enslave the whole of mankind. Many Christians who should understand the spirit of Mammon, do not. We expose and fight the spirit of Mammon, and the four evils of Humanism, Liberalism, Democracy and Capitalism.