The spirit of witchcraft seeks to deceive the whole world
through her lies. She seeks to deceive the undiscerning, whether unsaved or
saved. She especially loves to deceive mammonised Christians; that is,
Christians who think that they have ārightsā given to them by God, who think
that opposing mammonised capitalism is to be full of self-entitlement and that
they deserve the rewards God gives to them for their labours for Him, all
without realising it.
I am absolutely sickened of Christians, true Christians, who
not only think capitalism is Biblical, but who think that those who are opposed
to it are self-entitled, or even evil Marxists. There is no doubt that many
people who are not pro-capitalism like these mammonised pro-capitalist
Christians are mammonised. That is absolutely true. However, this does not in
any way give credit to capitalismās ethics and morality. To claim that those
who hate capitalism themselves are mammonised, and thus capitalism is good, is
akin to claiming that the rapists who hate feminism are themselves evil, thus
feminism, an evil ideology responsible for mass divorce and abortion, is good.
Capitalismās ethic of
heartlessness and individualism
Capitalism has no morals, but only one ethic, for each
philosophy has its ethic. Its ethic is that of heartlessness; that oneās
purpose is to gain only for oneself, or those who one cares for. It is
legitimate to put oneself first according to the capitalist ethic. If anyone is
unable to survive and find a job, it is his own fault, even if he tries his
best to find a job. You may simply dismiss this to be ājust the way it isā.
That is precisely the heartlessness of capitalism and those who embrace or
endorse it. The pro-capitalist Christians are not exempt. Just like how the
salvation of any professing Christians who is pro-Nazism deserves questioning,
the salvation of any professing Christian who is pro-capitalism deserves
One may argue that comparing a pro-Nazism professing
Christian and a pro-capitalism professing Christian is extreme, or, out of
oneās own self-pity, that is it āunfairā. This is not only an accurate analogy
but a very just and fair one too. Nazism, that is, National Socialism, is
rightly acknowledged to be anti-Christian for it is of the spirit which
encourages self-entitlement and slothfulness. Likewise, capitalism is of the
spirit of self-entitlement and slothfulness, as well as envy, rivalry,
competition and division.
This is in no way to argue in support of any socialism. It
must be noted that I do not say this apologetically. Rather, I say this to
clarify my position just for the sake of the mammonised Christians who are only
too eager point out that communists and socialists officials have been just as
materialistic as many capitalist businessmen. That I need to do this just shows
how mammonised the modern Church has become, many of whom cannot even think
Biblically about the issue because they are under the spirit of mammon, as well
as under the spirit of deception.
The Problem:
Confusion by deception and being under the spirit of mammon
The confusion that many Christians have about both
ideologies arises from using the mere manifestations
of the two ideologies to judge the merits of each. They do not seek to
understand the ideologies from the spiritual realm by seeking to identify the spirit behind each of these two wicked
ideologies. As a result, they incorrectly attribute the manifestations of each
ideology to the spirit behind it, either by being correct about the
manifestation but wrongly attributing it to the ideology rather than the spirit,
or being correct about the spirit behind the ideology concerned, but wrongly
attributing it to the manifestation.
This misunderstanding comes not only from a lack of
discernment by many in the modern Church. It is largely the fruit of many
Christians being under the spirit of mammon, and also under the spirit of
witchcraft. She is the spirit of rebellion that works through deception,
seeking to deceive people from believing the truth, mixing truth and lies
together to satisfy the flesh of the deceived who also deceive others. Many
true Christians have become deceived that capitalism is Biblical, and have
themselves deceived others in the body of Christ into thinking the same.
One may ask why this is such a real issue in the Church for
the Church is a spiritual entity and not an earthly one. This is absolutely correct.
It is the spirit behind this evil system of the world that the Church has to
deal with: And have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Ephesians
5:11). The Greek word for fellowship in Ephesians 5:11 is ĻĻ
Ī½ĪŗĪæĪ¹Ī½ĻĪ½ĪµįæĻĪµ, pronounced sugkoinĆ³neĆ³
which means to partake in. The reason for exposing works of darkness is to help
rescue people from their sins by informing them of the disease of sin and then
giving them to the cure of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why do we Christians not object to exposing liberalism? Why
do we not object to exposing communism and socialism? Why do we not object to
exposing feminism? Why do we not object to exposing Islam and all other false
religions? Yet, why do so many Christians grow claws and devilās horns when
capitalism is exposed? Why do so many Christians, who live a true Christian
life, all of a sudden, strike out as a lion seeking to devour its prey when
capitalism is critiqued? Is capitalism some kind of perfect religion, or if not
perfect, some wholesome, family-oriented, community-oriented world view, which
would bring in a utopia for all the people?
Deception of many Christians
It is unbelievable that many Christians believe that
capitalism is family-oriented, community-orientated economic system. They argue
viciously and exasperatedly against the anti-capitalist Christian that while
capitalism is not perfect, it is the best system in a fallen world. (āBestā in
terms of what, one might ask?) This is a cunning, deceitful argument that the
devil has placed in the head of these pro-capitalist Christians, making them
think they are being realistic about the fallenness of the world, but yet able
to reconcile the worldly ethic of capitalism with values of selfless love and
care for others.
Such is a compromise of the standards of God with the world
in attempting to find some combination of both in a system. This compromise is
made out of a fear of people, as well as the failure to submit to God in the
area of material wealth, leaving the unredeemed part of the flesh of such
pro-capitalist Christians to rear to hideous head.
the fruit of oneās labour
It is only but obvious that the standards of God and that
of the world do not mix. Anyone Christian who thinks this is deluded. The
argument that capitalism is Biblical because it strengthens the family and
community based on the desire to work
harder is of the spirit of mammon which blinds a person into thinking that
oneās āownā labour is that which is from the self, and done of oneās own
strength, rather than by Godās grace and His grace alone. It is the height of
arrogance to think that oneās labour is from the self, and done in oneās own
strength. It is the height of arrogance to think that one ādeservesā oneās
fruit of oneās labour when it is only
by Godās grace that one is even given the gift of labour. Many Christians think
that whenever they labour, they ādeserveā the fruits of it. This is only just
one example of the many manifestations of the influence of the spirit of mammon
on their lives.
The motive in which many Christians make the typical
āChristianā argument for capitalism, that we live in a fallen world, but
āreconcilableā with values of selfless love and care for others in that of self-preservation.
It is plain and simple, for how can one claim to believe in selfless love and
care for others, while supporting a system that is inherently ruthlessly
individualistic and cruelly heartless? It is unbelievable how a Christian can
even think in such a way.
one is righteous because one loves oneās own family
You may argue you merely support the fruits of capitalism
which allow society to be more family-oriented and community-orientated, but
not the roots. This is illogical beyond all comprehension. Firstly, by no means
is the capitalist system family-orientated or community-orientated. It is of
the ethic that an individual must care for oneself and oneās loved ones. Many
Christians argue that that this makes it a righteous system. How foolish!
Anyone can care for oneās loved ones. Matthew 5:46 says: āFor if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even
the publicans the same?ā Luke 6:32 states more generally āFor if ye love them which love you, what
thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.ā
Even the unrighteous vile fornicating adulterers can love
their own families. Majority of such people are horrified at the child abuse
and neglect of children. This is exactly what 1 Timothy 5:8 is seeking to
explain: āBut if any provide not for his
own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is
worse than an infidel.ā It is not saying that a person is righteous because
he or she cares for oneās own family. It is all too easy for love oneās own
family, oneās own people. Any vile, abominable, God-hater of a sinner can do
Many Christians use 1 Timothy 5:8 as a pretext to justify
capitalism. They use it to feed their pride, so that they can tell themselves
what righteous people they are because they ālove and care for their familiesā.
The devil absolutely loves this and laughs at all these silly, foolish,
illogical Christians for thinking they are so ārighteousā and ālovingā in
caring for their families. The idea that one is righteous because one cares for
oneās family truly deserves ridicule. Do you know who else cares for oneās
family? Satan. He cares for his family of demons and loves them. He wants the
best for them.
and its destruction of the family
Capitalism, through its demands for submission and enslavement
to mammon, has weakened families bonds. To Marxists, this is a celebration of
the āempowermentā of women who they perceive to āfinallyā be free from āfamily
To Catholics, capitalism is a means of reducing the incentive of fathers to care
for their families, encouraging irresponsibility in men.[2]
To secular libertarians, capitalism is provides liberation of individuals to
fulfil their own individual self-interests, such as marriage being based on
shallow romance, rather than selfless, longsuffering love. [3]
To reasonable thinking non-mammonised Christians, capitalism is an enemy of the
family and, thus a tragedy because of its very fleshly, worldly nature.[4]
Capitalism is of a āmoney powerā, the term the unsaved used
to refer to the real demonic evil spirit of mammon. He is a real demon, not
some personification. One might argue that because one cannot find the name
āspirit of mammonā in the Bible, he does not exist, but since one can find
multiple references to human sin, the manifestations of mammon come from the
It is true that the acts of greed, envy and pride come from
the heart (Matthew 15:19; Mark 7:21; James 1:14). However, this does in no way
mean that there is no such thing as an evil spirit seeking to tempt the masses,
both the world and the Church into sin. Only jokers claim that there can be no
such thing as an evil spirit which seeks to tempt people into sin and influence
both the unsaved and saved. Such jokers are irrelevant and useless in exposing
evil. They should not even interfere with the work any Christian is doing to
expose evil spirits for such is to interfere with the work of God. This is to
hinder the work of God and to hinder the Church from being salt and light to
the world.
and bondage
Capitalism, like any other evil ideology such as feminism,
liberalism and Nazism, is not a political, cultural, economic, social or
religious issue. It is a spiritual one, and must be recognised as such to attack
it. All evil ideologies are to be exposed, attacked and eradicated for they war
against God. They undermine the Church, and blind the world. Such vain
philosophies are a danger to the soul. Colossians 2:8 warns: āBeware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of
the world, and not after Christ.ā The NIV translation of Colossians 2:8
describes philosophies as taking ācaptiveā of people: āSee to it that no one takes you captive
through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition
and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.ā
Ideas and
doctrines have effect not only on the mind, but on the soul. By feeding on the
lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life, they blind the mind and keep
the soul in spiritual bondage. Hence, this is a reason as to why doctrines are
absolutely important. Any doctrine that deviates from, doubts or even fails to
acknowledge what God says is evil. They cause people to stumble. Such doctrines
must be rooted out from oneās mind and heart, and cast away. They are to be
treated as damnable doctrines that will lead to a person to eternity in Hell on
the very ground of believing in such doctrines. Even the smallest moment of
believing in any false doctrine in oneās mind is enough for a person to end up
in Hell. Jesus said multiple times that if something causes one to sin, one
must not only pluck it out, but cast it away. He gave a severe warning those
who hinder people from believing in Him and who cause them to stumble:
āWhoever causes one of these little ones
who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung
around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe
to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man
by whom the offense comes!
āIf your hand or foot causes you to sin,
cut it off and cast it from
you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having
two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. And
if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from
you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having
two eyes, to be cast into hell fire (Matthew 18:6-9).
blocks are not merely from the inside
blocks are barriers to belief in the Gospel of Jesus. It is not merely
āunrighteousness and love of sinā that is the barrier to belief as jokers love
to simply dismiss. This is as helpful as saying that the barrier to putting on
a parachute in a plane knowing that it will crash is that the plane will crash
to the ground anyway. It is to simply dismiss those who did not hear about the
parachute being the solution to be simply unable to be saved from the crash. It
is to blame such people for not hearing about the parachute and for not knowing
the plane will crash. This jokers blame people who do not hear the Gospel for
being born in sin, and thereby, not being saved anyway even if they heard the
Gospel. This is what they are trying to
imply and they do not even realise. Such a joker of an evangelist thinks that.
He may as well sell burgers for a living.
barriers to belief come from outside the personās heart too. This is just as
important to understand. Why is it that the Apostles had to deal so much with
false doctrines? Many stumbling blocks are false doctrines, if not most. These
false doctrines feed on the flesh and the carnal mind, holding helpless sinners
in captive. Yet, jokers who simply dismiss the barrier to belief as
unrighteousness and love of sin do not acknowledge such bondage that comes from
false doctrines, while expressing how much they care for the lost. False
doctrines hold people captive and hinder people from believing in Jesus Christ.
Of course, it is that flesh that is hostile against God that makes a person
resist believing in Jesus. That is why God needs to draw that person to Him.
However, satan and his demons are actively seeking to stop a person from
repenting. Satan and his minions are ever more powerful in the world today.
uses the idea that it is only because
of a personās unrighteousness and love of sin that is the barrier to accepting
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which many modern evangelicals believe. This is a
very dangerous half-truth. It is absolutely true that it is a personās
unrighteousness that ultimately leads him to reject Jesus. However, this is not
what such jokers are saying. What they are saying completely fails to
acknowledge that a person cannot help but be born in sin. They are dismissing
the lost who do not hear the Gospel of simply being too unfortunate. Thus, this
dismissive attitude towards the lost is really hatred under the guise of
graciousness. It is to imply that if a person does not hear the Gospel, it is their
fault they do not hear it and end up in Hell.
Judgment starts in the House of God
doctrines are not the only stumbling block of course. Of course, it is
ultimately the pride of a person that will lead Him to Hell. However, the
demonic power of false doctrines must be attacked and exposed to cleanse the
Church, for judgment starts at the House of God (1 Peter 4:17). Jesus said to
His followers that they are the salt and light of the world:
are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith
shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and
to be trodden under foot of men.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill
cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put
it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are
in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven
(Matthew 5:13-16).
Truly fighting evil is to fight all evils by Godās
power - not just some evils in oneās human strength
Ephesians 5:11 commands the Christian to āhave no fellowship with the unfruitful
works of darkness, but rather reprove themā.
There is so much evil in the world such as abortion, pornography, prostitution,
all kinds of slavery, liberalism and feminism. Yet, why is it that the unsaved
are the ones who are the most zealous and keen in fighting such evils, even
acts of sexual immorality?
Church has failed to shine as salt and light to the world by fearlessly
confronting its evils and the evils spirits behind such evils. Rather, it has
compromised with such evils, and has allowed itself to become deceived about
how to fight such evils, or in the case of usury, a failure to recognise evil
as evil.
such, the unsaved see the Church as irrelevant, in part owing to its failure to
deal with evil. You may argue that this is an incredibly unfair statement. No,
rather it is an understatement of the failure of the Church. While it has tried
to deal with the evils of liberalism, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, Islam
and secularism, it has attempted to do so in the flesh, and also only sought to
deal selectively with some evils, rather than all evils where it occurs and in
whatever it is manifested.
it is absolutely true that the evil ideologies of liberalism, feminism,
abortion, homosexuality, Islam and secularism are to be exposed and attacked. However,
the deception lies precisely where only
some evils are fought. The selective targeting of some evils is the
manifestation of not being guided by God in fighting evil and truly relying on
His strength and wisdom alone. This selective targeting regarding which evils
to fight is itself evil. The Church has indeed only relied on her flesh in
fighting evil, and failed to rely on God in doing so.
fleshly fight of the Church is manifested in the myriad of fleshly ways it
handles all these evils it has selectively chosen to fight against. One can see
this through spiritual discernment. One need not be a pastor, or missionary to
know this. In fact, many pastors and missionaries have no idea what evils have infiltrated
into the Church, let alone the evils in the world. Why has the Church been
fighting evil in such as fleshly way? It is because of their fleshly motives
that motivate them to fight evils in the first place.
Cherry-picked Evils the Church loves to fight
It fights Islam only out of self-preservation,
not because it desires to see them saved, but out of fear of losing oneās life
or that of their loved ones. It attributes the good works of Christianity to
the people themselves, when it is really the work of God that makes any people
righteous and holy. It also loves to compare itself with the Muslims out of
fights liberalism only out of self-centred fear of being challenged for its pet
political or social doctrines. It attacks liberals without even considering
whether what the liberals say may be right.
criticises feminism only on the grounds that it destabilises the family.
However, it supports feminism with regards to the relationship between husbands
and wife. What hypocrisy! It does so by assuming that dysfunctional marriages
are caused only by the husband who fails to love his wife, while ignoring or
excusing the sins of the woman.
It fights abortion out of a fear of people, accepting
all kinds of compromises and excuses made by those who seek abortions. Out of
this enslavement to the fear of people, a snare to the soul (Proverbs 29:25),
it treats the child-murdering women as āvictimsā. Yet the Church accuses the
state for not doing enough to oppose abortion, but yet itself supports
iniquitous legislation written by the state whom it criticises, which restrict
abortion only up to a ācertainā stage of development ā still the support of
child-sacrifice, with a very cunning face. The Bible warns against supporting
iniquitous laws of nations: Woe unto
them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed (Isaiah
These are only but a few examples of the failures of the
Church to fight evil. It has woefully failed to attack evil for three main
reasons. They are: reliance on oneās own human strength; compromise with evil
fleshly doctrines, being taken captive by vain philosophies and deceitful
doctrines; and a fear of people. The other reasons are a failure to seek to
understand how evils work through the world to hold billions of unsaved people
who could be taken by the shadow of death at any minute, in blindness and
captivity to doctrines which pose a stumbling block to the Christian faith. Yet,
the Church as the body of Christ, cares not to understand the root of all
evils, but treats it as a āspecial callingā for only one individuals.
Attacking evils and reproving works of darkness as
commanded by Ephesians 5:11 is not a āspecial callingā. It is a command to the
Church as the body of Christ. Much of it is a failure to understand what this
means. It must also be recognised that
any Biblical doctrine takes times to understand. Thus, the Church needs to
understand not only what it means to reprove works of darkness, but crucially,
why and how it must reprove works of darkness.
fulfil the command in Ephesians 5:11 one must fight all evils relying on the power and wisdom of
God. The Bible does not command to only fight some evils, but just evils, meaning all evils. There is no favouritism
that God has towards any evil for He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34; Romans
Why the Church should
expose Capitalism
Many in the 21st century Church are right about
exposing liberalism and feminism, among other evil ideologies. However, when
confronted with the question of capitalism, these same people fight tooth and
nail to argue that capitalism is Biblical, or give some irrelevant advice about
working for spiritual things, instead of earthly things. Exposing the spirit
behind capitalism using the Word of God is one of the most spiritual things one
can do. It is spiritual, as opposed to fighting capitalism for earthly, fleshly
selfish reasons.
The Church is right to decry liberalism and feminism as a
pernicious influence on the minds of lost souls. What about decrying capitalism
as a pernicious influence on the minds of lost souls? Is this not consistent
with the Churchās righteous critique of liberalism and feminism? Capitalism is
another demonic ideology like liberalism and feminism. It deserves hostility
and contempt from the Church for it contradicts the Word of God like all other
worldly ideologies. That is āworksā the best is not just irrelevant; it is not
even the question.
The question for the Church is not whether a worldly ideology
is evil for such are undoubtedly all iniquitous. It is the spirit behind each
worldly ideology it needs to confront. Thus, the question for the Church is how to confront the spirit behind each
worldly ideology, be it liberalism, socialism or capitalism or any other
worldly God-hating ideology.
The Blinding of the
Church by the spirit of witchcraft
Not only are many in the contemporary true Church blinded by
the spirit of mammon. Many are also blinded by the spirit of witchcraft, and
who do not even know what the spirit of witchcraft is. The spirit of witchcraft
is of the spirit of rebellion. A person need not practice pagan rituals in the forest,
dance around trees, seeking to connect to āGaiaā to be under the spirit of
witchcraft. A person need not be a pro-abortion secular feminist to be under
the spirit of witchcraft. A person need not take hallucinogenic drugs for
pleasure to be under the spirit of witchcraft. As long as a person has the seed
of rebellion in her, she is under the spirit of witchcraft.
The spirit of rebellion can be influenced the true
Christian. It is true that he cannot be seeking
to serve the spirit of rebellion to be a true Christian. However, he can
certainly be under it if he allows himself to be seduced by her.
The spirit of witchcraft feeds on rebellion. It is all too
easy for the Christian to think that he can never be under it. As such, the
most common cop-out made in response to such as statement, that a Christian can
be under an evil spirit, such as spirit of mammon or spirit of witchcraft, is
that the person is not a true Christian. Such a convenient cop-out is made not
merely out of ālazinessā or failure to consider the statement, but out of a
reaction, precisely because the person himself is under that spirit. He does
not even want to realise this to be the case though secretly he senses this to
the case with himself, full of bondage to that spirit. Thus, he makes a very
arrogant assumption in thinking that the true Christian cannot be under an evil
spirit because he cannot be under it,
or so he thinks.
The spirit of witchcraft strikes precisely when a Christian thinks
he is not in bondage or under the influence of a demon, when he truly is. His
cynical, angry reaction is the manifestation of him being under the spirit of
witchcraft himself, through deception. The typical contemporary Christian, who
is a true Christian, is under the spirit of mammon though he is being saved. It
is because he can become under the
spirit of mammon or some other evil demon that he needs to be saved from the
bondage of sin. Though sin is from the human heart, the role of demons in the
bondage of individual persons to sin is existent. How could demons not seek to
hold people to bondage? If they did not do such things, they would not be
demons for this is their career ā to enslave people to their sins that they are
already trying to fight, in the case of the true Christian, or to blind the
unsaved into thinking their sins are harmless, pleasurable and worth it all.
She laughs at the blindness of the Church to spiritual
warfare, thinking that the true Christian cannot be under an evil spirit. This
is precisely how she gains a stronghold over the Christian, blinding him into
thinking that he cannot be in rebellion because of his good works, or his
external acts of service to God, such as evangelism or missions. She seeks to
use the failure to accept the full
truth to enslave people to her lies. She does this through a myriad of ways,
such as prejudice of a person against others, pride, a hardened heart, or past
hurts to enslave people into believing, accepting, and eventually living by
Why the spirit of
witchcraft must be exposed
The spirit of witchcraft must be exposed because she is
anti-truth. She is anti-Christ because Christ is the Truth (John 14:6). All those who do not love truth, hate truth.
Thus, all those who hate truth are under the spirit of witchcraft. As long as
one is not seeking truth, rejecting it even to the slightest, one is under the
spirit of witchcraft.
She has manifested herself in the world through movements to
redefine Godās order, such as the reversal of gender roles, redefinition of
marriage, and the redefinition of the role of government. The Church is not
exempt. Rather, the Church is the primary target of the spirit of witchcraft.
The Church is her favourite target to not only spread her lies, but incite
division through disagreements over doctrines. Whenever there are disagreements
within the Church, there is the spirit of witchcraft.
The spirit of witchcraft
feeds on desire for independence from God
Human nature, or the flesh, seeks to be independent from
God, and all his other ordained authorities, such as governments, parents,
husbands, employers and church leaders. As such, she seeks to cause division
through disputes over such authorities. She seeks to attack these very
authorities herself by deceiving the masses into thinking that submission to
such authorities is oppression and slavery. She does this through feeding on
the fleshly desire to be independent, and to define oneās own ātruthā.
Independence is regarded as a sign of success by the world. This
is precisely the manifestation of spirit of witchcraft, feeding on the desire
to be independent of God. The modern Church has been hardly different from the
world regarding this aspect, without even realising it. The manifestations of
witchcraft in the Church are many. Examples of this include, but are not
limited to rejection of the Biblical model of evangelism, failure to even talk
about submission of wives to husbands, and failure to accept that democracy,
which should really be called demoncracy, is anti-Christian as per Romans 13.
Rather, instead, the modern Church prefers ācultural
sensitivityā over Biblical sensitivity. She attributes all marriage problems to
the husband, even when he has done the absolute best he can to love his
contemptuous, wrench of a wife, who still is hardened and fails to even consider
her part of the problem. The modern Church also loves to claim its demoncratic
ārightā to free speech in political campaigns, using arms of the flesh.
The seed of witchcraft is that of rebellion. The root of
rebellion is independence of God. One must beware of any talk or desire to be
independent of God or His ordained authorities. It is diabolical to seek independence of God,
whether it be a woman who seeks to usurp her husbandās authority, a mob that
seeks to overthrow the government because it does not satisfy their
self-interests, or an evangelist who seeks to use an unbiblical model of
evangelism, and imposes it on others in the name of ācultural sensitivityā.
As long as the spirit of witchcraft can tempt a person into
rebelling against God by rejecting His authority, by whatever means, she can
gain control over that person, to blind that person into believing evil about
that authority. She gains her stronghold over the unsuspecting through
deception; lies and half-truths.
The spirit of witchcraft, as a result of seducing the Church
into independence from God, manifests herself in the Churchās acts of doing
things in its own strength rather than God. She further uses the fear of people
to control the Church into being human-centred rather than God-centred, causing
it to lose fear of God.
Those who have little fear of God have a great fear of
people. This needs to be cut off by humbling oneself and submitting to God and
Him alone for He is the ultimate authority of all things
An Urgent call to the
The Church needs to wake up to the spirit of mammon, repent of
being seduced by him and expose him. She needs to fully devote herself to God,
not mostly to God and partially to mammon. It is impossible to serve both God
and mammon as Jesus said: āNo man can
serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammonā (Matthew
She also needs to wake up to the rampant deceptions in the
Church, in particular, the deception of independence, which the spirit of witchcraft
is behind. She needs to repent of trying to be independent of God, seeking to
do things in her own strength, which itself is a grave, abominable rebellion
against God. Only then can the
Church be useful to God, not salt that is trampled on by people as a result of
losing its saltiness.
The trampling on of the Church by the world is well deserved
for she has tried to be independent of God by not fully submitting to Him. The
lesson should have been learnt long ago.
Only when the Church finally wakes up will the true revolution
against all evil begin.
[1] Christine Thomas, It Doesnāt Have to
be like this: Women and the Struggle for Socialism, Chapter 3: The Family under
Capitalism, at āPaid work outside the home weakens the economic and financial dependency
of women on individual men within the family and gives them the confidence to
challenge traditional ideas about their role in society. When women are
isolated in the home caring for children, consumed by the monotony of
housework, it is easy to feel that all the problems of daily life are personal
and individual and to blame themselves for everything that is happening to
them. Breaking down that isolation, working alongside others in the workplace
broadens womenās horizons and it becomes easier to view these as social rather
than individual problems.ā
[2] Thomas Storck, Capitalism, Family and Fathers, online
article at āMen
also learned how to profit (as they thought) from this situation. With
wives working outside the home, with society obviously valuing them less, they
could more easily give in to the temptation to simply walk away whenever the
home situation grew sufficiently unpleasant, or someone else caught their
fancyāor not even to start a home or family in the first place. This, of
course, had been the besetting temptation of men for many centuries, but now
there were fewer social structures to hinder it. If anything, the social
structures began to facilitate it. But all the ideological changes, such
as no-fault divorce, are premised on the changed economic basis of the family.
Of course this economic basis is not its only basis, but it is one of the
important foundations on which the family rests.ā
[3] Steven Horwitz, Capitalism and the Family online
article, at āThe progressive rise of democracy had also weakened
the political basis of marriage. As a result, young people were more able to
create marriages based on romantic love and other forms of emotional and
psychological compatibility. The love-based marriage represented the
progressive influence of individualism on the culture, having already conquered
the economy through capitalism and the polity through constitutional
democracies.... The economy and the culture are deeply interconnected. The
historical evolution of the family is in many ways an offshoot of the enormous
economic growth that capitalism has produced. Those changes in the family first
liberated men, then women and children from the drudgery and physical
exhaustion of pre-industrial labor. They have moved the functions of the family
up Abraham Maslowās hierarchy of needs to where we now see our familial
relationships as being about the self-actualization that occupies the top of
that list. That is one of the most central goals of progressives across the
world, yet they remain reluctant to give capitalism the proper credit for the
very changes they applaud.ā
[4] GK Chesterton in Three Foes of the Family in The Well and the Shadows. āIt cannot be too
often repeated that what destroyed the Family in the modern world was
Capitalism. No doubt it might have been Communism, if Communism had ever had a
chance, outside that semi-Mongolian wilderness where it actually
flourishes. But, so far as we are concerned, what has broken up
households and encouraged divorces, and treated the old domestic virtues with
more and more open contempt, is the epoch and Power of Capitalism. It is
Capitalism that has forced a moral feud and a commercial competition between the
sexes; that has destroyed the influence of the parent in favour of the
influence of the employer; that has driven men from their homes to look for
jobs; that has forced them to live near their factories or their firms instead
of near their families; and, above all, that has encouraged, for commercial
reasons, a parade of publicity and garish novelty, which is in its nature the
death of all that was called dignity and modesty by our mothers and fathers.ā
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