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The Blood of the Children cries out for Justice

Modern western society claims value equality and justice. However, its acceptance of abortion as a right calls this into question. It is full of hypocrisy, especially as evidenced by its claim to hatred of paedophilia, but support of abortion. Such hypocrisy remains unnoticed because hypocrisy had a blinding effect on those who are blinded by hypocrisy.

Abortion is redefined as a convenience or a choice. Abortion-on-demand (or child sacrifice on demand) is now seen as a right, a sacred right. Abortion and infanticide are one and the same as both involving killing a child. Abortion kills an unborn child, while infanticide kills a born child. They are both child sacrifice. Thus, the distinction between an unborn person and a person who has been born is absolutely irrelevant. A life is sacrificed for another’s comfort, convenience or career.

However, abortion and infanticide are in no way unique to the modern world. Abortion and infanticide have been practiced in the ancient world as rituals, which parallel that in the modern world where abortion and infanticide are practiced regularly, like a ritual in the ancient pagan religions as an offering to pagan gods.

The Perpetuating evil of Abortion

Indeed, nothing is new under the sun. Every age has its evils and evils are merely repackaged. The blood of the unborn is on the hands of all who actively support, participate in or complicity in abortion. The blood of the unborn cries out for justice. Yes, justice. Abortion is an act of bloodlust for abortion is an act of violence, violence against an innocent child who cannot speak up for him or herself.

The acceptance of abortion as a ‘right’ is indicative of a sexually perverse and self-centred society, one that only cares for its own comfort, convenience and careers. Children are sacrificed to enjoy these things. Even the term ‘abortion’ is one that masks the real evil that it is, under the guise of a medical procedure and any questioning of this term is treated with scorn because all people know that abortion is murder.

Child sacrifice in the Ancient World

Children as curses

Child sacrifice was a ritual in ancient pagan religions such as those of the Carthaginians and Caananites. Diodorus Siculus describes in The Library of History Book 20 Chapter 14 the child sacrifice that was made to pagan gods to appease their ‘wrath’:

Therefore the Carthaginians, believing that the misfortune had come to them from the gods, betook themselves to every manner of supplication of the divine powers; and, because they believed that Heracles, who was worshipped in their mother city,29 was exceedingly angry with them, they sent a large sum of money and many of the most expensive offerings to Tyre. 2 Since they had come as colonists from that city, it had been their custom in the earlier p179period to send to the god a tenth of all that was paid into the public revenue; but later, when they had acquired great wealth and were receiving more considerable revenues, they sent very little indeed, holding the divinity of little account. But turning to repentance because of this misfortune, they bethought them of all the gods of Tyre. 3 They even sent from their temples in supplication the golden shrines with their images,30 believing that they would better appease the wrath of the god if the offerings were sent for the sake of winning forgiveness. 4 They also alleged that Cronus31 had turned against them inasmuch as in former times they had been accustomed to sacrifice to this god the noblest of their sons, but more recently, secretly buying and nurturing children, they had sent these to the sacrifice; and when an investigation was made, some of those who had been sacrificed were discovered to have been supposititious. 5 When they had given thought to these things and saw their enemy encamped before their walls, they were filled with superstitious dread, for they believed that they had neglected the honours of the gods that had been established by their fathers. In their zeal to make amends for their omission, they selected two hundred of the noblest children and sacrificed them publicly; and others who were under suspicion sacrificed themselves voluntarily, in number not less than three hundred. 6 There was in their city a bronze image of Cronus, extending its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed p181thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire. It is probable that it was from this that Euripides has drawn the mythical story found in his works about the sacrifice in Tauris, in which he presents Iphigeneia being asked by Orestes:

But what tomb shall receive me when I die?
A sacred fire within, and earth's broad rift.32
Also the story passed down among the Greeks from ancient myth that Cronus did away with his own children appears to have been kept in mind among the Carthaginians through this observance.

The Carthaginians believed that the lack of wealth was a ‘misfortune’ which indicated the wrath of the pagan gods against them. As such, children, who they perceived to a burden to their quest for wealth, were murdered to appease the pagan gods. Such was the “solution” to the lack of wealth: the murder of children. Children were deemed a curse to the gods they worshipped.

Ritual Child Sacrifice to Bring about Prosperity and Abundance

The Carthanginians, like other groups which worshipped pagan gods and practiced child sacrifice to appease them had a common theme. They worshipped nature and practiced fertility rites. The sacrifice of humans was to bring about prosperity to nature because humans represented that which ‘Mother Nature’ provided:

Aztec hymns tell us that Tonacacihuatl, Our Lady of Substance, was once the Goddess of the Hunt, Blood and Night, but as the people grew to depend more on agriculture, She evolved into the Earth Goddess. The son of Her fertility was the corn, which was depicted as being identical with the obsidian knife which was Her symbol. These were the phallic representations of Xipe, the young god identified with the corn and the sunlight, both of which grew up and increased to maturity from the depths of the dark earth.

Here, too, fertility, death and sacrifice are connected. The husking of the corn is perceived as the same act as the tearing out of a sacrificial victim's heart, both accomplished with the obsidian blade. At the celebration of the broom harvest of the Earth Mother, first an older woman, and then a young girl were beheaded and their blood spread on fruit, seeds and grain to guarantee abundance.

At the autumn equinox purification feast of the ancient Incas of Peru, families first bathed and then anointed their bodies with a substance called zancus which was made from grain mixed with human blood. It was also applied to the thresholds of their homes as a protective charm. The Indians of Guayaquil, Ecuador, used to sow their fields with blood and human hearts to assure the harvest. And the Bagobos of Mindanao in the Philippines offered human sacrifices when sowing the rice fields. The Bontoc and the Apoyaos of the interior of Luzon, also in the Philippines, hunted human heads to be offered at both planting and harvest times.

The sacrificial victim was meant to be an embodiment of the grain, and was chosen because of some obvious resemblance to it. For example, the Aztecs would kill young victims to represent young corn and mature ones to stand for the ripe. The Marimos of South Africa would choose a short, fat man, round as a seed. The Skidi Pawnees of North America would fatten their female victim before the kill to assure an abundant crop of plump corn.

The worship of nature involving sacrifice of humans parallels that of the modern environmentalist movement which constantly expresses anxiety over overpopulation. The environmentalist movement has roots that deifies nature, believing the Earth to be a real being called ‘Gaia’. The Gaia Hypothesis was purported that the Earth is a self-regulating system itself (or deity) that contributes to maintaining the conditions of life on Earth. This belief lead to the climate change alarmism which feared a lack of resources to sustain life on Earth for all humans. Overpopulation is the modern equivalent to the perceived threat to wealth to be enjoyed by the Carthaginians, and the systematic murder of humans through euthanasia and abortion are believed by some to be the solution.

Infanticide in Ancient Rome

Children were deemed a curse by those who practiced the ancient pagan religions. The pagan religion of the Roman Empire was no different. Childlessness and singleness were status symbols that represented power in Ancient Rome.  Not only did childlessness and singles represented how economically independent a person was. It indicated how ‘liberated’ and accomplished a person was Tacitus in Annals of Rome Book III describes ancient Roman culture to be one which ethic was that of doing as the individual chooses:

Mankind in the earliest age lived for a time without a single vicious impulse, without shame or guilt, and, consequently, without punishment and restraints. Rewards were not needed when everything right was pursued on its own merits; and as men desired nothing against morality, they were debarred from nothing by fear. When however they began to throw off equality, and ambition and violence usurped the place of self-control and modesty, despotisms grew up and became perpetual among many nations. Some from the beginning, or when tired of kings, preferred codes of laws. These were at first simple, while men's minds were unsophisticated. The most famous of them were those of the Cretans, framed by Minos; those of the Spartans, by Lycurgus, and, subsequently, those which Solan drew up for the Athenians on a more elaborate and extensive scale. Romulus governed us as he pleased; then Numa united our people by religious ties and a constitution of divine origin, to which some additions were made by Tullus and Ancus. But Servius Tullius was our chief legislator, to whose laws even kings were to be subject. 

There was no regard for equity and fairness. The rule was not only to do as one chooses, but that anyone who did not do as one chooses was deemed naive, immature and unsophisticated. Ambition and violence was the ethic of the ancient Roman culture. As such it was no coincidence that infanticide was rampant and normal. Infanticide is the epitome of violence. It was so rampant that the Rome became known as the ‘childless state’ which Tacitus attributed to Rome’s vices of sexual perversion and infanticide:

It was next proposed to relax the Papia Poppaea law, which Augustus in his old age had passed subsequently to the Julian statutes, for yet further enforcing the penalties on celibacy and for enriching the exchequer. And yet, marriages and the rearing of children did not become more frequent, so powerful were the attractions of a childless state. Meanwhile there was an increase in the number of persons imperilled, for every household was undermined by the insinuations of informers; and now the country suffered from its laws, as it had hitherto suffered from its vices. This suggests to me a fuller discussion of the origin of law and of the methods by which we have arrived at the present endless multiplicity and variety of our statutes. 

The treatment of children as a burden by ancient pagan cultures is akin to the way modern society treats children – chattel whose parents decided whether they should live or die. Modern society, by even for a moment believing that parents can decide whether another person, namely a child, should live is acceptable. This is no different from ancient pagan cultures. Yet, modern society dares think itself better than ancient cultures.

Child sacrifice in the Modern World

The fear of overpopulation leading lack of resources, lack of comfort and convenience or a lack of produce for the year are the anxieties that have led to the legitimisation of child sacrifice. Many people in modern society think they are far too upright and decent to support child sacrifice. While many may think they believe child sacrifice is abominable, they are all too happy to justify child sacrifice where it hinders the comfort of their parents. Many think that they would never support child abuse while yet being all too happy to justify child sacrifice. Such is the hypocrisy of the modern society. Child sacrifice is the very epitome of child abuse.

Since many people do not want to admit to themselves that they truly support child sacrifice, they are quick to raise the question about abortion in the cases of rape and incest. Even doubting these exceptions, while acknowledging such tragedies to be tragic, is enough to cause incendiary reactions. The deceptive cunning question that people ask regarding abortion is ‘what about the health of the woman?’ Health is one issue, while child sacrifice is another. The health of the woman is made an issue regarding child sacrifice to disguise what abortion really is, and also to justify this diabolical practice. Majority of people think that child sacrifice is justifiable. This indicates that majority of people are blinded to what child sacrifice really is – the diabolical evil that it is.  Such is the ideology of abortionism.

Abortionism: The Worship of Child Sacrifice

Abortionism is an ideology centred on abortion as a political, social and cultural issue. Its tenets are that abortion is not an absolute good or evil, and that it for the individual to decide for oneself whether one should procure an abortion. As such, abortion is accepted by those influenced by abortionism as a right to choose. It is embraced by people who are involved in sexual perversions such as incest, rape, fornication and adultery because it legitimises their ability to do such things.

It has been said that “abortion is the irresponsible man’s best friend”. Indeed, abortion legitimises the sexual perversions of fornicating adulterous men, who take their girlfriends to child sacrifice centres, called ‘abortion clinics’ to free themselves of responsibility for a child that is born unto him. The catchphrase should replace the word ‘irresponsible’ with the phrase ‘fornicating and adulterous’. Child sacrifice does not justify “irresponsibility”. Rather, it justifies (serial) fornication and adultery of both men and women. It is precisely for this reason that abortion was pushed to be legalised during the ‘sexual revolution’ of the 1960s.

Abortionism as the New Secular Religion

Although child sacrifice in the modern world may not be performed to appease pagan gods, the modern ideology of abortionism it is parallel to the ancient pagan religions. The child sacrifice is now called ‘abortion’. The push for sexual freedom is done to appease the ‘god’ of sexual lusts. The abortionism movement has its leaders who devote their entire lives to fighting for ‘abortion rights’, the modern equivalent to the priests of the ancient pagan religions who would throw a child into the fire of Molech, the pagan god of child sacrifice. Entire books are written solely to inform ‘abortive’ parents about the risks and benefits of abortion to help them make “informed choices”, so as to give a veneer of care and compassion, when the true motive is to create deceitful propaganda which seeks to promote abortion as a moral good. This is the hypocrisy of the movement, claiming to care for others, when one has a heart full of hate and murder.  It is no different from religious hypocrisy.

It also often has a vehement, vicious and, unsurprisingly, violent hatred of those who are opposed to child sacrifice. If not, it is cynical towards those who speak out for the unborn children. Anyone who even dares to cast doubt on the ethics and morality of abortion is deemed an evil heretic who needs to be unquestionably silenced; the modern equivalent of burning a person at the stake on the mere grounds of just suspecting the person to be guilty of witchcraft. Anyone who even dares question abortion is just lectured to be “careful” to not “offend” others (as if offending people because of their immoral thinking should even be taken into consideration), or to be “moderate” in one’s views. Abortion is indeed treated as a sacred right in the modern world.

That the mere questioning of the ethics and morality of abortion, which all people know to be child sacrifice, is scorned indicates how so many are dominated by the fear of losing child sacrifice as a ‘right’. So many are dominated by this fear because they perceive the absence of access to child sacrifice as a threat to their material comfort, sexual licentiousness which they so dearly love, and threats to ‘Mother Earth’ who they believe will revenge simply because more children are born.

The Flaws of “Pro-life” movement

The pro-life movement is one that appears to be fighting abortion, but it built on has a sandy foundation. It is one that does not seek to uncompromisingly eradicate abortion for what abortion is in and of itself – murder of a human. Rather, it seeks to fight abortion solely on the grounds of the possible negative consequences; namely that babies will have no ‘rights’, women will be hurt and families will be broken down.

While one should care for the pain and hurt of others, the real issue as to why abortion should be abolished is that abortion itself is evil; child sacrifice, that is, murder. It fights abortion from a consequentialistic, humanistic framework under a compassionate, caring guise. While it most of its members are truly against abortion for being the evil it is, it practically treats abortion as wrong solely on the grounds of the negative consequences, rather than because it is the act of murder in and of itself. This is especially evident in its support for its incrementalism.

The Consequentialistic Ethic of the pro-life movement

A leading figure of the pro-life movement Cassy Fiano in her article titled ‘Does Sympathy for Abortive Women weaken the pro-life cause?’ reveals the underlying thinking of the movement. She cunningly manipulates  an article written by an abortion abolitionist which critiques the pro-life movement for being ‘sympathetic’ towards women who have had abortions, murderers, and deliberately cunningly cuts off the part about what the real issue of abortion is: systematic child sacrifice. Her motive is to portray abolitionism as a hateful rhetoric. She then concludes saying: “If this is how the pro-life movement has to move forward in order to succeed, then we might as well just pack it up and go home, and let the abortion industry declare victory.”

Fiano misses the real point of the article. The real issue is that abortion is murder itself, just as paedophilia itself is evil. Should an anti-paedophilia group say to proponents of paedophilia, “You victims need help with carrying out safe child-adult relationships?” No. Paedophilia is to be treated an evil in and of itself, and the people who practice it are not “mentally evil” but depraved and wicked. Likewise, those who procure or perform abortions are not “mentally evil” but depraved and wicked. It is for this reason that the pro-life movement is flawed from its foundation. It does not treat abortion as murder and all the people involved in procuring, performing and promoting abortions as guilty of murder. It is based on the weak foundations of the consequentialistic humanistic ethic.

She gives the pro-life stereotypes of ‘abortive’ women, based on her own personal assumptions to produce an emotional construct as to stir up sympathy for those who murder their children:

According to the CDC, most women who have abortions are in their early twenties. They are almost all unmarried. She is not likely to be a cheerleader for abortion, enthusiastically signing up to murder her unborn child because she is a heartless witch. She is someone who almost surely feels that she has no choice, that it’s either her life or her baby’s. She goes to an abortion clinic, probably Planned Parenthood, where she’s given false information and manipulated into have the abortion.

If she isn’t being outright coerced by her partner or her family, then there’s a very good chance she’s under an extraordinary amount of pressure to have the abortion done. And the abortion clinic isn’t going to tell her about all of the organizations that exist that will gladly help her with keeping her baby, or that will facilitate an adoption, even an adoption that will allow her to still be in her baby’s life.

She then goes on to give her individualistic humanistic rhetoric, which provides no moral grounds on absolute terms as to why one should care. Rather, she seeks to compromise with the pro-abortionists, fearing that such “hateful” (that is, truthful) words could “hurt” the movement:

As pro-lifers, we should be there to welcome her. But if we’re snarling at her that she’s a murderer, or a potential murderer, then why on earth would she trust us to help her? To find healing? Many women who have abortions suffer from guilt and regret. They’re more likely to be depressed and suicidal after an abortion. The last thing they need is to come to so-called pro-lifers seeking help, only to find judgment and shame.

Far from weakening the pro-life cause, compassion and sympathy for post-abortive women strengthens us all. This kind of thinking is something that should never be associated with the pro-life movement. We become caricatures of evil, hateful lunatics who embody every negative stereotype that abortion activists paint of us.

Fiano mixes truth alongside with lies. While it must be acknowledged that most women who obtained abortions are unsupported and fed lies by the largest abortuary Planned Parenthood, the women who obtain abortions do know exactly what they are doing and do so on their own volition. Anyone who murders another human being should be guilty and ashamed. Thus, people who “suffer” from guilt and shame cannot be said to “deserving” of sympathy as something earned for all have a moral obligation in the first place to not murder. This includes abortionists and those who procure abortions for themselves or other people.

Compromising approach of the pro-life movement

The pro-life movement is one that merely seeks to set standards for safer abortion clinics, better birth control, greater restrictions on abortions, greater accountability of the partners of abortive women, and lower the number of abortions performed. These can be all used to justify child sacrifice on the other hand through regulation of abortion, rather than its total abolition. This leads to compromise with evil, under the guise of being “caring”, “sensitive” and “compassionate”.

The pro-life movement falsely portrays women who practice child sacrifice as deserving of sympathy as though they were victimised by abortion. Such is the naivete and compromising attitude of the pro-life movement.  Hence, this explains why the pro-life movement focuses on the ‘abuse’ of women through volitional abortions because it can be used to abandon her with children. Although abortion can certainly be used as a tool by men to abandon a sexual partner and find other women to fornicate with, this is not the reason why child sacrifice is wrong. It is also ironic that pro-lifers do not ever acknowledge how abortion can be used by women against their husbands or boyfriends as an emotional or psychological attack. This is a very common incidence and there are some women who deliberately seek to fall pregnant for the purpose of child sacrifice.

The pro-life movement is often biased towards women and fails to acknowledge how women often use abortion as a tool against their husbands or boyfriends. Thus, it seems that the pro-life movement is one based on a selfish fear and self-preservation – fear of children, women or families being abused, rather than a fearless heart of love which hates evil. It has a fear of people and willingness to compromise with evil. No wonder it cannot defeat the evil of abortion. By compromising with evil, one is indirectly legitimising evil.

Professional pro-life movement leaders are a problem

There are professional pro-life movement leaders who depend on the movement for their living. Abolish Human Abortion warns that: “There is so much that could be said about the pernicious relationship between incremental "abolition" and the funding of pro-life "ministries"... Please do not be scammed by these people! Do not be fooled by the current shifts in child killing taking place among the dark powers and principalities in high places and think that it has something to do with the money you sent some pro-lifer somewhere. Please do not be fooled by the triumphal and selective rhetoric being employed by these shysters. They don't send out emails announcing the opening of new state-of-the-art abortion mega-centers or the fact that you can now buy abortifacients from the same place you get your groceries, after all. And do not be deceived into thinking that the culture is becoming more opposed to abortion or that the shutting down of surgical abortion clinics entails a decrease in the number of image bearers being destroyed by technologically advanced forms of child sacrifice.

Indeed, the pro-life movement spends much effort setting up crisis pregnancy centres which focus on telling women to make the “good choice”, as opposed to the abortion clinics which tell women to make the “bad choice”. Both of them, in effect, fail to challenge the roots of abortion. The crisis pregnancy centres only teach women to keep the child which is not a challenge to the child sacrifice industry, but indirectly, an affirmation. It affirms it because it does not directly challenge the culture which enables child sacrifice to thrive.

Crisis pregnancy centres and other pro-life organisations devoted to the cause for a living have no real true incentive to abolish abortion. The crisis pregnancies provide them with jobs. This is not to say that all pro-life fighters are fighting abortion for money. Rather, it is to explain that because their living depends on it, they must somehow find a way to continue in or extend the cause. They often do so by raising new issues so that they can find more related jobs or keep their jobs. When a person is enslaved by a desire for their own material needs, they will place these needs first above all. They will serve these needs first before those of others. When they make a living of a particular cause, they will seek to perpetuate the cause to serve their own needs. The pro-life movement is no different. 

Many of the non-government organisations are really not so innocent. Most have an evil agenda behind them. However, even the ones of a worthy cause can become worthless where the person’s motivation for becoming involved is not one of selfless love, but out of selfish love – one which allows competing personal interests to dominate. Indeed, no one can serve mammon and others. A person either loves mammon or truly loves selflessly.

Pro-lifery as a fashionable fad

There is no doubt that child sacrifice is a grave evil. However, all one’s works in fighting it is worth nothing if it is not done out of selfless love; love which seeks not its own way, kind, good, patient, humble, keeps no record of wrongs, and rejoices in the truth. Love is sacrifice. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the love.

By no means is this is to discredit the pro-life movement. Rather, it is a call to examine one’s motives in all that one does. The sole focus of the pro-life movement is increasing becoming the health of women, babies and families. However, anyone who is concerned about their own health can do that. What shall it profit a person if he cares only about his own health? There is no profit. All his or her good works count for nothing.

The pro-life movement is largely based on concern for human health, rather than child sacrifice as an evil. Although many in the pro-life movement may truly abhor child sacrifice, what is the proof? Words without deeds are worthless. What matters is whether one has good deeds for deeds are the indicator of the true state of one’s heart.

The greatest indicator that a movement has become a fad is when people can earn both a great reputation in the eyes of others, and a living from the cause. Such a movement cannot be abolitionist because an abolitionist is he who is moved by selfless love and a hatred for evil alone. He or she is not motivated by profit, political stability, a good life, earning a living or a good reputation. He is motivated purely by selfless love which casts out all fear and anxieties.

Humanism in the Pro-life Movement

Many associate humanism with the liberalistic side of politics. However, this is far from the truth. The pro-life movement employs humanistic philosophies in its quest. Even the noble goal of saving lives is of humanism, because it sees human life as its absolute ends, out of a selfish sense of fear. It goal is ultimately a selfish one, because it does not seek to please God or can it seek to please God. It is selfish, no matter what its motives are. The good works of the unrighteous are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).

 Humanism seeks human interests as that which it should aim for. While some of its goals may be good, such as improving human health, its thinking is entrenched in human nature, that which is selfish, hateful, and unforgiving. It has no love.  

What is love?

Love is selfless, and willingly sacrifices its own interests, aspirations and visions. It sacrifices everything. It seeks not crave for material lusts, sexual lusts, bloodlusts or any lusts. It hates lusts. It is also merciful and forgiving. It seeks truth and rejoices in it. It does not use truth against others to manipulate for its own ends, but uses truth to serve justice. Love is sacrifice. There is no greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends.

The greatest love this world can ever know is that while all have hated God and grievously broken God’s infinitely Holy and Just Moral Law, God became a man, Jesus Christ, to take the just punishment for the sins of humanity on Himself. This was so that all people can be redeemed from the just punishment of sins, eternity in Hell. God gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever shall believe on Him shall not have to face eternal damnation, but have the free gift of Everlasting Life.

The human heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things. It lies to the person, making them think that actions which they know to be evil are justified. The human heart is cannot change, but is enslaved to wickedness and deceitfulness, and is wicked and deceitfulness itself.

The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. The heart of a person must change. Without a change of the heart, nothing will change.
Child sacrifice is a sin and must be abolish because it offends God, not because it “hurts” people, breaks down human relations, or offends people.

The church must realise that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer. All Christians must stop the fighting among themselves and unite to fight works of darkness. The world is darkness and cannot be even be trusted when it may express scepticism against abortion on moral grounds. It has no credibility!

We can no longer let the blood of the unborn cry out for justice. We must seek justice on their behalf. We must fight for the souls of the murderers, adulterers, and fornicators involved in abortion to be redeemed.


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