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Showing posts from December, 2013

What are Humanism and Liberalism to do with Democracy and Capitalism?

Of course humanism and liberalism and Marxism are wrong, but what does that have to do with this current discussion [ about democracy and capitalism ] ? - theologian and Bible college lecturer. All bold text are mine. Democracy is a product of humanism and liberalism. Hence, the call for more rights and freedom to maintain a democracy, because that is what a democracy is: serving the interests of humankind to do as one chooses, not as God commands.  With regards to Marxism, I was never promoting Marxism. I was merely contrasting it to capitalism, that Marxism is also materialistic but seeks to prevent the rich from exploiting the poor.  To the person asking the question above, you are the one who is interpreting the Bible to suit your own interests. You are under the spirit of mammon, liberalism and humanism, the ideologies you criticise yourself. 

Twisting the Bible to Justify Humanistic Democracy

So you understanding of what democracy is, is way off the mark. It is the least sinful system of government in a fallen world, and does the most to allow freedom, deny the usurping of power and the misuse of government, and make for freedom of religion and conscience . The fact that humanists like Obama and Gillard are trying to hijack democracies for their own evil purposes says nothing about democracy itself. In the same way plenty of people are trying to hijack Christianity for their own evil purposes. By your flawed reasoning, Christianity is evil, because it is being misused and abused by others. Nowhere does God command a theocracy in the New Testament. You are simply wrong there. God leaves things open as to how we are to govern ourselves, as spelled out in places like Romans 13. There we read of general principles and minimal requirements of what a just government should do. So there is no clear NT blueprint for government, but only general principles which I have already ...

Political Correctness and the Liberal Spirit

These   are   the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the   truth   to his neighbour; execute the judgment of   truth   and peace in your gates.  ( Zechariah 8:16} Political correctness demands that the offence felt by others be placed above speaking the truth. The Bible teaches us not the seek the praise of others, but speak God's truth. : Some think that political correctness means to not use racist language because it is a means of stopping discrimination. If this is the case, why does it not demand that Jews and Christians are to be respected? Why are Christians and Jews exempt from political correctness protection? People in the flesh praise humans not God and they just cannot accept God's truth. Therefore, accordingly, it only makes too much sense to them that people who speak of only one Truth, ie. God's truth are not deserving of PC protection.

Old Testament

And when was the last time you offered a sacrifice at the Temple? By your own words you are ā€˜denying the Word of Godā€™ because you are not doing this. The biblical nation of Israel of course no longer exists. With the fall of the temple in 70AD the ceremonial and civil laws of ancient Israel came to an end of course. And the entire New Testament makes it clear that those laws are not binding on Christians anyway. Sure the moral law carries through, eg the Ten Commandments. But go back and read Galatians or any other NT epistle on how Paul had to fight the Judaisers who wanted to drag the Christians back under the law. - a theologian and Bible college lecturer in response to statement that although we are not in Israel, the Old Testament teachings still apply Sacrifices at the Temple were a ritual before Jesus had made the ultimate sacrifice. However, usury is not an act of repentance like sacrifices were. Usury is interest charged on a loan. Jesus spoke about giving up all of one...

Christians under the Spirit of Mammon

Money is not evil ā€“ the love of money (greed) is evil and sinful. The free market is simply the best system we have in a fallen world to allow for the free exchange of goods and services in the most efficient and fair manner. That this system can be abused is true of everything on earth: we are all fallen, so everything we do will not be perfect. So in a fallen world there is no perfect political or economic system. End of story. We seek to make do with the best that fallen men can utilise, guided and aided by God and his word. Capitalism of course is not evil. Its misuse can make it become evil, but on biblical grounds it is the best economic system we can adhere to in a fallen world, affirming as it does such biblical principle as private property and ownership, economic growth, voluntary exchange, and so on . - A theologian and a Bible college teacher Yes, it is true that money is not evil and that the free market is the best system in the fallen world. It is because of greed a...

The Bible does not Justify Private Property

Psalm 24:1:  The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.   Everything belongs to God for God made everything. Therefore, we do not own anything despite what our culture tells us. Therefore, private property is not justifiable by the Bible. We live in a very materialistic world which knows only of its own rights, property and its interests. God's people should not be materialistic, but spiritual doing only what is right in God's sight.

Psychology is Really What it is: Psycho

Psychology is ineffective, impotent , and embarrassingly deceptive . The great humbug is that ā€œthe psychological industry has successfully concealed its ineffectiveness from the general public. Pastors, churches, and the laity have been brainwashed into believing that only psychologically trained professional counselors are competent to deal with serious problems.ā€ Empirical research indicates that this is not so. In his study conducted in 1979 and entitled "Comparative Effectiveness of Paraprofessional and Professional Helpers", J.A. Durlack writes, ā€œThe research reviewed forty-two studies that compared professional counselors with untrained helpers. The findings were ā€˜consistent and provocative.ā€™ Paraprofessionals achieve clinical outcomes equal to or significantly better than those obtained by professionals (...) The study, on the whole, lent no support to the major hypothesis that (...) the technical skills of professional psychotherapists produce measurably better ...

False Prophets and Doctrines Seduce the World

But  a there were false prophets also among  b the people, even as  c there shall be false teachers among you, who  d privily shall bring in damnable  e heresies, even  f denying  g the Lord  h that bought them, and  i bring upon themselves swift destruction.  2  And many shall follow their  * pernicious ways; by reason of whom  j the way of truth  k shall be evil spoken of. (2 Peter 2:1-2) The modern world at large, has seen the rise of false doctrines: secularism, humanism, socialism, Marxism, feminism and any other 'ism' that has been inspired by human wisdom rather than God's wisdom. People who adhere to these ungodly doctrines work extremely hard to twist the Bible and debunk it. They accuse the Bible of legitimising rape, claim that it justifies homosexuality because it tells people not to judge and twist agape  (love) to mean "tolerance". "Why don't you tolerate gays? Why don't you tolerate abortions? Wh...