Just as it is important to understand what it means to be under the spirit of mammon, it is also important to understand what it does not mean.
A person can be under the spirit of mammon and do the following:
A person can be under the spirit of mammon and do the following:
- Give away much money or time to charity or church
- Provides for one's family's earthly and spiritual needs
- Do ministry work or evangelism
- Minister to the poor
- Visit or provide help to needy people such as orphans, widows, disabled people, abandoned children or victims of any kind of abuse
- Live by a poverty vow and be poor
- Give up one's life for any temporary earthly cause, regardless of how benevolent, kind and caring it is.
The issue is not a matter of how much one has. The issue is where one's heart is. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:21). A person can be rich but live, not only as one does not have these things, but live in such as a way as to treat all riches and earthly things as absolute garbage. On the other hand, a person can give away much money and become poor, but yet have anxiety for earthly things. This is the case with many people of works-based religions. They often think they love others because of these "good" works they do. However, such works done to serve their own carnal flesh are filthy rags to the Lord (Isaiah 64:6).
This is not to deny that the Christian should be rich with good works. Rather, it is to explain that good works which are done to ultimately serve oneself count for nothing. To serve oneself does not necessarily mean that one seeks to be rich and wealthy. By no means! A person can be seeking to have just enough material things for oneself, and as long as one is seeking to do so with one's mind set on earthly security, even "basic" earthly security, rather than God, one is under the spirit of mammon.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe youāyou of little faith? So do not worry, saying, āWhat shall we eat?ā or āWhat shall we drink?ā or āWhat shall we wear?ā For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
(Matthew 6:30-32)
Do not be like the unsaved who run after these things. Instead, trust in God to give absolute all your needs.
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