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Debt Slavery is Domination, Bondage, Manipulation and Control

Many in the modern Church do not realise what debt slavery is - domination, bondage, manipulation and control. They do not realise or understand how the spirit of mammon operates behind this whole system which the unsaved called the 'money system' which is of the 'money power'.

The 'money system' is the mammonised debt-based global financial and banking system. The 'money power' is not an abstract force, but a real demonic spirit called the spirit of mammon. Those who you who don't believe the spirit of mammon seeks to enslave the world should just shut your mouth when making comments about theology related to money, possessions and mammon. Don't you dare make the cop-out that those who are under the spirit of mammon cannot be true Christians or that there is no such thing as an evil spirit behind every temptation to sin, leading to sin, the most convenient cop-out used by many in the modern Church. 

He exists, and those of you who thinks he does not seek to seduce people, both the unsaved and saved, into being enslaved to him are naive, foolish and silly. While sin does come from the heart, of course, it cannot be denies that the spirit of mammon does exist and seeks to seduce people into debt slavery, through which people serve him. 

You may be seeking to serve God, but be under the control of mammon 

So, what is debt slavery? Debt slavery is an enslavement to obtaining material things through the payment of debts. The heart of a debt slavery is in material things, whatever they may be, His treasure is in material things, including those very legitimate needs, such as clothing, food, shelter and water. 

You may think that you are only seeking after your legitimate needs, and that you are not materialistic. How easy it is to say! Material things does not only include luxury items such as expensive waterfront homes, or city apartments. By no means! Legitimate needs such as food, clothing and shelter are also material things, and setting one's heart on obtaining these things, whether for oneself or one's family is to be enslaved  to such things. Setting one's heart on obtaining any material thing, including these legitimate needs is to be enslaved to earthly things. When Jesus was teaching His followers that no one can serve both God and mammon (Matthew 6:24), and commanding them not be anxious for earthly things in Matthew 6:25, he told them not to seek food, clothing, drink - all legitimate needs, for God will provide:

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things (Matthew 6:31-32).

You may still argue, that you still need these things like food, clothing and drink. Physically, these things are needed and one cannot just let these things fall from the sky. However, this is no way justifies seeking these things as Jesus said, that is to live for these things. Rather, one should seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and these things such as food, drink and clothing will be given by God (Matthew 6:33). 

To argue that you must seek food, clothing and drink, thereby setting your heart on such things, which one will do when one seeks these things, is to argue that Jesus did not literally mean what He said. That is precisely what Jesus mean when He said no one can serve both God and mammon, and one will hate one and love the other (Matthew 6:24). It is to cunningly and deviously manipulate His words. It is not only to say that Jesus was lying but to call Him a liar! Claiming that Jesus did not say we should not seek the earthly basic needs of clothing, drink and food is to blaspheme His Name. You still stand before God on Judgment Day and be held accountable for failing to take His commands literally. Failing to take the commands of Jesus is itself a hatred of God for sin itself is to despise God (2 Samuel 12:10). 

If you want to argue that it is not that one is seeking to serve mammon by providing one's earthly needs or that of one's family, but rather, seeking to "care" for oneself and one's family,  know this: the only reason why you argue this is because you are trying to find an excuse to attempt to serve God and mammon, not giving the whole of your first fruits, or the best of the best of your lambs to God, but taking some of it for yourself, while claiming that your give all to God and serve God. 

Serving God means to serve Him fully, wholeheartedly and completely. You either serve God, or not serve Him at all. If you are not serving God, you serve mammon because you are either for God or against God (Matthew 12:30; Luke 11:23). If you are against God, hating God, you love mammon, no matter what work you do for ministry, evangelism or missions. (Matthew 6:24). Notice how Jesus did not say if you do ministry, missions or evangelism, it means you love God and thus cannot ever be serving mammon, or influenced by him, in not completely focusing on seeking God. 

Indeed, a person may be one striving to serve God. However, as long one is distracted by the cares of the world, which will render one unable to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, one's heart will not be right. One will be under the spirit of mammon, even if one is truly saved. 

Do not ever think you as a true Christian, firm in the faith, that you cannot be under the spirit of mammon. That most true Christians do not understand what being under the spirit of mammon means, or even completely reject this concept is itself an indictment of themselves being under the spirit of mammon.

Making oneself as debt slave

A debt slave is one who is in bondage to debt. You may think that because you are not sold off as a cheap labourer to work for a master, to pay of the debts of another, you are not a debt slave. This is a very naive understanding of what debt slavery is, and based oneither your own arrogance and pride, or just downright naivete, thinking that because you live in the equality-seeking, fairness-seeking, justice-seeking west, you cannot possibly be a debt slave? You think to yourself, "how could I be a debt slave, as a person of the west?" What arrogance! 

Debt bondage is spiritual bondage. It is the bondage of a persons' heart, mind and spirit. Do not ever think that you cannot be a debt slave because you are a Christian. No. While your soul may be truly saved by God, this does not mean your heart, mind and spirit is always right. The sin of debt slavery is no different from any other sin. A truly regenerate person can fall into it without realising, all while thinking that one is doing is legitimate, and justified, not even realising how one seeks to justify oneself. 

The typical mammonised Christian of the modern Church justifies one's own debt slavery, on the basis of needing to care for one's own family, manipulating and twisting the meaning of 1 Timothy 5:8 to justify one's debt slavery and money slavery. A good righteous thing is used to justify one's sin, rendering that good righteous thing, nothing but a filthy rag. The good works of the unrighteous are filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6). Such is the case of those Christians who use 1 Timothy 5:8 to justify seeking their earthly needs, rather than seeking first the righteousness of God. How can one seek first the righteousness of God if one's heart becomes set on caring for the basic earthly needs of oneself and those who one loves? By no means! For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:21). 

The mammonised system forces all to submit to mammon

Debt is simply money to be repaid to the lender. A borrower must repay his debts to the lender for the "wicked borroweth, and payeth not again" (Psalm 37:21).  Lending money is not wrong in and of itself.  Neither is borrowing money. However, before one borrows money, one must know that the borrower is the slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). 

The borrower is enslaved by virtue of the moral obligation according to the Law of God to repay the money he borrowed to the lender. This is real literal enslavement, not a metaphorical, or metaphysical enslavement are some in the modern Church think. No, it is real enslavement. The enslavement by virtue of an obligation to repay the money leads to spiritual bondage not only where the person is a chronic borrower, but as long as he is in debt and is unable, or finds it extremely difficult to repay. One need not be living a 'materialistic' lifestyle or be a chronic borrower to be in bondage to debt, and therefore a debt slave.  As long as the borrower is unable to repay, or struggles to pay off his debt, he is a debt slave. 

This bondage comes from the moral and spiritual obligation to repay the loan, which all people know from their moral conscience (Romans 2:15), whether saved or unsaved. It is not that they think; rather, it is that they know that they need to repay their debts. One might ask, why would anyone want to borrow money then? This is a very legitimate question. People borrow money for a variety of reasons. 

Some people must borrow money because they are poor, and do not have enough income from their labour, or assets, gained from the usurious system. Poor people are often forced to borrow money, and thus, to charge usury on the loan is extremely cruel. This explains the emphasis of the Old Testament Law on charging usury against the poor. Others borrow money because they are only just to compelled to spend more money on a more expensive house, or car, only to spend years or decades paying off all the loans.

Such bondage to one's debts is used by the spirit of mammon to control, dominate and manipulate and enslave. He works through the systems of the world, and through unregenerate people to set up his system where he forces all to bow down to him. 

He uses the desires of people to accumulate and gain, to not only seduce people into debt slavery, but to dominate, manipulate and control. 

He uses the basic needs of the poor such as food, to enslave them into debt, manifesting in the poor suffering from chronic debt. 

He uses the need of shelter to enslave the masses, both the rich and poor, unsaved and saved, to seduce, dominate, manipulate and control in paying of debts, by usury being charged on mortgages. 

He uses fear of lack of one's earthly needs, albeit legitimate, and fear of losing one's shelter to dominate, manipulate and control the masses into devote their lives to working for the earthly temporal house, rather than to heavenly things. 

The global financial crisis is a manifestation of the spirit of mammon who works through a heartless, loveless, godless world which has no regard for repaying debts, not charging usury against borrowers, and which seeks only material gain. This is the heart of the mammonised global financial and banking system - the heart of a heartless, callous, crooked and perverse world. 


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