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Showing posts from April, 2014

John Piper and the Prosperity Gospel

The prosperity "gospel" has inflitrated many modern churches. It is false and to be rejected and eradicated from all churches. It is not the gospel - it is the spirit of mammon seducing the churches.

Evolution is Heresy

For those of you who say that the conflict between evolution v creation is not a "faith-issue", read the link below. Evolution is a heresy, a lie, and, above all, an insult to God. Christians should not embrace evolution one single bit! It is true that these "pastors" who live the Bible for evolution were false converts, but evolution theory itself is dangerous. It is a threat to the church and thus the church must preach against it. The people who preach evolution are anti-Christs - full stop. That is what they are. They know it is false deep down inside but deceive themselves out of their own WICKEDNESS. Everyone knows God exists and that is why NO ONE has any excuse before God on Judgment Day. These evolutionists will pull people away from God - don't embrace them or associated with them. Evolution, and other false doctrines such a liberalism, feminism, etc deserves CONDEMNATION. They are wicked, sick, depraved, evil conniving people . You may blame satan fo...

No, Not all will Go to Heaven

As confronting as this sounds, one must face it.  13  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find i t. ( Matthew 7:13-14)  Pope Francis allegedly said that all will go to heaven according to the media. It must be kept in mind that the secular media cannot help but interpret a statement about heaven from a secular perspective, that is, one with no understanding for the Bible. If he did really say that, then he is wrong. Many people choose to live unrighteously. They knowing prefer to do so that repent and obey God because they are too proud.  All know that God exists. But some choose to repent and put their faith in God, and many choose not to.  Roman 1:20 says:  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly...

Marks of a Possible False Convert (Tony Miano)

Are you a false convert? I urge you to watch this in full. I pray that you will repent before God knowing that you are a sinner and that you cannot save yourself. You need to repent otherwise you will face God on Judgment Day who will sent you to eternity in hell.

Ten Marks of a False Convert:

1. You believe that you are inherently a good person, thus denying the doctrine of Original Sin. 2. You commit idolatry of the mind and blaspheme the very character of God by denying essential doctrines such as judgment, hell, regeneration, and justification by faith alone; and you replace the truth with lies such as sinless perfection and open theism. 3. You think that only the red-lettered words in your Bible are the words of Jesus and, therefore, the rest of the Bible can be interpreted and applied to your liking. 4. You believe that a person can be a Christian while wantonly engaging in habitual sin; such as homosexuality, fornication, adultery in mind or body, the support in any way whatsoever of the murder of the unborn, or any other sin. 5. You believe that because a person has prayed a prayer and asked Jesus into their heart, then they are saved. 6. You believe a person can be a Christian, even if they bear no fruit after making a profession of faith in Christ. You ...

Need God

Take the are you a Good Person test at You need God. If you think you don't need God, humble yourself, know that you stand guilty before Him and repent before God.

Atheists Are Irrational

Good Friday and Easter: The True Meaning

God the Father poured His Wrath against all our sins onto His Son Jesus. Jesus had to die as an atoning sacrifice for our sins which we have all committed (Romans). For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life. (John 3:16) C Christianity is not religion, it is repentance before God and accepting Jesus as Saviour for one's transgressions against God. ​ 

Why World Sees Christians as Useless, Good-for-Nothing, Irrelevant and Naive: Part 1

Many Christians do not understand false doctrines. The spirit of Mammon, and spiritualism has swept into the Church, leading many into deception. Many Christians do not know what the true Church is supposed to be because of the rise of false doctrines in the church, satanic deception, secular psychology being adopted by the church among many reasons.

Capitalism: The Devil’s Stronghold over the World

There are many things that motivate people to do things that they would otherwise not do. Contrary to popular opinion, money is something that influences human behaviour, but it is not the only thing that influences human behaviour. Other factors such as comfort, security, health and love are among the main factors that can influence behaviour. While not all non-monetary things are tangible, they can all become a material factor where the core motive of craving such things is a desire for serve the self. Love, for example, can become a material possession when it is given to serve the self. Rather than loving others as a moral obligation in the spiritual sense, it becomes a material goal. Indeed, we live in an extremely materialistic world where it makes no sense to the average person to be kind to others simply because it is good in itself. The world is under the spirit of Mammon. This spirit of Mammon is characterised by a self-serving spirit that only worries about its own need...

Following the One Only True Road that Leads to Eternal Life (it is not the comfortable, prosperous one)

Many people in the Church think that as long as they attend Church and do not be a "bad person" in the worldly sense of the word, they are saved. That is what many church-goers think. This is not true. It is the spirit of mammon which tells them that as long as they do "good works" in the worldly human sense of the term, and attend church, God will bless them. This is a FALSE DOCTRINE - the prosperity gospel which I can see sweeping through the Church. Many of them do not even smile or greet fellow church-goers and look away from them in shame. The modern church no different from the world and NEEDS to be EDIFIED. Too many professing Christians think that as long as they tell others about God, they are made right. That is not true. One must truly and earnestly REPENT first and devote one's life to God before one can preach the true Gospel to others. The true Gospel is that people need to repent before the stand condemned before God. Yes, it is true that God lov...

Democracy is Anti-Christian: Christians need to WAKE UP

The ideology that is most embraced by the West and the least challenged is not liberalism, homosexualism, feminism, postmodernism or capitalism. It is democracy. The spirit of democracy has swept through the Church with many Christians showing support for separation between Church and state. Before one can understand a doctrine, one must carefully examine its origins. The origins of the doctrine of separation of Church and state arose when the Church failed to stop usury, abomination to God. (Ezekiel 18:13) The Bible may not mention the word ‘democracy’, but that does not mean God approves of it. Similarly, the Bible does not mention ‘abortion’, but God does not approve of it because it is murder. Democracy is rule by the people, for the people, of the people. It elevates humankind to be sovereign above all things, violating God’s sovereignty. In Romans 13:1-2, the Bible states: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that b...

Homosexual Fascism

When the Catholic Church failed to ban usury, an  abomination  in the eyes of God, the church had lost its power in society to teach  goodness  and righteousness. As a result, the  role  of the church was marginalised  until today. A large part of this is to do with the failure of the church to fulfil its God-given duty. Many of you probably do not even understand why the Church needs to play a bigger role in society. This has  nothing  to do with saying it needs to get involves in politics and military. Rather, it is because of the fall of the Church that the modern secular state which saw usury to be more legitimate and sees no moral obligation to be bound to that led to the birth of capitalism and the corruption of the modern finance system. The role of government as can be proven by historical observation and as has already been stated in the Bible is to serve as  God's earthly authority , yes , even  the secular authoriti...

Australia: the Land of Molech

Despite its bright sunshine, Australia is a dark dark place. It seems bright, but it is not bright. The brightness you see is deception from Satan. The unsaved cannot see it because they do not have the light of God's truth to shine on the darkness of Satan manifested in its abortion culture.

Sex Trafficking, Abortion, Pornography, Drugs and Millions of Slaves

Sex Trafficking, Abortion, Pornography, Drugs and Millions of Slaves Occurs Every Day The reason for these things is the spirit of MAMMON. It is the spirit that one need not honour God, but to make idols of money (prostitutes), sex (people who see prostitutes) and power (people who traffick others).  It is idolatry, and all these people involved are serving the spirit of Mammon. It may seem like they are the most immoral people, but the truth is that ANYONE who serves the spirit of mammon is not serving God - not just these traffickers, prostitutes, etc. Mammon is the core of all materialism. It need not involve serving money, but other idols like power and lust. One may shake one's head at these people, but merely because one does not do these things does not mean they are righteous and set apart as different from these people by serving Mammon. Australian society is extremely hypocritical in being extremely supportive about sexual promiscuity, b...