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Showing posts from March, 2015

Sweden Sells Its Soul To The God Of Mamon, Reverses Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Abuses In Order To Please The Savage Saudi Muslim Arabs

Mammon causes people to love those who one would otherwise hate. Such is the spirit of mammon. Read this: 

Talking about mammon is "unspiritual" says the typical modern pragmatic Christian

I've been accused, albeit indirectly, of being "unspiritual" and "earthly" by speaking about the global debt system and evil mammonised capitalist system. These accusations have been made on the ground that the capitalist system will fade away. Yes, I know.  I do not deny that as one particular person tries to imply about me as she lectures me indirectly about been "earthly". She missed the point of what I was doing.  Completely. I am the one seeking to expose the spirit of mammon and explaining how he operates. That this blog exists is itself an indictment against the mammonisation of the church and its blindness to the spirit, in allowing itself to be under his influence. Such is an indictment!  Yet, most Christians take no issue at all when someone makes a Biblical critique of liberalism, feminism, socialism, communism or any other ungodly evil ideology. Why is capitalism treated as a sacred cow within the modern church? Most of those Christians w...

The Doctrine of "rights" is a Doctrine of Demons

"I want my rights". This is the catchphrase of the modern world. It's all about rights. The world think it is 'all about rules', with respect to gaining and preserving its "rights", yet while accusing the church of being 'all about rules'. It calls for all legislation and social recognition of the protection of "rights" by imposing political correctness on others, including other unsaved people who do not agree with them. Is that not being 'all about rules' - rules of protect immorality? What disgusting vile hypocrisy! One of the greatest deceptions that has blinded both the unsaved and the church is the doctrine of "rights". Even the church has been influenced by this doctrine and wholeheartedly believe in it. This is extremely dangerous. One may make this out to be an issue of one political, cultural, economic or social ideology against another. Before you say in such a flippant way, "Tell me how [one  politic...

Fighting evils means fighting all, not most, evils

Many in the modern church fight and expose certain evils such as human trafficking and abortion, but do not see the point of fighting some others such as debt slavery and usury. Much of this is because it is a blind as a bat regarding the issue. Thus, it has failed the Ephesians 5:11 mandate which says " And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" Economic evils are evils. Evil is evil no matter what the form. To only expose some evils but not others is to fail to expose evil. It is interesting how the church cannot see through these economic evils. It does not even recognise them as evils. Such is the blindness of the modern church to mammon.

The "right" to life is a lie from the devil

The pro-life movement, as opposed to the abolitionist movement, wreaks of humanism. Even though they may seek to do 'good', they rely on their own human strength, rather than on the Providence of God. It is not God-centred, or Gospel-centred. It seeks to save lives as its ultimate aim, rather than preach the Gospel. This is contrary to the Bible which says:   Trust in the   Lord   with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Who is better off: a person who lives a "good" life on earth, but ends up in Hell, or a person who lives a life full of suffering and pain and hurt, but ends up in Heaven?​ It speaks of "rights". No one has any rights, not even life, because it is only just that the whole human race burns in Hell.  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Life is gift from God, not a right. The only thing deserved and...

Why expose mammon?

But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:9-10). Many Christians ask what is the point of exposing mammon. There is a very good reason. He is behind all kinds of evils in the world. He is behind all the evils that most Christians are concerned about such as pornography, abortion, and human trafficking. It must also be noted he works with the spirit of harlotry to entrap the wicked in sin.  Proverbs 5:22-23 says: " His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.    He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray. " The mammonised system has lead to the creation of a society that is full o...

Can a true Christian be under the spirit of mammon? Absolutely!

It has been said that " The  greatest trick  the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that  he doesn't exist ." One modern evangelical harshly and rudely scorned me, saying that those Christians who are under the spirit of mammon are not true Christians. He said, that because the 'term' spirit of mammon is not used in the Bible, and therefore he does not exist. So, if the Bible does not explicitly say something, it does not exist? Such is mammon's greatest deception. That he does not exist.  He does exist. The spiritually alive Christian should be able to discern him. If not, the true Christian must learn to discern spirits, a gift given by the Holy Spirit (Acts:17:11). Discernment is not a special calling. It is mandatory calling for all Christians. Satan's ministers are all like him. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 says: And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also...

A Nation in Need of Prayer

Two types of contentment

The world seeks contentment. It seeks to be contented in pursuit of all kinds of things, whether it be money, health, wealth, romance, sex, careers or family. It does not necessarily seek after riches to be content. However, that one does not seek after money as the first priority, but other things that are typically associated with good traditional values, such as family, does not in any way mean that one is content in the godly sense. By no means! A person can be a "conservative" and "religious" but just as earthly as the "liberal". There are two types of contentment: earthly contentment and godly contentment. Earthly contentment finds its fulfillment and satisfaction in things that are passing away, not necessarily money, but also things like family, education and children. Yes, that's right. Many professing American Christians think that they could never be under the spirit of mammon because they care for their families and love their families, a...

Pro-Life Victories!!!

How victorious has the pro-life movement really been? Has it been victorious at all? Watch this video.

No such thing as a "culturally sensitive" so called "method" of evangelism

There are no easy steps to witnessing! No painless, unembarrassing methods! You must bring men to see that they are filthy sinners under the wrath of God who must flee to Christ for mercy. That is offensive. And there is no way to coat it with honey -  Walter J. Chantry Exactly. To insist on being culturally sensitive is like trying to make a bitter pill of medicine which the sick patient already does not want to take, loose its bitterness. It is not that the patient will not want to take it whether it is dissolved in a nice cup to drink or in a hard pellet. The method does not matter, if there is a such thing at all. It is that bitterness which the patient needs to taste to be cured. Thus, to make evangelism "culturally sensitive" is to tell someone to not evangelise. This is what modern evangelicals do. Yet, in being "culturally sensitive", they think they are so gracious and gentle, imposing their rules of "cultural sensitivity" on others. 

Emotional blackmail in the church

Emotional blackmail says, ‘If I feel hurt by you, you are guilty.’ There is no defense. The hurt person has become God. His emotion has become judge and jury. Truth does not matter. All that matters is the sovereign suffering of the aggrieved. –  John Piper This is what I have experienced from modern evangelicals, many of whom are ardent, vehement haters of Way of the Master, and accuse those who use it of being ungentle per se for using it; and who impose rules of forming friendships with the unsaved before evangelising  to them. 

It is not that money is "not everything", it is nothing

Many unregenerate people happily accept the axiom that 'money is not everything' and live by it. Some of these people are the most unregenerate, evil, vile, wicked people, for example those secular women in the west who are competing with each other about 'having it all' - a family, career, romance, sex, money and all other material things.  Not all unregenerate people are as bad. These particular women have the lowest chance of entering the Kingdom of God, precisely because of their ruthless, and individualistic quest for all earthly material things, accumulating them all for themselves and seeking to take away all material things from their "partners", by seeking divorce. Most of these vile, disgusting women who get married only to steal wealth from men. You may argue, "but they work" in their defence. That is exactly what makes it even worse. They are greedy, mammonised, liberalised, humanised people, most of whom can be guaranteed to die in Hel...

One reason why so many people will go to Hell

Many people in who were raised up in the west have heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even many people in Generation Y, the current generation of youth have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and have been to a church in the past. However, many people in the west remain unsaved despite having actually heard the Gospel and perhaps even knowing intellectually, the doctrine of sin. There are many unsaved people in the west, including the atheists who have heard the Gospel. They know theology, but not the spirit for they have never been truly born again. Jesus said: " Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and  of  the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5). Apart from a person needing God to draw them near to Jesus, as well as needing faith and grace from God to receive salvation, there are real explanation as to why so many people do not want to repent. Whenever a person says they "can't" repent, what they really mea...

Abolitionist poem

No, it's not a lifeless "clump of tissue" It's not a "woman's right to privacy" issue Definitely not some men trying to take your rights from you Not a religious fad making its way through It's about the 55,000,000 people that never grew into Thriving men and women that no one ever knew Trapped, caged, enslaved in a world that's twisted and cruel It was THEIR life you "claimed" and threw It's about the REAL injustice being done to Helpless, countless, now lifeless human beings that never drew Their first breath of air in a world that's theirs, too The same thing that happened to the slave and Jew Is happening to unborn children, believe it or not it's true Thousands dead because those like Jesus are too few   Murder is wrong, that's not something new But we're acting like it's an acceptable thing to do You wouldn't kill a man because you wanted his food But we'd kill a CHILD because a wo...

Mammon is literally behind all evils

I've been accused of being unspiritual by many Christians indirectly for speaking out against mammon. Speaking against mammon is not unspiritual. In fact, it is very spiritual to do so. The spirit of mammon is behind all evils.  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10).  One might argue that it is one that one is saying it is unspiritual to speak about mammon, but that it is unspiritual to attribute mammon to all evils. This shows a lack of understanding by many in the modern church. Mammon is literally the spirit who drives, tempts and enslaves people into all kinds of evils!  What drives prostitution apart from sexual lusts? What drives the abortion industry apart from sexual immorality? What drives the pornography industry apart from sexual lusts? What drives conflicts between different nations, the battle of the sexes and raci...

The ways which mammon manifests himself

Many Christians think that careerism is what embodies mammonisation. This is an extremely limited understanding of what it means to be under the spirit of mammon. As long as one is seeking to rely on one's carnal means to obtain one's earthly needs, one is under the spirit of mammon. The term 'under the spirit of mammon' means to be seduced by mammon, whether by completely handing oneself over to him in the extreme case of careerism, seeking first one's earthly needs and being self-content materially, or being anxious and worried about one's earthly needs on a regular basis, in the case of a true Christian.

Mammon thrives on the carnal desire of Independence from God

Mammon is a real demonic spirit that tempts people, both the unsaved and saved into sins. We all feel anxious at times about earthly duties or needs. Mammon seeks to enslave us all to this anxiety. The human carnal mind is hostile against God and therefore cannot submit to God (Romans 8:7). Thus, it is natural for it to seek independence from God.  The world seeks help in all places when it faces suffering, pain and evil - governments to make laws, societies to rise up against evil, academics to research the particular evil action of interest, scientists to make drugs that help people cope with depression, and teachers, psychologists and social workers to comfort people in distress. Yet, it accuses God, by accusing the Bible is being of little help, outdated or even in their wicked, vile blasphemy and holier-than-thou attitude, immoral.  How dare anyone accuse God of being immoral! The world even dares accuse God of being evil. Such are those who eyes are filled with darknes...

Letter to the Church from Abolitionist Society of Reno

Dear Bride of Christ... be not hearers of the word only. Have your hearts grown SO COLD and SO DARK and SO DEAD that you have not enough love for the smallest, weakest, the most innocent to demand the lives of every one of them? To refuse to give up even one? Dear Bride of Christ. WAKE UP. You have work to do, and it demands to be done whether you like it or not, whether it suits the political climate or not, whether it seems practical or not. Your Father commanded it. Why c ontinue to hesitate and justify your inaction with silly plans for incrementalist victory? Throw away your foolish pride and politics! Your politics are faithless cruelty toward those who need your compassion most of any and all on the earth! Stop your hemming and hawing, stop your stupid roundabout plans for so-called gradual victory! Stop your delegating your duties to the PLM. Stop it. Pick up your cross and bring the Gospel into conflict with the world in the very place where the fire rages hottest. Stop a...

The Paedophilia Movement

There is a movement in the west which seeks to normalise and legitimise paedophilia. You may argue that is will not happen as so many naive Christians do, thinking that things do not change. Things do change. Just as the homosexual movement was underground for years, it sought to cast doubt on its immorality and decency, then creating a culture that tolerated it. This tolerance of homosexuality lead to one which eventually created a culture that views opposition or even the mere questioning of homosexuality as "hateful" and "bigotted". The paedophilia movement will be the same. Both movements are entirely based on sexual pleasure, just as feminism was - feminists who would seek to legalise paedophilia, rape, bestiality and pornography if women were the ones were able to overpower men sexually through physical means. There are a wide range of sources, both 'religious' and 'secular' which document the paedophilia movement:

Proposing to and courting with the world, adultery against God

Which thou hast commanded by thy servants the prophets, saying, The land, unto which ye go to possess it, is an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness.  Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever: that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever (Ezra 9:11:12). The modern church is one that seeks the world's approval. It courts with it. This is adultery against God - spiritual adultery. We the church are angered at adultery of the world against their spouses, but what about adultery against God, He who created you, loved you first and died for you while you were still His enemy? Is not adultery against God even more serious, deserving of greater justice? James 4:4 makes it clear that whoever seeks t...

The Modern church is the church of Laodicea

The modern church is a church that thinks it is rich and self-sufficient like the Church of Laodicea. It thinks that while the Bible commands it to seek first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), it has a "right" to seek earthly things - it thinks it has a right to seek after money, food, and clothes, things which the pagans seek. Jesus said, " Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?   (For after all these things do the Gentiles [pagans] seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things " (Matthew 6:31-32). What does the modern church do? Seek after earthly things - money, food, clothing and jobs, all under the pretext of the command that "  if any would not work, neither should he eat" (2 Thessalonians 3:10). The typical modern Christian argues, "but I need to care for the (earthly, temporal) needs of my family". Such is the typical excuse for...