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Response to an (proud, judgmental, presumptuous) critic of ‘Capitalism corrupts the inherent value of labour’

The critics comments are in square brackets. My response in interspersed in between. 

[I really fail to see the point you are making here. It looks like you are completely fixated on "Capitalism" as the symbol of "LOVE of MONEY", without understanding what Capitalism really means. ]

That is your problem for failing to see the point I am making. Capitalism is an economic system based on private property, that what one owns is that which one is entitled to do as one chooses. Capitalism exists because of love of money.

[You are saying that we shouldn't work only for money and only for our own family.]

No, I am not. Before you make an accusation, make you you can prove it and understand what is really the truth.

[ If I am not working for money how on earth can I provide for myself or for anybody else? ]

Working for money is an earthly desire. It is not about working for money, it is about working for God who will provide you. You need to repent of your earthliness. You show that you are worried about your needs. The pagans worry about their earthly needs (Matthew 6:32). Matthew 6:31-33 says: So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

It is anti-Christian to swear by anything including the earth. You need to repent of using the phrase ‘how on earth’? But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation (James 5:12).

[Its true that we are living in a highly materialistic world, but even so, we can't expect people to live on fresh air.]

I am not saying we should just live on fresh air.

 [While we have to meet people's, spiritual, emotional and psychological needs as well, we can't do that while they have on empty stomach, they are naked or they are homeless. We need resources to help people.]

To say that we ‘need’ resources to help people is to use earthly terminology. God provides what He chooses at His own timing. Rather, it is about relying on God to provide the needs of people, not humans seeking after their own earthly needs. This is exactly what capitalism is. The spirit behind it is mammon.

[ I also wish to point out that, there is a big difference between the "love of money" and the desire to be fruitful and multiply.]

 Apostle Paul, confesses to the church that he is laboring with his two hands as a Tent Maker (very hard work) every day, to support himself and to not be a burden to the church and the brotherhood. I suggest you change your fixation from capitalism to the amazing love of God manifested in righteous works.

[I don't believe it for a moment that God told you to keep blaming capitalism for the love of money.]

Fine, I don’t care. It is not about your opinion.

[Please don't involve God in your own agenda. ]

You were implying that we ‘need’ resources to help people using very earthly language, a reflection of your earthliness. And yet, you accuse me of blaspheming God?

[If God would have told you to fight against capitalism he would have given you the wisdom to do so.]

How wise are you? Have you asked whether you are wise enough to criticise others?

[Unfortunately, you are twisting scripture to fit your agenda.]

What agenda? I am not doing this for money, comfort, or anything. What do I gain from this? All I gain is attacks from mammonised Christians like you.

[Please tell me, how is Communism better than Capitalism?]

The issue is not communism versus capitalism.

[The issue of MAMMON as you are calling it has nothing to do with Capitalism, Feudalism, Socialism, or any other political orientation.]

Mammon is behind capitalism, or any other worldly economic system.

[The spirit of mammon has to do with: GREED, SELFISH AMBITION, COVETOUSNESS, PRIDE and GLUTTONY....etc. which existed since the beginning of the world, since God created humanity.]

Indeed, it works through such evils. The evils are used to form the system that the world embraces, such as capitalism and democracy. The spirit of mammon has really gotten hold of the world, and the church.

[ If you want to address the issue of the MAMMON in the church, why don't you focus your attention to these biblical explanations as its source, rather than its secular form?]

I have done that.

[ PS. I am not judging you, I am judging what you are saying and that is completely biblical (see 1 Cor. 2:15). ]

You are being judgmental about me by implying that I am unwise, and that you are wise.

[If you don't like to be held accountable for your views don't place your comments on a public forum.]

This issue is not my accountability. The issue is you being proud, judgmental, argumentative and presumptuous about someone who you have not even met. You need to repent of your pride, earthliness, arrogance, judgmentalism and presumptuousness. 


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