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Patriarchy was Instituted by God and for Good Reason. Those who go against it are in Rebellion Against God.

The very term 'patriarchy' evokes all kinds of negative feelings in modern society. For many in modern western society, particularly women, it is the most evil and worst dystopian nightmare possible. For others, it is seen as outdated and antiquated, but nevertheless viewed unfavourably. Yet for some acculturated in western culture, it is simply foreign but evoked not strong emotions. Either way, there is no concept of patriarchy in modern western society, and increasingly westernised countries all over the world.

By contrast, patriarchy is seen as the norm in many cultures and societies, all over the world, including those that are successful in their own right. One striking observation to be made is that all successful civilisations are patriarchal, be it Greek, Roman, Chinese, Babylonian or Egyptian. Male authority in the family and in the Church, in the case of a Christian society, as well as in society generally, is the instituted order of God. 

Without patriarchal authority, a society will inevitably breakdown, as contemporary western society has shown. It will be full of marriage and family breakdowns, which produces an entire generation of children who are degenerate, unstable, unsuccessful, and full of problems. 

Which matriarchal society has been successful a society and has real culture? None. No matriarchal culture has a written language, the defining characteristic of civilisation. Matriarchy goes against the natural order of things as designed by God. It is inherently evil and degenerate, precisely because it rebels against not only God but also nature. Such a society is not even rightly ordered in accordance to nature, and there is no reason to think it would be functional. 

The dysfunctionality of matriarchal cultures and society is evident: marriage breakdown owing to the perpetual conflict between a man and his wife leading to divorce, family breakdown which is the result of marriage breakdown, and a society in which it is hard to find a person who will make a responsible spouse of either sex who will fulfil his or her respective duties as husband or wife, that prospects for a good marriage are low. 

Instead, sexual immorality is the norm, and in particular, that of women, whether it be fornication or adultery is rewarded. Men are severely penalised by women, whether they be a responsible husband and father, or a 'deadbeat' father, or a sexually upright man, or a sexually immoral one. Those who are upright are punished for women's sexual immorality and blamed for her immorality, while those who commit immorality are also punished for women's sexual immorality.

The key characteristic of a matriarchal society is normalised, rampant sexual immorality, not just fornication and adultery, but also homosexuality, as well as contraceptive sexual relations between a husband and wife. Rightful sexual relations, which is the natural sexual act as opposed to an unnatural sexual act, between a husband and wife, that is procreative and open to conception, are rare, in a matriarchal society. Of the most perversion type of sexual relationship is deliberately nonprocreative, contraceptive sex between a husband and wife, which has the appearance of 'righteousness' because it is done within marriage, but is truly an abomination. 

The test as to whether a society is patriarchal is the state of the family. Where the man is head of his wife, exercising authority over her in an effective way, it is patriarchal. Where he is not, but his wife is exercising authority over him, it is matriarchal. 

Sexual immorality is the inevitable result of matriarchy. Sexual immorality is rebellion against God, rooted in a lust for power. Sexual immorality that is treated as justified, and not simply the result of lacking self-control in a particular instance, is motivated by illegitimate authority, which is rooted in a lust for power. Such power is the power to manipulate others to do one's bidding by placing them in a position where they have no choice but to submit, intimidate others if they seek to resist the manipulation, and dominate, as a result of being able to manipulate and intimidate others. 

A female-dominated society is one that only wants to 'live, play and laugh' or one that only wants to 'have fun'. It is an inherently hedonistic society that lacks all self-discipline and work that is useful to society. Such a society is not only one that lacks direction, but one that lacks any knowledge or wisdom about virtue at all, and one from which no moral direction can be imparted. This is because the role of the father and husband in such a society has been totally eradicated. 

Anthropological evidence testifies to how matriarchal societies never succeed. In such societies, the men never mature into an adult male, making them totally undesirable to females who have all the power, all the authority and all the say, that those females intermarry with males who are more authoritative and power. It is not that these females are willing to obey such men in marriage, but that such 'immature' men raised in such societies are so utterly undesirable to the females (who have all the choice and power) that such societies eventually die out, in that the females intermarry into other patriarchal societies. Not only are such cultures lost, but such societies are lost and 'race mix' with other more patriarchal types.

Patriarchal societies are by no means always righteous and godly. Many are in fact ungodly and pagan, but nevertheless, they follow, though in flawed ways the natural order of things, and are able to succeed as societies and civilisations through the basic order of marriage and family. In contrast to matriarchal societies, patriarchal societies have a solid marriage and family structure, albeit 'oppressive' in some but not most cases. 

The family is the fundamental and timeless building block of society. Without strong families that have a patriarchal authoritative head of household who maintains order in the household, the family will breakdown. Children will become rebellious and dysfunctional, and women will become degenerate and immoral. The problem today in the modern west is that the woman controls the man and the household, which is precisely the root of the problem in modern families: illegitimate authority. 

Illegitimate authority is both the result of rebellion and is rebellion. As long as there is rebellion, illegitimate authority becomes the new order of society. Illegitimate authority is itself rebellion, which breeds even more rebellion. Righteousness necessarily respects righteous authority and hates illegitimate authority, because all illegitimate authority opposes God and seeks to legitimate all manner of unrighteousness and degeneracy.

Women are to be subject to men in the household and Church. This order is for a reason that God created humanity that way, to fulfill male and female roles. At the same time, it must be recognised that this is not 'female inferiority' but natural order. God created equality in dignity between male and female, and them together to exercise dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26-28). It does not mean that woman should be only relegated exclusively to the domestic realm based on the flawed views of women that some religious circles have. It does not mean that the only acceptable role for women is to be housewives and mothers.

What it means is that male authority must be respected in the household and Church. A wife should not usurp authority over her husband as Eve did by manipulating him to do her bidding (Genesis 3:6). Such usurpation of authority is always inherently for evil purposes precisely because it is done for one's own evil desires that go against God's will. There is no righteousness that can come with such usurpation. Such illegitimate authority leads to not only rebellion, but the justification of it, and hostility towards anything that opposes rebellion and illegitimate authority. 

The illegitimate authority in the household exercised by women over men manifests in the game of 'respect' that women play. The game is that of double standards that purport that if a man is harsh to his wife, he is wrong, but if a woman beats her husband up, he deserves to arrested for his wife's wickedness and cruelty towards him. If a man commits adultery, his wife has all manner of right to divorce him, but if she does the same, she has the right to not only divorce him, but to take his house, property and money from him, and isolate the children from him. 

Such evil double standards that most in modern western matriarchy is precisely the result of this illegitimate authority where the woman has successfully manipulated, intimidated and dominated the man. 

The woman has manipulated him by making him think that his exercise of authority is evil, cruel and wrong, a form of 'tyranny' that he has no right to do, all while she can dictate him to do her bidding, as part of his 'obligation' to 'love' her. 

She has then intimidated him by wielding her sexual power over him - the power to control him through through his lust, by the use of denying him rightful marital sex. Where that fails, she has intimidated him through the power to divorce when she feels slighted by him, as a result of failing to do her bidding.

Finally, she has dominated over him by taking away his power to exercise authority over her and to stand up against her, through enforcing her will over him, including by threats. His mindset is focused on how to please her for his own self-centred sexual lusts which she uses against or to avoid the consequences of divorce, and not how to love her rightly. 

Patriarchy that disintegrates in which men succumb to the Ahab spirit which allows the Jezebel spirit to manipulate, intimidate and dominate men under that Ahab spirit, leads to matriarchy, which is the antithesis of the God-ordained natural order.






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