Many in the modern Church think that God blesses people with material things. This is a false teaching. It is precisely this teaching that is the seed of the prosperity "gospel". Many pastors who are true converts, often fall into praising the earthly, empty, temporal success of a Christian who they know, whenever talking about such a person with a good intention. In doing so, they claim that God has blessed them materially, which is itself to imply that the material things he or she has received are the blessings from God. This is a very subtle lie, a very deceptive lie that mixes truth with error. What is a blessing? A blessing from God is God's favour upon a person He gives on the condition that he pleases God. It is grace, however, of a different type from salvation which is by grace alone through faith. It is not common grace, which God gives to both the wicked and the righteous: " That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he make...
We do not fight people, we are fighting with a spirit. That spirit is Mammon which dominates and controls the whole world through the Anglo-American Democratic Capitalist System. It manifests in Humanism and Liberalism, through Democracy, and Capitalism, the Four Evils who enslave the whole of mankind. Many Christians who should understand the spirit of Mammon, do not. We expose and fight the spirit of Mammon, and the four evils of Humanism, Liberalism, Democracy and Capitalism.