All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return (Ecclesiastes 3:20). "Vanities of vanity", says the Preacher, "All is vanity". This is the phrase that is repeated throughout the book of Ecclesiastes. The book of Ecclesiastes opens with this phrase, and ends with this phrase before concluding at Ecclesiastes 12:13-14: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment , with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil . Ecclesiastes is a book that has the effect of making one wiser and sharper by just reading it. The book of Ecclesiastes make it very clear at as long as the purpose of what one does is not to draw closer to God, it is vanity. Vanities of vanities. For all will die one day and be returned to dust, before one knows it. Many will die much sooner than they thought they would. Most people wi...
We do not fight people, we are fighting with a spirit. That spirit is Mammon which dominates and controls the whole world through the Anglo-American Democratic Capitalist System. It manifests in Humanism and Liberalism, through Democracy, and Capitalism, the Four Evils who enslave the whole of mankind. Many Christians who should understand the spirit of Mammon, do not. We expose and fight the spirit of Mammon, and the four evils of Humanism, Liberalism, Democracy and Capitalism.