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A Vision about the spirit of Religion

I saw a vision during the evening on Friday 26 April 2019:

I saw a woman being tied up in metal chains. There were chains all over her. She was struggling and crying out. As she cried out, a man placed  a duct tape, with two strips of heavy-duty tape cross over each other, over her mouth to stop her cries. As she continued to cry out, the man slapped her in the face twice to make her shut up. The woman symbolises those under the spirit of religion. The chains symbolises bondage, and the man symbolises those who use religion to oppress others, and hold them in bondage, more specifically spiritual bondage.

The Lord later revealed to me that the chains are the rules that religion imposes on people based on false doctrines that people try to find, by twisting Scripture. These rules tie people up in bondage. The duct tape symbolises the attempt to stop people from calling out to God for truth, because they are being told that the false doctrines imposed by religious people are the truth. Anyone who accuses those false doctrines of being false is regarded as a heretic. Anyone who prophesises against those false doctrines is accused of being a false prophet or false prophetess. The slapping on the face symbolises the hatred that religious people towards those who are under bondage and who are on the way to finding out the truth, which is the beginning of their freedom from bondage.

The Lord then showed me something that is very fascinating. He told me that the spirit of religion is the spirit of oppression, but such oppression works not by physical violence, brutality or torture. The spirit of religion is far too cunning for that. It uses false doctrines to oppress people, by means of rules imposed upon people, by which if people do not follow such rules, they are sinners, and that religious people have every right to judge them. It amounts to the imposition of a human's will against that of another which is domination. It is never the Will of God for any person to dominate another. For such domination is bondage, and bondage is not of God, and will never be of God.

The spirit of oppression through the spirit of religion deceives people who it abuses into thinking that they are simply being godly or righteous by accepting abuse, be it child abuse, sexual abuse, or whatever kind of abuse occurs in church. Other examples include marital rape, spousal abandonment, or domestic violence. This explains why many such cases that are occurring in the midst of the Church are not only being ignored, but being excused or even justified in the Church. Such abuses are real, and the response to the Church to redress such abuses has been absolutely wicked, in its indifference, denial and and outright attempts to justify or vindicate the abuser.

What is even more perturbing is that such victims in genuinely believing their oppression to be righteousness, that they become defensive against those who genuinely seek to help them be liberated from the bondage of oppression, especially those who outside the Church, who though are not Christians, but are nevertheless genuinely trying to free them from oppression. This may be called the 'Stockholm syndrome' where a person comes to love his or her abuser because he is the only one who can set him or her free, on his terms and at his willing. 

Those in such a position as an abuser have the upper hand because they truly control their victims by their minds, and their victims do not even see it as abuse. This is the consummate form of abuse. This explains why some housewives who have been abused in being reduced to a sex tool for marriage, accept it as normal, and even proudly proclaim how proud they are of being such a sex tool. They even aspire for such a lifestyle because they have been taught that it is righteous and good, as well as seduced with the prospects of living a life where one does not have to endure work, but live an easy life. Many of their friends who work even admire or envy them because they do not have to endure work, but yet go on regular holidays with their husbands and children. However, this life of material comfort and ease is just a way by the abuser to mask the abuse, by seducing her with mammon. Since she is such as silly woman who is weighed down by sins and held captive to her desires (2 Timothy 3:6), she does not even realise.

Some other victims who are suffering from a divorce are even led to thinking that their suffering is ordained by God, implying that divorce is of God because they are suffering, and believe that they are called to live a life like Job. However, their mentality with regards to suffering is not one of righteousness, but legalism. They do not suffer for the sake of righteousness as 1 Peter 3:8-4:19 instructs, but rather, suffer in part as a result of their own sins, and say that the resulting suffering is of God. They are proud of their suffering because they think it makes them righteous and seek to endure it, not for Christ, but for themselves. This is the mentality of the religious mindset, thinking that it is not only normal to be bound up to rules, but righteous and good. 

Suffering is used as a pretext to justify their false righteousness, by claiming that their suffering as a result of their own sin is God's call for them when it is not. Suffering is used to claim their own righteousness, even to the point of blaspheming God by saying that it is His Will for them to sin so that they may suffer. Such people might as well say that one should sin deliberately to suffer as a result, so that one will have the opportunity to suffer to show one's own righteousness!

The spirit of religion rejoices when it sees others in bondage because of just how evil and diabolical it is. People under the spirit of religion hate to see others being truly free - they feel extremely discomforted in their spirit. That is why they do not feel as uncomfortable about those living sexually immoral lifestyles, as they feel about successfully celibate singles who are not in bondage and who do not suffer from marital bondage, as I was discussing yesterday in my 25 April 2019 vision, as well as young people who are not rushing into marriage because of sex, and free from all sexual bondage. 

For they know that people living sexually immoral lifestyles are in severe bondage, full of depression and loneliness, wasting their own life, and degrading themselves. Seeing such people in bondage makes them feel perversely relieved, whereas seeing successfully celibate singles, especially those who are prospering in their vocations and full of joy, makes them feel extreme discomfort, owing to their hatred for seeing good that happens to others. Religious people despise seeing good happening to others, because they themselves are full of carnality, wickedness, and self-righteousness. Even the most modest advancement in others is brings out that spirit of disdain in them. 

The tragedy is that these religious abusers are in bondage themselves, most of whom are in sexual bondage, which is why they want to see others in bondage. In particular, they enjoy seeing others in sexual bondage, so that they can bring them under more sexual bondage, by constantly lecturing them about fornicating, yet all while taunting them they cannot engage in sexual relations for being single. What wickedness!

The spirit of religion despises seeing others being truly free. The only people who are truly free are those living a holy and righteous life before God. Sinners are in bondage to sin; religious people are in bondage to rules. Those who are truly free are the object of supreme hatred of those under the spirit of religion. That is why religious married people think singles must be in full-time ministry, and not work in any secular profession that they truly enjoy, to impose bondage on them. That is also why the constantly push marriage onto young people, rushing them into marriage, leading them away from marrying the right person at the right time and pace, so that they will also likewise be in marital bondage like that are, owing to marital distress. 

The spirit of religion is one of nothing but bondage, and seeks to oppress people by false doctrines by which it justifies its wickedness. It is nothing but evil and diabolical.


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