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A Vision from the Lord about Bondage owing to Marriage

The following is a vision that the Lord gave me on Thursday 25 April 2019 while I was taking a nap:

I had a vision during dusk during my nap. I saw two images. The first image was of a man and a woman lovingly and freely embracing each other, lip-locked, and most significantly without a cord wrapped around them to bind them together. They were bound together in one flesh. The second image showed a man and a woman with a cord wrapped around them both to bind them together. Unlike in the first image, they were neither embracing each other at all, nor lip-locked. The expression on their faces was one of anger, bitterness, sadness, pain, frustration or upset - anything but joy and peace. Despite the cord wrapped around them both, they were still not bound together in one flesh. They were still separate from each other, despite being wedded to each other. 

The Lord told me that most marriages are like that of the second image where the husband and wife are supposed to be one flesh but are not. Their marriage is like being tied together with someone by a cord, wrapped around them both in an attempt to unite them together. Yet, they are unable too. All these people married for the wrong reasons, or married the wrong person. This includes people who are not called to marry, but yet still married against God's Will for him or her. Most of those who married the wrong person rushed into marriage, wanting to marry often because they saw others marrying, usually their friends. They did not seek the counsel of God on this matter in deciding whether to marry or not.

The Lord then told me that everyone on our prayer list (that of my friend, brother in Christ, and prayer partner, and I) who God has called to marry will be in a marriage depicted in the first image. It will be a genuine and real marriage where there is no cord wrapped around the two persons, with faces full of anguish and pain. No cord is even needed to wrap around the two persons in an attempt to unite them together because they are already united in one flesh. Such people have a marriage based on the foundation of Christ where they both love God first, and then each other. They sought the counsel of God on the matter willingly, submitting themselves to God on the issue, and allowed God to direct them and lead them. 

The idea of "biblical gender roles", pushed by many religious people, where a person does certain things, such as working or cooking, based on gender, is wrong, the Lord told me, and merely an attempt by some to avoid the idea of mutual agape love. It is based on religious rules. People will truly passionately love each other and will know it when engaging in conjugal relations, because of their love for God and love for each other in the agape sense, not by adhering to "biblical gender roles".

Those who are in marriages represented by the second image or sexual relationships outside of marriage, practice sexually perverted acts to seek a form of passionate love. It is one thing to fornicate, but another to practice sexually perverted acts. However, real passionate love comes from agape love from the inside, not wild perverted sex acts. No matter how much perversion they practise, they never be truly united in one flesh because their marriage is in accordance to the Will of God, either in terms of reason for marrying or marrying the wrong person. That is why there are so many married people as well as fornicating singles practising such sexually perverted acts - in the quest for passion.

The Lord told me that rushing into marriage, and marrying the wrong person, or at the wrong time, leads only to bondage, as represented by the cord. There will be no real love in such marriages. Passion that people seek to cultivate from sexually perverted acts within marriage leads to nothing but emptiness, and will create an even tighter cord that leads to even more bondage. This cord must be cut and removed from both spouses to be free. 

That is exactly why so many married people are in sexual distress, because of their perverted sex acts, which oppose not only God, but nature itself, being perversions of the marital act itself. They practice such acts to increase sexual passion, thinking that it will cure all marital distress. Such perverted sex acts done between spouses effectively amount to sexual relations outside of marriage because such acts do not constitute the conjugal union. 

Woe to the married couples who are practising perverted sex acts on each other! 


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