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Showing posts from October, 2014

Striving through the Narrow Gate means to Shun All Treasure on Earth: There are no exceptions

Mammon has a way of causing conflict and war. He is very cunning and deceptive in doing so. He is behind all conflict, war, dissention and hatred. He does this for a very key reason - to cause people to feel more envy and jealousy, holding them to even greater bondage to serving him or yielding to his temptation. The last thing he wants people to know is that his aim is to deceive people into thinking that their perceived earthly needs are legitimate, making them enslaved to pursuing the earthly rather than the heavenly treasure. This is especially the case with the Christians. Mammon wants Christians to think they are striving for the heavenly treasure when they are in fact striving for earthly treasure. Jesus commanded: " Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor st...

Mammon thrives through Hate, Conflict, Dissention and War

Mammon works through envy and jealousy to cause people to hate and fight each other, as well as have prejudice against others. Mammon also works through hatred, conflict, dissention and war to cause envy and jealousy. It seduces people into hating, fighting and warring against others such as to feel envious or jealous or what others have or do not have. This is to control the people who are under its power, causing them to see how their hatred, conflict, dissention or war is justified, owing to threats to their own security. No wonder the Bible says that: " For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work " (James 3:16). It does not just say that there is evil work where there is envying and strife, but that there is every evil work. The root of envy is pride, and envy is common in all sins. Envy is the opposite of love because it seeks to serve the carnal flesh, and is offended when the carnal flesh is starved. Where one is filled with envy, one ca...

Mockery and Ridicule

A person sent us a link to his or her blog which had pictures with a titles that said "this is your life" and "this is your god". The picture below the heading "This is your life" was one of a bloodied body. The picture below the heading "this is your god"was that of the 12 disciples with a goat-headed being, representing satan obviously.  We are thankful we received such mockery and ridicule. It means that satan and mammon are angry at us for exposing them. GLORY BE TO LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!

Mammon is behind all Envy, Strife and Dissention and WARS

Mammon is feeds flesh because it seduces people into serving themselves and the things of this world. He is behind money, the epitome of all earthliness. All earthliness is of the flesh, which mammon feeds off, and everything that is of the carnal flesh seeks earthliness.   The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality,  impurity and debauchery;   idolatry and witchcraft; hatred , discord, jealousy , fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions   and envy ; drunkenness, orgies, and the like (Galatians 5:19-21). Since the flesh is absolutely unable to seek God or submit to Him, mammon manipulates it by seducing it with the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life (1 John 2:16) as satan did to Jesus to tempt Him into worshipping him. Satan told Jesus he would give him bread, protection from death, and all the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4). The bread is promised to appeal the lust of the flesh, the protection from death appeals to lus...

Signs of a Person under the spirit of mammon

Both the unsaved and saved can be under the spirit of mammon. Do not be deceived! An unsaved person can only serve mammon because it is not part of his nature to submit to God in any way (Romans 8:7). However, the Christian can most definitely yield to the temptations of mammon just as he can yield to the temptations of satan. This is what is means for a Christian to be under the spirit of mammon. The signs of a person being under the spirit of mammon are: The person does not understand the spirit of mammon. This is because he or she is blinded by it and therefore cannot see it. The person reacts whenever being confronted with being told that they are under the spirit of mammon, or being told that they may be under it. This is not the person themselves reacting, but the spirit of mammon reacting. The person is self-satisfied with the abundance that they have. This is especially the case with many Christians today. They are happy with having a family, a well-paying job, security...

Abortion Mill Preaching

This is an abortion mill ministry, commanding repentance and preaching the Gospel. It is light in a dark dark world which deems abortion to be a "right", "choice" or "liberty". Good preaching Tony Miano! Preaching on father's day Preaching at Tempe Planned Parenthood Preaching at Barbara Zipskin's Abortion Mill

Mammon Causes People to be Anxious and Have No Peace

Mammon works through the "lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life" (1 John 2:16). He seeks to make people serve him, instead of God. He is behind literally all earthliness and is pervasive in all aspects of life. He seeks to seduce us all, both the saved and unsaved, with not merely wealth, but all earthly things. He seduces us all with earthly security . He offers earthly things like health, education, family, children, romance, career, power, status and security, including 'basic needs' to entice people to serve him. He does so very deceptively. Mammon does this through making people anxious for earthly security, and therefore a lack of peace. He does this by making people think they are entitled to all they have. For those Christians who believe they cannot be under him, and therefore, are not seeking after riches, he makes them think that they are entitled to their 'basic needs' and 'security'. He deceives them into thinking that th...

Mammon is the Spirit of Earthliness

Earthly thinking has permeated right through the modern church. This is evidenced through earthly interpretations of many Bible passages, and also a zeal for merely defeating the political goals of the unsaved, but not reaching out to them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mammon is not behind money per se . It is behind wealth. Wealth does not equate to money. Wealth is that which has material value in this world, and may include power, prestige, social status, or even things like family, health and education. A person who 'has it all' is one who is wealthy, despite their income being below average: a big family, nice place to live, loving spouse, wonderful children and an intellectually stimulating job, despite not being the highest paid in the nation. Such is a wealthy person. in the Biblical sense of the term. A person may think that he or she is not under the spirit of mammon because one live's a simple life. It is this belief prevalent in the modern church that the...

Mammon's Best Kept Secret: What the Modern Church does not Know about Mammon

Many people in the modern church do not understand what mammon is. They think they do, but they really do not. They often think it is a 'minor' issue and that by virtue of exposing mammon, one is setting up a "test" (in one's own human "wisdom") to determine who is under the spirit of mammon. I indeed have had someone say this to me. He said that by "my" test, I am suggesting that the disciples in the New Testament would fail it because they do not warn about 'mammon'. Indeed, he is like many Christians who do not understand what mammon is for what it really is.  The Bible has many verses about money and earthliness . Any Christian who doubts this needs to read his or her Bible. The spirit of mammon literally works through all earthly things, and everyone  who is unsaved is under the spirit of mammon. I will present a Biblical case for this as below: You are either For Jesus or Against Jesus Jesus said that, " He that is not...

The "Generous" Usurous Creditor and the Mammonised Debtor

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower  is  servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). Debt is that which is owed to another. In the monetary sense, it is money that a party, the debtor, owes to another, the creditor. There is a moral obligation conferred upon the debtor to repay his debts to the creditor, not because the creditor has lent him money, but because he borrows money. As such, he confers an obligation on himself to repay debts. It is not the creditor who confers an obligation on him. However, the modern economic system treats the debtor as a party who owes debt to the creditor on the grounds that he is being loaned money by another, and not because he borrowed money. The debtor is treated as one who is "entitled" to borrow money from another because it is his inherent right, rather that as one who has a moral obligation to repay debts. This has provided grounds for a creditor to assume his role as a generous service-provider who is thus entitled to p...

Response to an (proud, judgmental, presumptuous) critic of ā€˜Capitalism corrupts the inherent value of labourā€™

The critics comments are in square brackets. My response in interspersed in between.  [I really fail to see the point you are making here. It looks like you are completely fixated on "Capitalism" as the symbol of "LOVE of MONEY", without understanding what Capitalism really means. ] That is your problem for failing to see the point I am making. Capitalism is an economic system based on private property, that what one owns is that which one is entitled to do as one chooses. Capitalism exists because of love of money. [You are saying that we shouldn't work only for money and only for our own family.] No, I am not. Before you make an accusation, make you you can prove it and understand what is really the truth. [ If I am not working for money how on earth can I provide for myself or for anybody else? ] Working for money is an earthly desire. It is not about working for money, it is about working for God who will provide you. You need to r...

Response to Critic of 'Capitalism's False Ethic of Giving' (6)

The critic's comment is in square brackets. My response is interspersed in between. [  This assumes that every individual is created equal which is not the case.] God made all people to be of equal dignity. [ If we were all created equal we would all own property equally.] Ownership of private property is a humanistic (that is, human idea). It is not from God. Therefore, whether we are all created equal by God or not does not determine equality of property. [ Some individuals are better managers of property than others that is why most work for a wage and the profit goes to the owner for the risk he takes as an owner, basic Capitalism.] Indeed, capitalism is about whoever can earn more money being stronger economically. It has no regard for those who are just shunned by a cruel world, that those who are marginalised, for example, the homeless. Jesus said that His followers should help the needy. [ As Christians is this the best system that God would hav...

The Twin Evils of Democracy and Capitalism

Democracy and capitalism are worshipped as 'sacred cows' in the west. It must always be democracy with a capitalistic free market, or democracy with more government control over a free market. People complain about big business taking over the economy, calling for more democracy, and attributing this to a lack of democracy.  Many of the unsaved think that increased monopoly and economic inequality is due to a lack of democracy. They are right, except for one thing. It is democracy that legitimises capitalism. Democracy is not a bulwark against capitalistic tyranny as the unsaved socialists would say. Democracy and capitalism are twin sisters that have dominated the west. Democracy legitimises the quest for rights. Essentially, rights in a democratic framework are sought for according to one's self-interests. The rule is that the individual shall do as 'thou wilt'. Human nature seeks only to do as thou wilt as satan did when he fell from grace by pride (Isaiah 14...

Envy and Strife Drive Wars

We as as society often talk about wars as political, cultural, economic or social, but very rarely does anyone ever think about the spirit behind it. The wars in the world are wide and varied, but all have the same spirit behind it. It is the spirit of mammon. A war may certainly have the spirit of harlotry or jezebel behind it, but all of them have the spirit of mammon behind it. There are 5 common characteristics of all wars: (1)  dissatisfaction  with current status quo, (2)  conflict between groups of different ideas, beliefs, values or perceptions, (3)  challenge to status quo, (4)  destruction  of the framework of the status quo and (5) support  for the new change . Wars, which are sometimes called liberations, depending on how one perceives the previous status quo, always involves a dissatisfaction with the current attitude towards an act, circumstances, human relations or certain groups. While certain attitudes may be immora...