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Christians Tolerating Sin in the Church and Man-Fearing Pastors and Evangelists are the Problem. Democratisation of the Church worsens the Problem.

 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner (Hebrews 13:17-19).

Many pastors are too fearful to preach, not only truth, but truth in a bold and unapologetic way, so as to deny its power, because of the 'democracy' in the modern Church, where the people of the congregation have power to effectively determine who is "their" pastor. Church leaders bow down to "the people" in the Church, and reject pastors who do speak the truth, in the proper way, that is the bold way that makes no apology for the truth. Pastors, and evangelists who speak truth, but in a whimping way which apologise for the truth are part of the problem.

It is not enough that one speaks Biblical truth. One must speak it, so as to allows its full power to manifest. This can only be done by boldness for God's Word, having no apology for its truth, and not caring how sinful man might react to God's Word. That is the problem with many pastors, evangelists and preachers today. They are full of the vile fear of man, and are even arrogant enough to think that sin is determined by whether they feel offended by the act concerned, rather than whether God is offended.

Such people are offensive to God Himself, and hinder the work of God, and those who seek to preach boldly the work of God. They are stumbling blocks and do not even understand how, and even that they are the stumbling block. They are not only part of the problem. They are the problem in their rebellion against God, their hatred of His Word, despite their appearance of holiness, and righteousness. They despise God in their fear of man, and apology for His Truth. To even think about apologising for God's truth is itself an abomination.   The people of the Church who tolerate sin, even to the slightest are also the problem. Tolerating sin can be very subtle. To even fail to acknowledge the full power of any particular teaching of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:5), or to downplay the evils of philosophies that exalt themselves against Biblical wisdom (2 Corinthians 10:5), is itself the toleration of sin. What further hinders the work of good true Biblical pastors who not only do not compromise, but boldly proclaim Biblical truth, is the "democratisation" of the Church. 

People in the Church are now the ones with the power over the pastor, the rightful leader of his church which God has placed him in. A church where the pastor does not exercise authority over the people, that is to rule over them is an unbiblical one, as Hebrews 13:17-19 says:

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.

But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner.

This is a clear command to submit to the pastor, which many in the modern Church did not do. They won't submit to anyone. They despise the doctrine of submission to anyone, whether pastor, government, employer, or husband. This manifests in the belief that one can have one's own way to understand the Bible, or that one needs to think, with one's puny brain, a "new" way to evangelise "effectively and efficiently" among many other fleshly, humanistic, vile self-centred beliefs.

Although the videos as linked below may talk specifically about the catholic church, and whether you believe the catholic church, as it is now, is Christian or not, the message also applies to the Church. And, don't you dare start the 'catholic' vs 'protestant' debate. It is simply a distraction from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Watch these videos:

If you are not a Christian, read this:

If you have lied, stolen anything no matter what it was worth, fornicated, or used God's name in vain, for example, by saying 'OMG', you have sinned against God. God exists and has a Moral Law. This Moral Law is not like the laws of your country that you might be used to. Unlike the laws of your country, is one that is written on the hearts of all people, and known by your conscience. The Moral Law of God is also eternal and never changes, whereas those of nations do. Importantly, the Moral Law of God is the Law by which God will judge all people, including you.

If God finds you guilty of breaking even one of his Laws, even once, He being perfect in goodness and justice, must punish you. That punishment is eternity in Hell, a place of suffering and torment. I don't want that for you, which is why I am tell you this.

The Good News, however, is that God sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that anyone who turns from his or her sins, and truly trusts in Jesus Christ, His Person and Work, will be saved from God's just wrath against you. No amount of good works on your part can make you right with God. It is only by Jesus Christ alone, through faith alone, by grace alone. All our righteous works are as filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6). So, do that today - while you still have time. Don't wait for tomorrow. You don't know if you will live tomorrow. 


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