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Showing posts from May, 2014

God's Not Dead 2014 Full Movie

It challenges the rampant secularism of the modern world.

Deconstructing Postmodernism

Postmodernism attempts to deconstruct every text, image, architecture or event in adherence to the mission to destroy absolute truth. A person once asked leading Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias to see a postmodern building to which he asked "What is a postmodern building?". The person replied, "A building that has no meaning," because life is meaningless. Isn't it ironic that in saying a building has no meaning, it is to claim that it has a meaning: to portray life as meaningless is meaning in itself. However, the postmodernist would argue that the meaning is intrinsic in life itself and it is up to to people to interpret how they choose to live their own lives. To choose how to live one's life is to choose what one believes because each individual lives according to a set of standards.  Postmodernism, in effect, is free thinking. It promises to offer freedom from the "old dinosaur" of morality and truth. However, in offering such freedom, it ...

Postmodernism: A Convenient Way to Suppress the Truth

We live in the interesting age of postmodernism. 'Postmodernism' claims to be a very open and tolerant ideology as it does not agree that there is one truth, but that there are many truths. This implies that everything is an illusion and that there is no reality. However, if there is no reality, how can the postmodernism say with certainty that there is no reality. Is he not acknowledging reality by implying that reality is 'intrinsic' in everything? Since logic is not found in matter, and logic is real, otherwise thinking would not exist, there must be a reality. The denial of one reality poses a great challenge to evangelism as postmodernists genuinely believe that there is no valid ground for any absolute truth. To postmodernists, God is a social construct that people create in their own minds. Yet, when it comes to world views, especially religion, they claim to object to how all religions think that they are right. This is to acknowledge that absolute truth, a re...

‪Ray Comfort Preaching Evolution vs God‬

Why do people believe in evolution in spite of the lack of evidence? It is a convenient way to wish that God did not exist so that one can justify one's sins. Evolution is the devil's trap to console people that one has nothing that one will need to stand before and give an account to.

Why is origins important? (Creation Magazine LIVE! 3-18)

Although it is not a salvation issue, the origins of how humankind came about is absolutely crucial. Creation speaks of God's Sovereignty, and is the true explanation of how sin entered the world. Only with knowledge of one's own sin can one be prepared to receive salvation. So, if you are a nonbeliever, humble yourself, soften your heart toward God, repent and put your faith in Jesus.

Psychology: Tolerate all Beliefs (except for Christianity) (6)

Modern society places an emphasis on tolerance, in particular, religious tolerance. Tolerance in modern society means to accept the beliefs of others to be legitimate in itself on the grounds that people have "right" to choose what they want to believe in. This is completely contrary to the words of Jesus (John 14:6): "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." People are indeed given by God, the choice to believe in what they want, that is to break the 1st and 2nd Commandments, or the repent and trust in Jesus. God did not make us robots, but people with a free will. Many unbelievers are quick to say, "judge not lest you be judged" when confronted with the Law of God. Yes, Jesus did say that, and He did indeed tell the people who were about the stone the woman caught in the act of adultery, "let he who has never sinned throw the first stones". (John 8:7) However, He did not say to the adulteress, ...

The 'Sinner's Prayer': The Most Dangerous thing in the Church

Many Christians are deceived into thinking that saying the sinner's prayer makes one saved. They think that believing in Jesus is enough. Salvation only comes from repentance and putting one's faith in Him. Thus, one needs to keep a watch out for people who claim to be Christians because more often than not, it is probable that they are not. Yes, repenting does involve prayer and crying out to God, but simply because one said the 'sinner's prayer' does not mean that one is saved. Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38-39). Jesus said that " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God " (John 3:3). A person who is truly saved no longer lives for one self. As the old self has died, it has been crucified (Luke 9:23-24). This is what Jesus meant when He said that if anyone wants to follow me, he must deny oneself. What pr...

The Twisted American Brand of Christianity

The Bible has been used to justify patriotism, capitalism and democracy - all anti-Christian doctrines. As a result, many in the Church are deceived and believe they are following the right Jesus when they are not.

Psychology: We evolved by random chance (5)

Psychology claims that we "evolved" from primodial soup. Many Christians wonder what is the significance of this. Evolution is that which is against God as it denies the very existence of God. As such, it implies that there is nothing to which we are morally accountable to. Thus, within the evolutionary framework, we can live in our flesh and satisfy with no consequences to fear, that is to continue living in sin without incurring the wages of death. This contradicts what the Bible says about death being the wages of sin (Romans 6:23). Evolutionism is teaching that will send many to Hell. The Church must fight it and expose it. Check out:

Psychology: You Do not Need God to be Good (4)

Psychology teaches people that they are good and that humans can be good. It separates good from God and legitimised humanity's definition of good to be valid one, and more importantly, one that does not need God's approval. The Bible clearly teaches that none is good [or righteous], no not even one (Romans 3:10). Good, in the Biblical sense means righteous. Righteous is that which is right. In order for something to be right, it must be determined according to a standard. Since God is the Creator of the Universe and humans are his creatures, God owns all of us, and therefore is the one who makes the Laws that are universal and objective. Unbelievers often ask is good deemed good because God said so, or because they are good by nature. This is a false dichotomy because it denies that God is good Himself. All goodness comes from God. None is good because none seeks God, and therefore none obeys God in their own natural self. Thus, to claim that people are good is to deny tha...

Psychology: Do Only as Thou Shalt Choose (3)

Psychology is not a science but rather philosophy. Philosophy is the way we think and how we think has social and cultural ramifications. It is not some creature that is locked within the doors of educational institutions. In fact, it is a creature that unleashes its ugly head on society. The devil uses psychology to indoctrinate people about the way humans think, feel and act, our origins, and morality. What people think about our origins and how we humans think, feel and act determines how we view morality. That is why Creation is absolutely crucial to the understanding of sin and death. Evolution is the antithesis of Creation as it claims that life evolved rather than that life is created by God. If life is created by God, God owns life. Therefore, evolution denies that God exists or that God has Sovereignty over all things. As such liberalism, legitimises a lack of, or a hostility towards a moral framework that is objective and universal. The doctrine of liberalism is that one s...

The Harms of Homosexual 'Marriage' - Dr David van Gend

Dr van Gend explains the ramifications of homosexual "marriage" on society and lovingly emphasises the need to reach out to homosexuals to bring them to repentance in Jesus Christ and putting their faith in Him.

Psychology: Philosophy Masquerading as a Pseudoscience (2)

Psychology claims itself to be a science because it uses a scientific method to draw inferences. However, the inferences drawn in psychology are not quantifiable, unlike that of gravitational acceleration and the Avogadro's number. Therefore, the results obtained are mere interpretations that is beholden to the eyes of the experimenter. However, because psychology uses observations and data, it cannot necessarily be completely dismissed as totally false. It is because it uses actual data and draws inferences from the actual data, that enables truth and error to be laid beside each other. A half-truth is not truth, but error. That error is mixed with truth enables the devil to deceive many. Psychology is not a science but rather a philosophy. Psychology is the devil's tool of telling people how to think, mostly about themselves. Psychology is not merely an academic discipline, but philosophy. The philosophy underlying psychology has evil humanistic, secular roots as it was fou...

The Evils of Wealth

Wealth is different from money. Money, as a physical object, usually in the form of notes or coin is not evil in itself. Wealth, on the other hand, concerns the value placed on money. Wealth can enslave people into serving Mammon.  It is completely irrelevant that there are some rich people who are saved in regards to the issue of serving God or mammon. Jesus clearly said that " None can serve two masters. You will serve either God or mammon. You will hate one and love the other " (Matthew 6:24). Jesus told the rich young ruler who asked Him how he could gain eternal life, that he would need to give up all his possessions. This meant to stop serving mammon, the spirit behind wealth. This is not to imply that possessing material things is evil in itself. If one clings to one's wealth for oneself, rather than give it to those who are more needy, one is under the spirit of Mammon. Heed the warnings of Jesus about serving mammon. Your soul is endangered with Hell if you serv...

Pornography - The Drink of Death from Demons

Pornography is just one of the modern idols. It is not just sexual images that objectify people. Pornography is the seductive adulterous woman of Proverbs itself. It makes people lust. Jesus said that "anyone whos look at a woman [ or person] in lust has already committed adultery with her [or him] in their heart" (Matthew 5:28). Sin is what sends a sinner to Hell. Therefore, lust is something that MUST be fought against. Forget about secular doctrines that tell us that it is 'normal' and tells you that you are healthy. Get them out of your system and repent of your lust. Do not be deceived, no adulterers enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they have their place in the Lake of Fire. This is for your soul. Pornography is a drink of death from demons - from the very pits of Hell. What profit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? (Matthew 16:26) This is the ultimate warning to not forfeit your soul. Do not ever forfeit your soul. Fight all sin. Make s...

Psychology: The Doctrine of Devils (1)

Psychology teaches that human beings are naturally good and that social problems are caused, not by the wicked hearts of humanity, but by lack of "self-esteem", environmental, social, economic, cultural factors. Anything but the wicked hearts of humanity. This is clearly against the Word of God which states that "the   heart  is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) God has written His Law of the hearts of all people through the moral conscience He has given to all (Romans 2:15). God has revealed Himself to all so that none is without excuse. All have sinned since no one seeks God. God is the one seeking us all. So, through their own pride, humans have made up philosophies that deliberately rebel against God out of its hatred of God. Not all people walk in godlessness and unrighteousness, but many do. Psychology was founded by unrighteousness, immoral, God-hating people such as Freud and Jung. This indicates that the...

John Elefante - "This Time" (OFFICIAL VIDEO @JohnElefante)

Abortion is an abomination to God because it is murder. "Reproductive justice" and "sexual liberation" are idols. They are abominations to God.

Why World Sees Christians as Useless, Good-for-Nothing, Irrelevant and Naive: Part 3 Secular psychology, especially that regarding how humans should treat the needs of others, has crept into the church and lead many into the false social "gospel" - the teaching that the gospel is made for the good of humanity, on its own terms rather than because all have sinned against God, and thus in need of Jesus who can save them from eternal punishment. Secular social psychology teaches that all are naturally good. This contradicts the Bible which says in Romans 3:10-12 10  As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; 11       there is no one who understands;      there is no one who seeks God. 12  All have turned away,      they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good,      not even one.”

The Power of the Offensive Cross - Tim Conway

The Cross, for what it is, is offensive to all humans because all humans are proud and arrogant. The Cross speaks of God's punishment for all humans and that all humans deserve eternal punishment.

Preaching the Gospel to Hundreds at Global Atheist Convention, Melbourne...

The preacher here brings the knowledge of sin, and tells his hearers that he also deserves judgment, but only because of God's mercy, he is saved. This is in contrast to many modern preachers to do not preach of God's wrath and judgment the way  and extent it is described in the Bible. God bless this man.

Is There Any Possibility That I Might Be Lost? - Tim Conway

' You may call yourself a Christian, but that does not mean you are. Make sure you are genuinely being saved. Listen to this urgent sermon.

Usury: The Forgotten Abomination

The concept of usury is derided as an archaic redundant dinosaur in the modern world. The very definition of usury has been twisted and perverted to mean a reasonable interest on a loan. This, however, is in complete contradiction to the Biblical definition of usury (Ezekiel 18:8) which is any interest on a loan. Any talk about banning usury is dismissed by the secular world to be an excuse for “Christian crusades” to make the world “religious”. Usury is a means of making profit from credit. Credit is the loan that is owed to the lender. Credit always has an element of liability to repay the creditor. Once a person is in debt, the person is liable for the credit to another as long as debt remains. This keeps the person in debt slavery. As strange as this may sound, nothing could be further from the truth: debt enslaves. The moral basis of repaying one’s debts is that no person is entitled to what others have. When one borrows from another what one does not have, one has a mora...

The Danger of the Modern Gospel

If a person does not know what sin is in God's eyes and repent, he cannot be saved. The modern Gospel tells us that God is good and forgiving and will forgive all sins. God can only forgive you sin and take away your deserved eternal punishment if you repent and put your faith in Jesus. That is the only way.  Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.   But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13-14) I plead with you to repent. I want you to be saved. God wants you to be saved, He does not want you to perish.

The Shocking Youth Message - MUST WATCH

Listen to this shocker of a message. Many who genuinely think they are saved are not! This is not an exaggeration, but a reality to be accepted and conquered. Know this, your true friend speak the truth to you, no matter how bitter or how angry it makes you. You are not saved because someone told you so, or because you think you are. You are only saved by repenting before Jesus and putting your faith in Him. Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith - Apostle Paul

The Church has been Seduced by the Spirit of Mammon, and Does not even Know it

Many of the unsaved in the West treat the Church with absolute disgust, disdain, vitriol and hatred. They blame the Church for allowing usury which was a precursor for capitalism – not a mere doctrine, but a way of living, and an idol from the spirit of Mammon. Although it is true that the unsaved look at the church through their lens of their hatred for God, it may well be true such observations about indictable offences committed by the Church are true. Indeed, the unsaved in the West are absolutely right about the modern Church being a mammonised organisation. What is extremely ironic is not only that many Christians cannot see how the spirit of Mammon has infiltrated it, but they treat Mammon as though it does not exist or that the mammon they are serving is from God. That is what is so baffling about many Christians today – people who should understand the spirit of Mammon, of all people, because they have the Word of God, but yet failing to see how it has blinded them from God. ...

The Few - Piper/Washer/Ravenhill/Conway/Leiter

Make sure you watch this. Repent before God and put your faith in Him. Read the Bible everyday.

John Piper on the Prosperity "Gospel"

The true Church is the one marked by suffering for Jesus to share the Gospel with others. It is one that imitates Christ as Christ loved the church. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. We shall continue to expose the prosperity "gospel".

Prosperity "Gospel" - Capitalism in Christianity

If you attend a "church" that can be described as in this short documentary, flee from it now! Expose it! It is not the Gospel. It is a demonically inspired place that distorts the Word of God.

Don't Worry about Tomorrow, God is in Control!

A secular study has shown that a stressful marriage is more likely to kill men than women. The results are plausible and that is why it says in Proverbs, " b etter to live in a desert than with a contemptuous wife ". The modern courts, because they bow to the iniquity of the feminists, most of whom are probably  daughters of perdition , that is, in state of eternal damnation, HELL, because they are workers of iniquity themselves.  However, given that it is a secular study, the people interpreting the results are terrified of death because unsaved people are terrified of death and think that death is bad, and try so hard to extend life. They are pagans who worry about tomorrow (Matthew). These people do not realise that  death is in the   hands of God ​.  Christians KNOW that  God's control is sovereign above all . God is the one who determines birth and life, not doctors, scientists, psychologists or any other person.   The poin...

Jesus Christ Saved Me from 27 Years of Homosexuality