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A Vision from the Lord about the Spiritual Narcissist - Part 2

The Lord then gave me another vision. It was that of another egg-shaped object that was exactly the same as that of the first image, except that it had no cord around it. It continued to grow bigger and bigger. The more it sought to help other egg-shaped objects, the more grew larger and larger. The Lord then told me that it represents the soul that flourishes, one free from the bondage to the spirit of narcissism, and free from all domination by any narcissist.

The Lord further told me that the soul that is dominated by the narcissist typically does not know that it is being dominated by that person. Rather, it thinks its plight to be simply a matter of loving the narcissist, and living a self-sacrificial life. This is why empaths, especially those who are Servants of Christ, are very easily manipulated. In seeking the best in others, and loving others unconditionally, they often fail to realise when they are being manipulated by a narcissist.

The Lord then explained to me the five characteristics of a person who is free from bondage to the narcissist, and full of love and generosity in his or her heart.

1. The person is free to express himself or herself sexually within marriage, of course, not outside of marriage in an adulterous relationship, and of course not in practising sexually perverse acts or receiving such acts. 

He or she is truly free to express his or her love for his or her spouse sexually, in a self-sacrificial way, in that such expressions of love are never rejected but truly embraced. He or she always humbly and gratefully accepts that love being reciprocated. 

Only such a person is truly sexually liberated, free from all sexual bondage caused not only by fornication and adultery, but also by using it to illegitimately gratify oneself in marriage, because he or she engages in legitimate sexual relations in a self-sacrificial way that gives oneself freely to his or her spouse. Only people who give their bodies to their spouses self-sacrificially to express pure and perfect love will be able to experience true sexual satisfaction.

2. The person is always encouraged by his or her spouse to pray for himself or herself when needed, not in a self-centred way, but in a ways that is necessary. His or her spouse always prays for him or her to reciprocate his or her generous prayers for others, not only his or her family and friends, but for all those who are needy. 

Such a person is always serving others by such means, as part of his or her prayer ministry. His or her prayers are focused on the needs of others. Prayers for himself or herself are concerned with doing the Will of God for his or her life, and not attaining things for oneself. He or she prays in a very self-sacrificial way, giving up significant amounts of his time praying for others. His or her prayer ministry is blessed by God because of how he or she prays for the benefits of others fervently, especially for their Salvation. 

Owing to his or her impact on others which stirs up the entire spiritual realm, such a person requires to pray fervently for himself or herself to ensure that he or she receives strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, courage, protection, guidance, and power from the Holy Spirit.

3. The person's ministry is not only not hindered by his or her spouse, but flourishes and become impactful and powerful, impacting the lives of many for their own good. His or her spouse praises his or her ministry, not because she or he is trying to gain his or her affection or approval, but because such a ministry is truly good and right.

The person labours is devoted to and works hard in ministry for the benefit others, especially so that they may be saved. He or she willing to sacrifice much of his or her own time for ministry so that others may be saved, delivered from spiritual bondage, or healed. He or she is even willing to lay his or her life down for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Such a person is typically one who is so zealous for the Lord that he or she forgoes seeking a spouse while young to focus on ministry work, in doing the Will of God, and leaving the issue of whether to marry and have a family all for God to decide. People with such a heart are often, but not always given a spouse, the right person, at the right place and right time by God, one who is perfectly suitable for that person in doing the Will of God.

4. The person's spouse never seeks to have him or her work to death, be it outside the home, or in the domestic sphere. He or she is not treated as a mere dollar sign or machine, and flourishes in his or her vocation, occupation, or career, because of the support from his or her spouse, and God's grace.

This person is one who is so devoted to God, and despises even the temptation of the spirit of mammon that he or she cannot be made by anyone to work to death just for money and the things that money buys. Such a person may be one who works in a job that is demanding, but not particularly lucrative, as part of his or her calling, such as an academic job. He or she is usually works in a job that is perfectly well-suited for his or her natural skills that God has given to him or her, for His Purposes.

5. The person is encouraged by his or her spouse to maintain contact with his or her family members and friends, and he or she does the same for his or her spouse. That person's spouse even becomes close to his or her family members and friends.

This person has a spouse that suits him or her perfectly, and part of that involves his or her spouse encouraging him or her to maintain close relationships with family members. For God has designed people to be part of not only the family that one forms after marriage, but the human community. The immediate family one was born into is part of that human community, and no where in Scripture does it command a person to be cut off from his or her parents. While it does say a man must leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, that does not mean that he cuts himself off from, and server all ties with them (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:31). Neither does it command that a woman cut ties with all her family members after she marries. 

The family formed after a person marries is a propagation of the human family, not just of those with close family ties, but that of the entire human family.  So, this new family is an extension of that family, not a new separate unit to be isolated from the community. For God has made a person to be ultimately part of the human family as a community, not the family one was born into, or the one the one creates by procreation. Anyone who seeks to cut off a person from his or her own family members or other members of the community does evil in doing so, as such an act amounts to domination. 

The person's encourage him or her to maintain contact with family and friends, owing that his or her spouse's desire to see him or her flourish spiritually in the Lord.

Only a person who is generous, kind, and full of love on his or her own part can truly flourish in these five ways. This is not to say that a person to whom not all five of these characteristics applies is less holy than one who does. Nor is it to say that a person under bondage to a narcissist has sinned. It is to say that only a person who is truly full of love, manifesting in kindness and generosity can have the chance to reap all these rewards.

A person who is self-centred can never reap these rewards, owing to his or her own selfishness. Only a person full of love and generosity can reap these rewards. For God has designed us to live a life full of love and generosity. These two characteristics are what makes us truly flourish in the soul, spirit, heart, mind and body. 

The second person in my vision truly flourishes because of the love that he or she pours out to others. The rewards that such a person reaps are owing to living in accordance to the way God intended humankind to live, one that always loves others, not just those in one's own circles, but all those around us, including those one does not know and one's enemies. God has designed the world to be one that a person is rewarded for loving others, by being generous and kind, but without expectation of reward. The rewards he or she gains are not ill-gained as some would like to think, out of envy or jealous towards that person. 

These rewards are given by God's grace for his or her self-sacrificing love towards others, and precisely because such a person does not even seek reward. Even unbelievers who practise this love to whatever extent will gain these rewards which are by common grace to all who love self-sacrificially, similar to the grace God gives to all humble people, whether unsaved or saved (James 4:6).

No matter what a person has, or how much he or she has, he cannot flourish as long as he lives a self-centred life focused on only himself, and getting what he wants for himself. Such a person will never truly flourish because he does not live in accordance to the way God has designed humankind to live.Such a person will only live in a constant cycle of misery, despite seeking all that the world could possibly give, living a life that constantly chases after the wind, seeking after everything, only to have nothing in the end.

The only meaningful life that truly flourishes, where nothing one does will be vanity in the end, in one that fears God, of whom the only way to Him is through Jesus.

Repent, repent, repent.

Turn to Jesus Christ! 


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