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The doctrine of "rights" is of Humanistic sympathy which panders to the Carnal Flesh

The modern western Church thinks that it can still have 'rights' and follow Jesus. You may say that it is not that one does not have any rights, but that one must simply not cling to them. No, it is well-established and settled that there is no such thing as a 'right' in the first place. No, not at all. 

To claims rights in whatever cultural, social, political, economic or religious context is to claim sovereignty because the spirit behind claiming one's so-called rights is of envy, pride and self-entitlement. All those who fight for rights are full of envy, pride and self-entitlement, whether unsaved or saved. Before you dismiss the claim that there are many professing Christians who are under the spirit of mammon to be referring to only false brothers and sisters, as some easy cop-out, know this: the Bible never says a Christian cannot fall into envy, pride and self-entitlement, and thereby be under the spirit of mammon.

It is all to easy to feel humanistic sympathy towards those who are oppressed as many people do, both unsaved and saved; a sympathy that looks at the earthly, worldly status, possession, position or esteem of the person, rather than to look at the spiritual state of the person. For man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Such is a fallen God-hating world. The sympathy a person feels on the basis of how much earthly things a person has is itself pride, envy and faithlessness. 

A person who has all the wealth in the world without Jesus should be sympathised more than he who has none, but has Jesus as his Saviour. To sympathise a person simply because he has less earthly things, whatever those things are, is to be earthly-minded. A person sympathising with another simply because that person has less earthly things literally indicates that one is under the spirit of mammon. 

You may ask, doesn't the Bible tell us to help the poor? Yes, it does (Isaiah 58:10; Matthew 5:42; Acts 20:35). Helping the poor is one thing, while sympathising with the poor because of their lack of material things is another thing altogether. A person can absolutely seek to help the poor without feeling such humanistic, fleshly sympathy that feels sympathy simply on the grounds of the person having less material things. It is faithlessness.

Sympathy is sorrow or pity felt towards another. The Bible makes it very clear that "for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death" (2 Corinthians 7:10). This verse is not merely given to us to inform us, but to warn us that worldly sorrow is a vile, abominable sin. It is not merely that the result of worldly sorrow that is sin, but that worldly sorrow itself is a sin. A person can end up in Hell on that very grounds of worldly sorrow, one that feel sympathetic for people because they have less material things. 

Worldly sorrow and sympathy are what characterises most so-called "charities" today. They call themselves "charities" but are really just evil, vile organisations which are full of lawlessness, disdaining even the most basic moral obligations. Such false worldly sympathy has captived many, if not most so-called "charities" includes many professing Christian charities who are run by true converts, but do not realise that while they are truly seeking to be loving, charitable, and kind, they really are full of worldly sympathy for the deceptively labelled "victims" or "marginalised groups", on the basis that they have less earthly, temporal material things, thing which have absolutely no eternal value whatsoever. 

You may say to me that this is an an unkind thing to say, and ask why is it that I am critiquing such works. This is an extremely deceptive question asked by sympathiser of such unbiblical charities, many of whom include religious and professing Christian charities. They are not doing good works, that is, in the eyes of God if they are doing so out of humanistic sympathy. Such good works are done out of unrighteousness, and therefore "filthy rags" in the eyes of God. The good works are the unrighteous are filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6). 

You may say, but these charities are run by true Christians, and so their works can't be filthy rags. This again is an extremely deceptive, devious trap set up by sympathisers of unbiblical professing Christian charities, such many even be run by true Christians. Whether a person is unsaved or saved, as long as the person is doing something out of one's own unrighteousness, all good works which come from that are filthy rags. Indeed, many professing Christian organisations are filthy rags, like a used tampon. They are a stench to the nostrils of God because of the unrighteousness of the act itself. 

How can an unrighteous heart produce good works? By no means for a good tree cannot produce evil fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit (Matthew 7:18). It can only produce unrighteous works which look like they are righteous, and are right according to the Law of God, but done only out of pride, with a false sense of graciousness, such as these professing Christian charities. 

This is by no means saying that the Law of God is not to be strive for. It is. It is not because the striving for the Law of God saves a person, but because that is what Jesus commanded, and saves people to be able to do. For on the Day of Judgement, Jesus will say to many professing Christians who call Him "Lord, Lord" that He never them, these "workers of iniquity" (Matthew 7:21-23). The Greek word for iniquity is 'anomos' which means no law. So, what Jesus is saying is that He will say to these false professing Christians that they lived as though Jesus did not give them a Law to obey. 

Any Christian who thinks that striving to enter the Kingdom of God does not involve striving for obedience to the Law, yes the Law of God, is absolutely deluded. as the typical modern western Christian is. Not all modern western Christians are deluded and totally unable to see how the evil enlightenment doctrine are wicked. However, the vast majority of modern western true converts are.

Good works done out of an unrighteous heart are acts of lawlessness themselves. This is illustrated in Matthew 7:22 where the false convert tells Jesus of the good works they have done: "Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?"

It is true that while the Christianity is not about following a Law of God, but rather about the grace and mercy of God, to be saved, one must show that one is a true convert in the first place, by showing good fruit: "every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" (Matthew 7:19). 

'Good works' are only truly good works if they are done of out a righteous heart. Only faith in Jesus Christ can enable one to be made righteous (Galatians 2:16). Anything that is not done in faith is sin (Romans 14:23). A person either acts in faith, or in the flesh. There is no alternative, it is either one or the other. Thus, if a person does not act in faith, one acts in the flesh. The flesh is hostile to God, and does not submit to the Law of God, nor can it (Romans 8:7-8). Thus, anything done in the flesh, not matter how "good" its intention is, or how "charitable" may be, is unrighteous. It is not only that the act is done out of unrighteousness, but that the good work is unrighteousness itself.

Many Christian charities, that is charities run by true converts, are unbiblical, and full of works which in seeking to be charitable by giving food the poor, helping "disadvantaged" children gain an education or rescuing harlots, who commit multitudes of adulteries of their own volition, from "human trafficking", are really acting out of unrighteousness for they act out of their humanistic sympathy. 

Such humanistic sympathy is common, if not the key characteristic of western charities, whether "secular" or "religious". They act out of fleshly sympathy, having sympathy for those they seek to help, out of their carnality. They help because of the "lack" of "rights", "liberty" and "equality" of these in the so-called underdeveloped, non-capitalist, non-democratic nations who they so sympathise out of their own pride and envy.

You may arrogantly ask how you, as a western Christian could envy those in poorer nations. The question itself is extremely arrogant and full of pride, thinking oneself better off. You may argue that this is 'true', that a westerner living in the west has a more prosperous life. To think you are better off, and therefore have an "obligation" to sympathise the poor for their lack of earthly material things , which is a fruit of the flesh, is exactly what the problem is. It is because you envy, thinking that you "deserve" what you have, and that others are "entitled" to the same, as what you have, that you feel the sympathy that you feel. It is sympathy for others out of envy that if you had the same lack, you would feel that you were oppressed or unjustly treated. This is exactly what the problem is: to think that one has "rights", or entitlements.

The heart of the doctrine of "rights" is that of fleshly worldly sympathy. It feeds on the desire for worldly sorrow from others, and in turn shows such worldly sorrow as it seeks to receive such. The desire for worldly sorrow is of the flesh and pander to the flesh. Its pandering of the flesh is manifested by doing "good works" for others, thinking that it is entitled to the same. It is because it thinks itself entitled to receive rights that it thinks others to receive rights, to justify itself out of its own pride. 


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