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Showing posts from July, 2018

False Teaching is Itself Spiritual Abuse

False teaching is itself a form of spiritual abuse. It is abuse because it leads people into spiritual bondage, which leads to pain and suffering, owing to the error in false teaching. It damages people spiritually, as well as emotionally, mentally and psychologically because it causes people to fall out of the Will of God, by means of deception. That is why false teaching is so abominated by God.  That is why Apostle James said that those who desire to teach are held to greater account: My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation (James 3:1). Anyone false teacher, especially one who constantly airs his or her teachings, despite being so obviously erroneous, is an abuser.  Show me a false teacher, and I will show you an abusive person, who is full of hate, pride, arrogance and all manner of wickedness.  He cares not about the suffering that he causes to others, as long as it helps his agenda.  He is full of sham...

Pacifism is Not True Peace, but Worldly Peace

There is much misconception about what true peace is by many in the professing Church. Many think that it is to not stir up trouble, fight or contend boldly and publicly with people who disagree with oneself. They think that Jesus was peaceful in that He would strongly rebuke, scold, or chastise. This is a serious misconception. Jesus pronounced seven woes to the scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23:13-39). He told the paralysed man he healed, and the woman caught in adultery to sin no more without qualification in his command to stop sinning (John 5:14-15; 8:11). He did not only strongly rebuke the hypocritical Pharisees, but anyone who sinned. He cared not who it was. As long as someone sinned, he would rebuke them boldly, directly, openly without compromise. Jesus is kind, merciful and gentle, but by no means does this mean He is pacifist. If Jesus were a pacifist, He would not have overturned the tables of the usurers and merchants, and chased them out of the Temple of His Father:...

Christianity is Not a Pacifist Religion

Modern Christianity is very different from the Christianity of the early Church and the Middle Ages. Modern Christianity has become a weak, pacified religion that is full of the fear of people, and scared of confronting people.  Instead of challenging and defying the world on its wicked evil ways, it seeks to conceal its righteous ways out of fear of what the unsaved think, and fails to speak what God says on their wicked ways in a plain and simple ways. Rather, they seek to pander to their sympathies, trying to convince them of righteousness by appealing to moral arguments from the world itself. For example, it seeks to convince people that abortion is wrong because it "hurts" women, rather than because it is murder and a sin in the eyes of God. It seeks to convince people that homosexual marriage is wrong because it leaves children and women vulnerable, rather than because homosexuality itself is sin in the eyes of God.  The modern Church in the west calls sin anything ...

Is God Stripping You? DON'T Panic!

Wives and mothers, Do not neglect your Husband and Children

Excellent exhortation by Sister Sharon

How to Know if the Earthly Temporal Things You Have are NOT From God

Much of the time, the earthly temporal things people have are not truly from God. Satan himself gives people such things, including things that are not inherently sinful, such as food and temporal authority. Satan tempting Jesus in the desert shows that satan himself is capable of giving people things they want or need (Matthew 4:3-9). Many people, especially the most rich people, work very hard for the things of the world, and are rewarded by the world. They devote themselves to pleasing people to gain their favour, and use all kinds of ways to get what they want, for themselves, even if it requires one to be unethical, immoral, unjust or unrighteous. They can never rest when things do not go their way, and seek to 'resolve' difficulties by all manner of evil and wickedness.  The things which they have are not from God, and are not God's "blessings", but from the devil, which the world rewards them with.  They earned what they have as a result of seeking thin...

Not All Good Earthly Things are Given to People by God

God gives people earthly temporal things, like jobs, marriages, families, food and money. However, not all earthly things are from God. Some are from the devil. In fact, for much of the time, most earthly things that people have are from the devil. So, how can one discern whether what one has is truly from God, or from the devil? If God has given something to a person, it is either for him or her to sustain himself or herself to do the Will of God, or to use for God's glory in serving God and others. Anything that God gives to a person is ultimately for His glory, and not for that person to indulge in, enjoy in and of itself, show others, or to use to gain power and control over others.  For Philippians 2:3-4 says:" Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. " Many professing followers of Christ constantly ...

No Material or Earthly Thing is a Blessing or even a Manifestation of a Blessing. Only True Joy, Peace and an Abudant Life are True Blessings.

Many in the modern Church are woefully deceived as to what is means to be blessed. They think that to be blessed means to have all manner of material things, be it a house, spouse, successful career, abundant money and luxurious holidays.  However, not one verse in the entire New Testament refers to material things as blessings. The same could be said of the Old Testament. All the things which God gave to Abraham was for him to be responsible for, not giving to him as a blessing. Abraham never claimed what he was given by God as a blessing.  Instead, Jesus taught in the Beatitudes that: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God....