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Showing posts from 2014

How the spirit of Harlotry and spirit of Mammon Manipulates the World

We live in the most decadent times of history, but yet one which thinks itself so moral and upright. It thinks itself so pure.   It imposes its sexual liberalist ethic of licence on all others, including those who do not agree with it, but yet accuses moral minorities of imposing their views on others. The sexual revolution in the west was born in the 1960s. This is a pivotal point in history which the world had never seen before. Despite many ancient societies being sexualised, no other movement has had such an ingrained and widespread impact than the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution is the overthrow of all basic sexual decency. The sexual revolution is deceptively evil. It is the upmost rebellion against all morality. All sexual perversion is against Creation, and therefore against the Creator. Rather than being an honest defiance of all that is good, it seeks to take the good, such as love, and twists it for evil. It embraces all evil and calls it good. It has t...

Modern evangelism is my shepherd

Modern evangelism is my shepherd I shall not fear It protects me from being criticised, questioned or inquired by sinners It gives me an easy life, approval of sinners, and no risks My friendship, alongside with Jesus is needed for sinners to be saved It leads me to find a good reputation with sinners And sinners to be lead down a false path of righteousness Falsely thinking they are saved When I am being inquired by sinners Who are genuinely seeking to understand why they need God I can comfortably fall back on my friendship with sinners While leaving those who do not have my friendship To continue on the paths to Hell I shall not fear the sinners Because they have my friendship And they shall end up in Heaven because of my friendship The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not enough for sinners Street preaching and use of God’s Moral Law, I oppose without question Nor do I seek to understand why it is Biblical My friendship is what is needed And si...

The X-Men Movies and the Gay Agenda

Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman;  that is detestable (Leviticus 18:22).

Miley Cyrus: Perverted Sex Pusher?

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

Homosexual Icon (Kinsey) and Child Porn - Bradlee Dean

\ This is what happens when society rejects God's rules, even to the slightest.

"The TV is my shepherd. I shall not want."

The humanist version of Psalm 23 of the Bible.  The Bible's Psalm 23 is: The  Lord  is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the  Lord  for ever.

The Modern Doctrine of Offensiveness

Many people like to claim offence today whenever they feel upset or angry about something another has told them. They like to let people know they are offended and expect people to stop ‘offending’ them. Such is the individualistic thinking that has swept the modern church today. The modern church thinks that as long as one is not offended in the ‘politically correct’ sense, it has a “right” to claim offence. Such is unbiblical thing as there is no such thing as a “right”. It likes to assume that where someone has told someone within the church not to do something, it is because they are “offended” and do not like to be criticised. This is the presumptuousness that many of the modern church hold. I have told someone that if he feels offended by what I write, he should just stop reading it. He assumes it is because I am “offended” at him for potential criticisms, and accuses me of criticising him for doing this, and therefore accusing me of being “hypocritical”. No. Rather, it ...

The Sin of Homosexuality - ''They Parade Their Sins Like Sodom'' - Scott...

Why homosexuality is like no other sin and the secret pervasiveness of the homosexual agenda. If you are not in Christ, see for why you need God.

Money Cometh {Narrow Road} Famine-Jovan Mackenzy

Awesome rap. Please share.

The spirit of harlotry and her seduction

The spirit of harlotry manifests in the worship of female sexuality as exemplified in pagan religions, goddess worship and witchcraft. She is the spirit that seduces discontented and power-seeking women who seek to dominate men. Feminist Helen Gurley Brown loved to give young women her favourite piece of advice: to have power over men, you must use what you have between your legs. She was referring to sex. Gurley Brown gave her advice about getting more money, sex and power. She was used by the spirit of harlotry to make girls feel they need these things - as a result, to make them vulnerable to the spirit of mammon and harlotry, and not able to discern between the two owing to their unregenerate minds. This has produced a generation of evil young women in the west. Sex is worshipped by those men and women under the spirit of harlotry. She manipulates women to feel the need for sex to get love. She manipulates men to feel the need for dominance and power, to get sex. She blinds t...

The Perversion of Sex by the World

Sex was meant as God's gift to humanity. God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 9:7).  However, satan has perverted sex and sinful humanity has also denigrated it and twisted it, by yielding to satan's lies. Sex is that which is sacred to God. It was God's gift for humanity to show love to each other, which can only be done within the confines of marriage. However, it has been used as a tool for self-seeking pleasure or earthly comfort. That is the way the world sees sex. The world also loves to impose its mantra which purports that as long as there is mutual consent between two adults, there is nothing wrong with it. This is a perversion of the meaning of love, which is not about "consent" but self-sacrifice. The world makes sex to be a tool from which one gains what one wants, and chooses only what it likes about sex with others.  As such, it disdains the teaching in 1 Corinthians 7:4: " The wife hath not power of her own body...

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3 | Abstain from Sexual Immorality | 2...

Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more. For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality.

Dealing With Immorality - Part 2

An excellent sermon about sexual immorality continued.

Dealing With Immorality - Part 1

This sermon deals with sexual immorality and impurity.

To Spit Against Heaven

An excellent documentary about the moral decline of America and the spirit of harlotry and deception.

What is the spirit of harlotry?

The spirit of harlotry is working aggressively through nations, families and governments all over the modern world. She manifests through sexual immorality. However, she is cunning and deceptive, and her tactics are hard to recognise despite her obvious manifestations. Not only does she work through sexually immoral acts, she also works through other human evils like selfishness and greed. Like the spirit of mammon, she seduces with lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. She works together with the spirit of mammon to stir up conflict among people, especially between men and women within the family and in broader society. Despite the church being mostly not under her grip, it does not mean she cannot influence its thinking and eventually its compromise with the world on matters of sex, family, love and relationships. She works through universities through deceptions about gender, sex, freedom and liberty. The spirit of harlotry is out to bring many to Hell. ...

Basics of Biblical Evangelism PART 1 of 2 - How NOT to share your faith

Essential watching.

He Paid My Fine

This song was inspired by "The Way of the Master". The modern church needs a good dose of understanding and discernment as to why it is not the "method" that matters, but the urgent message of the Gospel. He Paid My Fine Verse 1: What have you got say for yourself? You’re guilty of this crime You broke the law Justice calls For you to pay a fine He says I’m usually a good person But this time I messed up Would you let me off? Consider all The good things I have done You may be a good person But I must be a good judge We’re here concerning just one thing And nothing else you've done You owe 50 thousand dollars But judge I’m broke Then you most serve a term in prison There went his hope A stranger walks up And starts turning heads Says to the judge Here is the check Chorus 1: And the Judge accepts it and the case is closed The town said never’s such a story been told It was on the news, it was in the paper He told the reporter that man was my s...

Are Love and Sex the same thing?

Great explanation of the Biblical concept with Love compared to the world's concept of love.

The spirit of harlotry: Harlots are not victims but sirens

Harlotry is increasing. ‘Prostitution’, as it is argued, victimises women and is a tool by which men abuse women. Is this really the case? ‘Prostitution’ is often thought of as a political issue, one that concerns personal interests and what is perceived to be ‘equality’. However, very rarely do people think about the morality and ethics of prostitution. The morality and ethics of prostitution with respect to ‘prostitution’ legislation is one has been politicised. As a result, the much of the modern ‘prostitution’ legislation is questionable at best, sinister at worst.  Whether harlotry is right or wrong, is a question of morality, not politics. Politics is never absolute.  Morality, on the other hand, is that which is absolute or else it fails to be morality, but politics. Harlotry is clearly a sin. The question that must be asked is who the victim is and who is the predator.  Owing to the application of the harm principle which purports that as long as one does...

Michael Hoffman Talks About Usury

The true church, in its rebellion against God, has decided to distort God's Law in its own image so to suppress the truth. It is like ancient Israel who rebelled against God in search for foreign, filthy idols. As a result of its rebellion, it has allowed satan to ridicule it. The church rebels against God by misinterpretation of the Bible such as in the area of usury, and in evolution.

"Glorifying" God with possessions: A Dark Exchange

Some Christians who are under the spirit of mammon claim that "while God told us not to serve mammon, He did not say that we cannot use possessions to glorify Him". This is a very deceptive statement. Indeed, such twisting of the Bible is parallel to that of the tempting of Eve in Genesis 3:1-6: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the  Lord  God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was p...

Ten Ways to Watch Porn and still be a Christian. By S. A. Tan (Satan)

1. Say you don’t want to watch porn but secretly make sure you have access to it. Don’t read Romans 13:14. 2. Never even think of cultivating the archaism of godly fear. Tell yo urself that you are human and have weaknesses. 3. Ignore the senseless discipline of daily reading the Bible. You have more important things to do. 4. Stay away from the farcical words of Jesus--especially the insanity of Matthew 5:29. 5. Make sure you get an “accountability partner” and lie to him about what you look at. Everyone lies. 6. Give in to pleasurable thoughts of porn. We both know you love them. Don’t read Proverbs 4:23. 7. Never quote scripture when you’re tempted. It doesn't do anything. And don’t memorize James 1:14 or 1 Corinthians 10:13. 8. Don’t waste your precious time listening to “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” or “True and False Conversion” on that idiot site: 9. Tell yourself that you are soundly saved because you’re living in holiness, without which no one will see yo...

"Religion That Sends You To Hell!" by Paul Washer

When Jesus said to give up your life, it means to give up your possessions, right, freedoms, aspirations, vision and dreams - EVERYTHING. Count all thing as rubbish as though they are completely unworthy.

Stand for Life 2014: Francis Chan, John Piper, John Ensor

How to address the issue of abortion and sharing the love of Christ to a dying world.

The Perversions of Humanistic Sympathy and Why the World Cannot be Blamed for it

Imagine this. A paedophile has been found guilty of child sex abuse. The judge asks him why he thinks he should not be guilty. He says, “I was seduced by the young teenager” or “I was groomed that way. A man has been found guilty of murdering a woman.  The judge asks him why he should not be guilty. He says that he was asked by someone to murder her and he was. Perhaps, he might have received a murder threat if he did not commit the murder. So, he committed the murder and is charged accordingly to the law. Surely, media and the public would be in an uproar the pathetic moral excuse. Similarly, a woman who chooses to abort her baby does so intentionally. Despite pressure or threats made against her if she did not murder her child, the 21 st century pro-life movement says that the woman is not at any moral fault for the murdering of her baby. It says that it is no her fault for that because of pressure or threats made against her, despite having a choice to avoid abortion. She ...

John Piper - How to fight porn

Enlargen your heart for God, and you will not only fight pornography, but MOCK pornography. Learn how to mock pornography.

Struggling with Immorality

Must watch for dealing with sin and temptation.

Mammon and his manifestations

Mammon is everywhere He is right under our noses Not hidden in an far away cosmic space But in our world Dominating the unsaved Seducing the saved He loves to cause anxiety of people As to their physical needs He is behind all Class warfare, Cries of "social justice" of tenants who want not pay their rent, And those single mother who envy The luxury of the "upper-middle class" mother He loves to stir up envy Violence, hate, anger and murder Are his companions Those who yield to his promises Those who shun not his promises Go down to death And waste their life