All Cults and Evil Ideologies are of the Devil and have the Ultimate Goal of pursuing and instituting the kingdoms of the World
Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, āAll these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.ā
Then Jesus said to him, āAway with you, Satan! For it is written, āYou shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.ā ā
Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.
(Matthew 4:8-11)
Satan comes in all kinds of guises, appearing with a false guise of righteousness to different groups with a face that appeals to them the most. He appeals to anti-Islamist westerners as anti-Islamist, to Islamists as Islamic, to women's liberationists are a liberator of women, black ethnonationalists as a liberator of blacks, and to religious cults as a distorted image of God, that suits their own desires, lusts and flesh.
People love to talk about which cult or evil ideological group is the most evil, pointing to their evils to justify themselves. But the reality is that people with such mentality are themselves evil. For they are not truly set on fighting evil. They are only set on using the evil of another group to justify their own evil. Such people, all such people, have their own evil agendas, but their evil agenda is the same: to pursue and worship the kingdom of the world, in accordance to the way they see best for themselves. Such people have bowed down to the devil who has promised them the kingdoms of the world as he tempted Jesus in Matthew 4:8-9. They are all the same. They worship mammon and hate God, and in their worship of mammon, they want to murder and destroy all who they see as "less deserving" of what they want, compared to themselves.
The 'differences' between them are only superficial that appear in the face with which they come, be it the face of "demono-cracy", "socialism", "capitalism" or "communism", or "white ethnonationalism" or "black ethnonationalism", "mormonism", "islam", "shintoism" or "hinduism". The only thing that differentiates them is the way they see the world, and how they seek to advance their goal - but the ultimate goal is to gain the kingdom of the worlds, in which they can live a life that serves mammon, to indulge the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).
The world system is not only evil, but diabolical, perverted and dark to the core. The only functioning world system is an evil one, as that is the reality of how a fallen world works. There have been many evil world systems in the course of human history, and the one the prevails is the one that gains the support of the masses depending on the spirit of the particular age, be it a monarchy, republican, or capitalist-demono-cratic system. Irrespective of what age one lives in, all world systems are systems that worship the kingdoms of the world, that of the devil. All will inevitably and more perversely, necessarily, rely on the oppression of some, for the benefit of others, the winners. For that is the nature of the human heart, one that loves evil, oppression of others, who are not considered "one's own", and wickedness. Power is loved, because it is the power to oppress, bully, and destroy, even murder others. Mammon is the spirit behind this love of power, which is the means of getting what one wants to satisfy one's lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.
Those who oppress others have no real reason to do so. They do so out of diabolical motivations because they are under an evil spirit of antichrist, who is the ultimate tyrant who is yet to come to earth. Of course they find all kinds of pretexts to justify their oppression of others, but the real reason is always because of their lust for power, which cannot and will not be satisfied until they oppress people who they view as not only inferior, but not part of their own people. That is the spirit of tyranny, which always leads to mistreatment, oppression, and eventually genocide. Such tyranny is most greatly manifested in radical followers of cults, including false religions, and evil ideologies.
All worldly ideologies of the world are fundamentally evil, whatever it may be. Choose whatever ideology you want, and I will show you an ideology of the devil, rooted in the Adamic spirit of pride, envy, and jealousy. Such is the way of worldly wisdom, which is concerned not with seeking truth, but with seeking a way to satisfy one's lust and pride:
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
(James 3:13-18)
This passage in James 3 describes the game of ideologies and political games that people of all ideological groups play. All are full of envy and self-seeking, and born out of envy and self-seeking which James 3:14. Enemy ideological groups are enemies because they are in a different position in the world, and so have a different set of circumstances about how to pursue their envy and self-seeking. The ideology all ideologues love, irrespective of ideology, is the one that idealises their envy and self-seeking, and fantasies about eradicating all who oppose, hinder or resist their lusts, and above all, the lust for power to create a world in their own image. Their "wisdom" is "earthly, sensual and demonic" (James 3:15). This leads to all kinds of chaos, manifested by all kinds of conflict, be it ethnic conflict, political turmoil, and even genocide, often euphemised as "ethnic cleansing".
Many ideologically-orientated people are religious people, who love to talk about worldly politics, despite being a blind as a bat, having not even a clue about what is going on, including those who are heretics. In fact, heretics are often, if not always heretical and become 'christians' for ideologically-motivated reasons. They are often those who seek to use 'christianity' to advance their evil, and ultimately tyrannical, murderous agenda. Their heart does not love God at all, but they see only certain doctrines of Christianity which they can use to justify their evil agenda of advancing and pursuing the kingdom of the world that they want to live in, a world that gives them all the benefits in the world, which inevitably involves the oppression of others.
The Holy Scriptures describe the heart of those who adhere to evil ideologies, which is all worldly ideologies:
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
(James 4:1-3)
This passage describes the heart of those who are driven by worldly ideology and who despise people of other ideologies. Their desire for wars and fights is the outworking of their envy, self-seeking and love of evil wisdom as James 3 describes.
So what is a 'worldly ideology'? A worldly ideology is any ideology that is not based on the foundation of Christ. Instead, it is based on envy and self-seeking. It does not seek God nor the wisdom of God. Just as all humans are born in iniquity (Psalm 51:5), all worldly ideologies are born in envy and self-seeking, and used as a justification for such envy and self-seeking. Envy and self-seeking is so inherent to the Adamic nature of human beings, that anyone not in Christ and who leans on Christ, is inevitably full of envy and self-seeking.
Self-seeking is incapable of having even basic compassion on the needy, and seeks only to fatten its own self. Once it gains what it wants, it wants more. In many cases, what it wants is not what it even finds desirable, but wants so that it can feel smug, or in cases of power, to use it to oppress others. In politics, this manifests as tribalism and factionalism, which ultimately leads to genocidal fantasy. Those who have such ideological drive, and have the means to commit genocide, will commit genocide.
Since the pursuit of the kingdoms of the world is inherently tribalistic, all kinds of oppression, particularly racial oppression will be inevitable. History has shown that war almost always, if not always involves people fighting against each other, based on "race", which is nothing but a social construct that is imposed on others by society that determines how they are treated. A person who is of the same "race" or similar "race" is treated as belonging, while a person of another "race" is different, treated as one who does not belong, and often with suspicion or even outright hostility if that person is considered to be too different. In war, a person or people is an enemy because they are "different people", an "other" and seen a worthy of being attacked and oppressed. Race is almost always, if not always, implicated in war, particularly non-religious wars that are not fought for holy motives, but for worldly motives.
Worldly ideologies and their causes are antithetical to true Christianity, which is Christian militancy for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Worldly ideologies pursue the kingdom of the world, and worship mammon, and seek the devil, not God. Christian militancy pursues only the Kingdom of God, the true Kingdom, worships Jesus, and is willing to die for Jesus.
Worldly ideologues live for their lusts and pride. Christian militants constantly do battle with their lusts and pride, and seek theosis with God.
Worldly ideologues love war that is fought for their own material gain and to dominate other peoples. Christian militants support holy war and fight holy war, to fight evil, laying down their lives for Christ, and the brethren, and to protect peoples of other nations.
Worldly ideologies claim to fight for peace, but do not seek peace. Christian militants know true peace which is righteousness before God and seek true peace by warring against evil.
Worldly ideologues reject Christ as their foundation. Christian militants sacrifice all for Christ.
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